Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by absolutegash

blue fire = EMP?


15 Feb

  1. cars are mostly dead due to Blue Fire incident
  2. winter will come in one of the DLCs
  3. we have something like that already
  4. hmmm

sometimes we need to wipe everything. for example - the Hideout will require to wipe everything cause we need to test the progression in general when the hideout are also in. sometimes quests are need to be wiped too due to critical bugs or new mechanics. we will try to ease next wipe.

14 Feb


Originally posted by BaltimoresJandro

just making sure this passes your eyes u/trainfender

thank you u/gxkjerry for finding this

yep, thanks


quest description is not just a set of symbols or some broken localization. FYI


Originally posted by gs5g55g54g5g5g54g5

I'm posting this 50% because it's something I want to say, and 50% because I want experience expressing myself, so I'd written it already anyway.


I love your game. I am being 100% honest and will not be exagerating at any point in this letter. Tarkov is the closest that any game has come to my actual dream game, so when it misses the mark, it hits me particularly hard. I'm not going to complain about netcode, AI, misspellings, or ask if something is planned (although I have done that in the past, sorry). I'm writing this because I fundamentally disagree with one particular direction you are taking with a mechanic in the game. There's other things that you've said that I wouldn't want in my dream game, but on those I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and at least wait until they've been implemented to form a firm opinion on them.

But this recoil compensation skill (or whatever makes the recoil flatten out, I'm assuming it's th...

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i heard you, thanks!

13 Feb


Originally posted by Feriach

Could you maybe host a random smaller streamer when you finish the podcast next time?

damn! you are right


Thanks for being on podcast! Thanks FairTX for the hosting and guests for coming by. You are the best!

External link →

I love the smell of client stability in the morning


Originally posted by AngelEyesR6

well i hope youre wrong, i guess well see tonight!

customization in 0.12


Originally posted by BluntMastaFresh

This is such a ridiculous issue for the game to still be having. Sensitivity should be 1:1, or at least adjustable for every level of magnification. How are you supposed to even use these long range scopes (re: anything above 6x magnification) when the slightest hand twitch will completely ruin your shot? It's beyond frustrating to want to use these scopes and realize that they are a complete waste of money even on the longer range maps like woods and shoreline. Hell, some of the 2x scopes even feel crummy depending on how much they affect the FOV. Maybe this is a Planned(TM) fix, but it has been a problem since day one. Please BSG, please Nikita, I love the game and love long range engagements, but this is a serious issue that I think gets overlooked.

Edit: here is Nikita's response!

trainfender Battlestate Games COO - Nikita

we have this in plans. we are aware of it


we have this in plans. we are aware of it

12 Feb


Originally posted by LoLMent

So this just happened in LABS, shot some glass, fps drops to 1.0 and game upload continues to ramp up until death.

EDIT: Have posted a bug report.

give me a ticket number please


radiation, toxication, advanced meds with overdose and side effects, blood pressure and bosy temperature - well something like this. We dont want to make a game survival simulator, its more about combat


Originally posted by GuideZ

tl;dr Stuttering is a problem with EfT, but not for everyone. That's weird. Let's pool some data/info/discussions on this.

Let's get on the same page as to what a game-breaking stutter looks like.


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despite the fact that we are doing just that now, thank you very much for all your help


Originally posted by tim_dude

FYI, Unity 2019.1.0 roadmap: Garbage Collector Upgrade - Experimental support for incremental garbage collection, which should reduce stutters and time spikes.

yeah, we know


Originally posted by mtdew2litre

Looking forward to it! Any update on when the next wipe is?

no info on that