Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

01 Mar


Originally posted by 2giga2dweebish

Is it an automatic ban or do you get flagged and checked manually for any other suspicious behaviour?

this exact ban right now is not automated


Originally posted by -MachChicken-

Has BSG considered reaching out to the SPT community? I feel like there are untapped resources and man power in the modding community that BSG could utilize.

we are strongly against SPT. its bannable and the most of it - totally illegal product done without our permission. we will do some actions later


Originally posted by BobertRosserton

This is the best comment of all time. “Are you willing to improve communications?” “Yes”

Honestly shows wrapped boys we got em.

we will prepare roadmap. i will answer questions


Originally posted by 2giga2dweebish

Slight change of topics from what you've been getting over the past 72 hours. Because honestly, these bother me almost as much as cheaters.

  1. Is there any sort of lighting overhaul actually in the works? Interchange lighting is actually disgusting. Massive skylights with pitch black darkness right next to them. But it's not just that map. You can look at Woods and despite having the sun right overhead you can't see shit if it's under a tree. Visibility is just pretty poor right now in general.

  2. What about the optics overhaul part 2? I think you guys should seriously just ask for/buy off the work of that guy who redid everything himself at this point if it's not a priority. A lot of the longer range scopes are completely unusuable due to awful oversized reticles with either fixed or niche zoom levels. Also, I weep every time I see an ACOG in-game.


  1. we want to make them better for the release

Originally posted by ProfetF9

so why don;t you do it? it would save a LOT of unrequested reports, help detect cheaters, help people understand how and why they died a sus death + help them improve.

The replay system will only bring positive things to the game

it requires netcode changes that we do rn for arena


Originally posted by Zmwivd

Yeah though keep in mind he said “every day” meaning he probably isn’t talking about people online at one exact moment (which is what the OP asked)

online varies from 70 to 120k lately


Originally posted by _vTwo

Why does it feel like actions are continually taken to make the game harder for casuals? It feels like a lot of changes (around item restrictions / quest gating / key usage limits usually) don’t actually add difficulty, only increase the grind time when our time can already be stretched thin by long queue times, untimely deaths etc?

Also just wanted to say I appreciate you taking the time to answer questions especially while the community is outraged

EFT was never for casuals. all of changes you described were done not for hardening casuals life - some of them were anti RMT features, some were done to slower the progress in some points


Originally posted by Sariton

Why exactly have you not implemented 2fa?

its implemented in asia region. most likely will be added everywhere


Originally posted by Eugyoli

Will we ever be able to see how many players are playing at any given moment, for example like you can see it on Steam?

maybe after the release


Originally posted by jl88jl88

Is it realistic to slow down or stop new features, to allow you to finish or improve what you have?

Btw it means a lot to see you engaging the community again. Hopefully it is mostly constructive / positive.

i answered in the other place - there will be no more big features until release


Originally posted by Due_Butterscotch_807

Any chance we can see bosses spawn being upped to 24% any time soon?



Originally posted by Cheiff117

Can we be real? Why haven’t you just closed the game for a week or so to actually sort the desync, etc etc ?

its not an option


Originally posted by smartenupbr0

Are there any plans to roll out more streamlined methods of communication? Timeframes, progress updates, periodic ban totals?



Originally posted by Desperate_Stranger_9

What are the parameters behind K/D when it comes to banning. In that video, we saw that high K/Ds were more likely to be cheaters, are users with higher K/Ds flagged automatically by your system and kept a watchful eye on? Does it also take into account headshot percentage? If not, will you be implementing features similar to this to do so?


-A former head moderator for your forums.

i cant tell you. they will know


Originally posted by Fussel_Ger

Would you consider using a different anti-cheat then BattleEye?

no, we still have a thing to do with all of the AC system


Originally posted by Emperor_Veniano

Is a netcode refactor in the plan? I assume desync is bc of lack of experience of developers. Also might I suggest you look to maybe planetside 2 for an inspiration on recoil?

no, dsync is not the lack of experience at the first place.
The reasons could be:

  1. networking failures on the line
  2. hardware hiccups
  3. client errors and issues
  4. traffic issues
  5. game server application errors (they are minimized at this point)
  6. game server overloading issues (pretty rare too)
  7. other issues

Originally posted by Menzue

On average, how many players are playing EFT at any given time?

hundreds of thousands every day


Originally posted by ckhawks

One of my friends says the "remember me" button in the launcher login doesn't work for him, and he has to log in every time. Then, he gets his password wrong once and gets locked out for 1 hour. Any ideas on fixes (either to get remember me to work or to not get locked out for an hour on the first mistake)?



Originally posted by Illustrious-Toe-1354

is there gonna be a road map for this wipe and next wipe? and can we get more communication for what’s in the works than what we’re currently getting?

we will so such roadmap


Originally posted by LonesomeScout

Due to the noticeable change in the gameplay atmosphere due to “the video” that was released, are you going to do anything to reassure those individuals who feel as if there are cheaters in ever lobby they spawn into? (I.e. accusations being thrown around a lot more than usual)

Also, are you going to outsource an anti-cheat as per a solution?

it all need time. we continue to work further