Good day, the extended maintenance has begun and our engineers are at work getting all the necessary work with our database sorted. I will let you know if we are expecting to be back online earlier than the estimated 45 minutes.
Good day, the extended maintenance has begun and our engineers are at work getting all the necessary work with our database sorted. I will let you know if we are expecting to be back online earlier than the estimated 45 minutes.
You should definitely keep an eye on this thread, because we will get the server back up online earlier if everything goes smoothly
No, sir. It is only a maintenance work for the database. Game content patches will start rolling out from next week
Have you had a chance to check the new Fleet Finder on the Singularity Test Server?
Please don’t!
Tranquility is back accepting connections. Fly safe out there, pilots!
We are doing very good on time, and all services are in green. Bringing Tranquility online in a VIP mode to perform further checks before opening the gates
Good day, the extended maintenance has begun and our engineers are at work getting all the necessary work with our database sorted. I will let you know if we are expecting to be back online earlier than the estimated 45 minutes.
There will be an extended downtime on Wednesday, 3 February to carry out database maintenance work originally planned for last week.
We expect Tranquility to be back accepting connections by 11:45 UTC at the latest, but I will notify you if the live servers are back sooner via updates in this thread and EVE Status Twitter.
Be advised that the authentication and web services will not be available during this period.
Thank you!
Would a NERFgun then be a NERFNERF?
Like Moon Moon the wolf?
Got it at Toys’R’Us over here. Haven’t even had a chance to use it as it was supposed to be a thing for stream but with all of us working from home it would be weird to shoot someones window with an automatic NERF gun.
I’m allergic to cats. Like, lungs-tighten-allergic to cats, so I stay away from them. But we have a dog, he’s a rescue and his name is Munson. We just had a kid and he’s a bit of a nervo...
Read moreI did just buy an immense nerfgun called “ULTRA ONE”. Does that count?
Pssshaw! Puppyc*ck!
[bookmarks reply in case your right]
Hopefully all updates from here on will be perfect for everyone always and they’ll call it The Fleebix Effect and there will be a monument built of me in the middle of the Amarrian Honor Guard where capsuleers can go on pilgrimages. It will be called the Pax Fleebixiana, and it will be magnificent.
Hello all – I’m going to try and cover some of the things you mention here in this thread.
Sorry, very long post; I recommend you get your favorite beverage.
But first a recent network/disconnect experience I had with a realtime online bike simulator I use for my training: Zwift ( that I’ll use for comparison and reference. Zwift is a single-shard multi-world setup, just like EVE is a single-shard multi-solarsystem setup. When I was riding in the afternoon on 26 Jan (doing a warmup) I noticed that the rider list disappeared and then the event I was going to didn’t show up...
Read moreA number of off-topic posts have been removed…
1.Specifically restricted conduct.
The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.
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this makes me feel all kinds of things. Strange things.
If he responds can you let me know? Asking for a friend.
It’s a bit like a flammen werfer. It werfs flammen. So I have to say your first instinct is correct.
Oi oi everyone,
CCP Fleebix here. Some of you may know me from where I’ve been streaming for the last few months, and others from Eve Vegas, Eve London and a few fanfests where I’ve been djing with and without Permaband.
ég dj atli kanill ccp 211B65275760×3840 1.77 MBI just wanted to drop in and say hi to everyone as I have now officially joined the CCP Community team as Community Developer...
Read moreHello! Thank you for your feedback and we will deliver it to our dev team.