EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

23 Jun


Not intended and has been reported.


Economical Capsuleers,

The Monthly Economic Report for May 2021 is - here - !

The zip file with all the cool data can be downloaded here!



No settings changes are necessary for the visual changes to be applied. :slight_smile: Enjoy!


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A set of visual changes will be available for your viewing pleasure on the Singularity test server today! Our teams would love to hear your feedback on this before the updates arrive on Tranquility later on.



Today you will begin seeing changes from our next update “Hunter’s Boon” appear on Singularity, and further changes and updates will roll out daily for the next two weeks.

This update is focused on following up on several of our recent updates with adjustments based largely on your feedback. This update is still in development so expect regular changes over the coming weeks. Here are some of the larger components we plan to include:

  • Adding a covert cyno beacon deployable:
    The mobile cyno beacon has been a success and we want to expand on the concept by adding a covert version. This one will come with a larger price tag but allows hunters to drop a covert cyno without needing a covert hunting ship. We hope this is an exciting tool for hunters. Tuning will definitely be necessary on activation time and ehp to get this in the ideal place.
  • Adding a booster to extend the stabilized period after cloaking:
    Overall we’re very happy w...
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All Omega, apparel and SKIN prizes have now been delivered. Omega has been added directly to the winners preferred accounts, apparel and SKINs have been contracted* in Jita 4-4.

Please contact me via evemail if any prizes are missing.

As a bonus we’ve granted apparel rewards down to 5th place now instead of 3rd place to get more of them into your hands!

The top 10 in each quiz will also be receiving a medal, although as these need to be created they will take bit longer - please bear with us!

[EDIT] * A few recipients were provided SKIN codes directly in a whisper on Twitch, but those people have acknowledged receipt so should be all good.

22 Jun


In an actual democracy, you can pay people to sign up people who aren’t registered to vote, get them absentee ballots, help them fill them out, and send them in. You can provide transportation to get them to the polls on election day if they need it. In some places you can buy food and water and hand it out to people waiting in line. Some places have same day registration, where unregistered people can walk up to the polls the same day as the election, register and vote.

Generating v...

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Thanks for the heads up, I’ll take it forward.


The forums are a great place! While the CSM is an incredibly valuable resource for us, it is not the only tool on the belt. We regularly monitor the EVE Online forums and various other EVE Media platforms.


The patch notes website is indeed wrong, this should read that the rate of fire on the widow is now 7.5% from its previous value of 5%.

We’ll get that fixed up.

21 Jun


I agree! Love me some Aceface videos :star_struck:


thank you @Chan_aar :heart:


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The 16th Council of Stellar Management has been democratically elected by the EVE Online community! Please join us in welcoming new and re-elected members that will represent the players and collaborate with us for the next year.

Voting data can be downloaded ...

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Closed pending investigation.


Hello! The failure of the SSO connection is the local network issue of your device. Unfortunately, it can only be solved by replacing the network environment with higher quality.

20 Jun


Below are the winners from the three Federation Day quizzes held today on CCP TV. I will be sending each person here a whisper on Twitch to organise prizes so if your name is on this list keep an eye out for that.

If you finished in position 4 - 10 it will be easy since I can just leave you a SKIN code, but please reply with a character name - we may dish out some medals! If you finished 1 - 3 on any quiz I will definitely need you to reply so I can get your character info to provide your Omega and apparel rewards.

Rank Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3
1 saronuyassavi WorstKenchNA Old_Imperial
2 Korsavius Jarlath_Dubhlaoich Jarlath_Dubhlaoich
3 limeythumb Old_Imperial WorstKenchNA
4 Old_Imperial SaccharineAffliction Alain_colcer
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18 Jun


Hi all :slight_smile:
We don’t have any announcement for a release date currently. We’re still working through our known defects and bringing the macOS client to be on parity with the Windows client.

I know loads of you used the client and had great results, but unfortunately, there is no way to make that available on TQ. It uses a separate branch (which is why we used a dedicated deployment for Sisi) from the main EVE codebase. There were many core features missing or disabled, even though it may not have been obvious because we patched around them for the test.

I’m happy to share some of the internal stuff we’ve been working on since the last playtest though:

  • We have fixed plenty of graphical issues. I think almost every reported issue has now been fixed, or we are unable to replicate
  • Better resolution handling at fu...
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16 Jun


Good afternoon folks! I’ve added some extra event stats to the reserved post below the OP for those who are interested.

We have also distributed a special extra prize to the characters who finished within the top 20 for each stargate project: character sheet medals presented by the CEOs of the mining expedition NPC corps. If your character achieved a top 10 finish then you’ll have a special Eminent Stargate Trailblazer Award medal in addition to your name on the monument, and if you finished between 11th and 20th position for one of the stargate projects your character has now received a Distinguished Stargate Trailblazer Award medal.

As we promised, the mining expeditions have already returned within Gallente space for the ongoing Gallente Federation Day event along with some new skins in the Federal Strategic Materiel LP store. The other empires will be bringing their expeditions back for their respective national holidays later in t...

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A post here discussed moderation of another thread in a different forum subsection and has been removed.

Discussing moderation is not permitted. As a reminder, posts on the relevant Intergalactic Summit subsection must also be In Character (IC).

Discussion of moderation is as much disallowed on IGS as elsewhere, whether cloaked in “RP” or not.

If there are to be OOC discussions of material on the IGS subsection please use an OOC subsection, such as this one. Please also refrain from insults and inflammatory language when doing so.

Thank you.


Thread closed at request of creator.