Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV Dev Tracker

26 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Mar

Hello folks! Today's Dev Diary covers some key central European countries, Austria, Bohemia, Hungary & Germany.

As you can see, all of these countries received some Mission Trees before in the Emperor DLC. Therefore we decided that these nations should receive a touch-up, that is, an update similar in scope to that which Spain received during Domination. Thus, the main idea was not a total overhaul, but preservation of the core skeleton of their old tree, improving and expanding it where needed, and adding additional flavor and as many important historical things as possible that could not fit into their old mission trees.

Unfortunately, this Developer Diary is simply too long to share directly here on steam, so if you are interested,
You can find the rest of this Dev Diary ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

12 Mar

Hello and good afternoon! Today we will be taking a look at the content we have in store for Venice, Italy, and the Netherlands. All three of these countries have many gameplay aspects in common, trade, maritime prowess, and, to some degree, colonization. Either as important proponents of history, as is the case for Netherlands and Venice, or as valuable gameplay additions in Italy’s case, these countries are due to receive new content with the upcoming DLC.

Venice Reaching its apogee of power during the 15th century, the Most Serene Republic of Venice is located in the heart of maritime activity, with a strong grip on its home end node. Following an illustrious history, La Serenìssima stands as one of the most influential Italian states. At the cusp of the Renaissance, the prosperity of the arts & culture gives way to the blooming and rise of new artists, architecture and traditions. To the south, the remnants of Rome are ripe for the taking, between the forces of the Republ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

05 Mar

While the European kingdoms are leaving the Medieval period and starting their centralization to the modern states, the New World these soon-to-be colonizers will discover is already home to other empires. The heart of Mexico is settled by the Nahuatl empire of the Aztecs, led by the great Moctezuma I who aims to centralize the Triple Alliance and establish a realm that drives fear to the hearts of its enemies. The Mayans, once controllers of the jungles of Chiapas and Guatemala have retreated to the Yucatan peninsula. Their once great realm is now splintered into a series of city-states, not all too unlike the Italian domains. In the heights of the Andes reigns the many different Inti kingdoms. One of them, Cusco, will be destined to unify the region under the rule of Pachacuti and his descendants, forming the first Incan Empire.

Welcome to our newest Development Diary for the upcoming DLC. Today, we will take a look at the content for Central and South America - namel... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

04 Mar

    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes it is :)

However do note that if your steam wallet is empty steam will automatically use funds from other payment methods you attached to your account.

03 Mar

    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Free features still come with each update, so I would highly recommend it! Though some people still enjoy playing on older versions which is also valid.

When 1.37 and the DLC with it launch, free features (1.37) and paid (Unnamed DLC) features will be separated into 2 different sections in the patch notes.

01 Mar

Hey all! Community Ambassador Ryagi here. EUIV has been busy preparing for 1.37, for more on that check out our 1.37 roadmap Dev Diary[http//%27https]. But today we're not here to talk about what we have in store, but what some of the creative EUIV's modders have been cooking up! This time we're covering a brand new Alternate history total overhaul mod, Gods and Kings:

Hello Eu4 Fans! This is the Gods and Kings Development Team - I’m Nitr0gue , and we’re here to have a little chat about our mod. ... Read more

29 Feb

    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there! Making an entire map mod is a very ambitious undertaking, so I would personally recommend making some smaller mods first if you haven't already just to dip your toes in.

As far as resources for where you can learn how map modding works, covers the basics, if you are struggling with it (Which is understandable as like I said it is a very ambitious undertaking) I can recommend joining a discord server focused on modding so you can have some real time discussions with folks who might be able to explain it better.

Our ... Read more
    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Reminder folks to be respectful and constructive when discussing topics here, this is NOT the place to argue, especially about political subjects.

27 Feb

Hello, and welcome again to a new series of EUIV Dev Diaries! For those of you who don’t know me yet, I joined Paradox Tinto a couple of years ago as QA, and I’ve transitioned in the past months to the position of Associate Producer. I’ve been pretty much involved in the development process of the new content for the 1.37 update, in a very exciting (and different) experience from my previous duties as QA. For this Dev Diary, I’ve synced with @Pavía, our Content Design Coordinator, to speak about the new content.

So, it’s been some time since the last DD, but we now are ready to start sharing with you the plans we have set for the upcoming DLC. We’ve learned the lessons from the development of King of Kings, and we’ve decided to start today by showing the overall plan for the new content, to correctly set the expectations about what to expect from the start. Without further ado, there will be 3 main areas we want to focus on: America, Central Europe, and Central Asia. Let’s sta... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Feb

    vasi on Steam - Thread - Direct
First, a quick announcement for those who have been waiting: we will be starting dev diaries back up again next Tuesday 27th! We’re excited to begin sharing with you all that we’ve been working on since King of Kings.

With that aside, another announcement to let you know that we’ve just released another community music back - EUIV: Sounds from the Community: Kairi Soundtrack Part III.

This new Community Music Pack includes 13 new songs from Sk... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Feb

    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If this is an issue you're having with only EU4 and other programs are working correctly, I'd suggest a reinstall, including deleting the files located in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV

If that still hasn't fixed anything, feel free to post on our technical support forum over at:

Hopefully your issue gets resolved swiftly.
    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Give into your temptations to the dark side, use the knowledge and the power of your Sith forefathers before you to destroy France once and for all.

22 Jan

    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This behavior does sound unusual indeed, if you can't get to the bottom of it through testing with Vanilla as Grotaclas pointed out, feel free to post a bug report over at:

09 Jan

    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Community team member here, I can tell a lot of effort went into this post, so as others already have I would encourage you to post on our official suggestion forums

Suggestions like this are always welcome :)