They should be added automatically, and as far as I can tell they are there.
They should be added automatically, and as far as I can tell they are there.
We are aware of an issue with the most recent release which is preventing players from being able to bookmark objects in space (such as wormholes). A fix is currently being prepared and we will give you further updates on this issue as the information becomes available.
Update 13:19: A client hotfix for this issue has been developed and is being prepared for deployment. We will let you know once this hotfix is going live.
Update 14:09: A hotfix for this issue has been deployed. Shut down and restart your clients and launcher to receive the fix.
The fix has been made in code and has been tested. We are still working on moving the fix into the right branch and creating a client build for it. If everything goes fine, then we’ll aim for a client patch later today...
Read moreHoly cow, my fleet finder in the old fleet window is full of public fleets. Here was hoping that CCP would not make these garbage bins visible in the actually useful fleet finder and only keep it to the garbage Agency but they outdid themselves again.
The checkbox above the fleets should filter out any fleet that is not one of your groups or have public standing requirements at 0 or below.
Nice discussion but not EVE related so I’m bumping this over to out of pod experience.
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This is a question that every producer is terrified to answer . We don’t want to get hopes up, only for us to have to push it back.
We were aiming to have a public test out in Q1 of this year. I’m still hopeful this will be the case, but there is a lot of moving parts with a project as big as this.
There isn’t a timeline for a final release - we’ll base that on how the public test goes, how many crash reports we see, performance tests etc.
There will always be some difference due to underlying OS / GPU / Driver differences, but they are much closer in the way they look now. In part this is because we can now use the post processing features that were only avaliable on DX11 in Windows previously.
When we have something that is available to test, we’ll be posting up a devblog and letting everyone know how they can join in
You don’t want to use it just yet, as development is ongoing