EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

28 Dec


This is exactly the reason why these unsub “boycotts” never work. People can’t stop playing this game, and even after unsubbing you’re going to keep their player count numbers up and keep bodies in space, which is content for them.

27 Dec


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We have just released a dev blog reviewing the work that has gone into rebuilding the EVE Online ecosystem in 2020 and shed some light at items we are planning to be focusing on next in the near future.

Please use this thread for player discussion about anything related to the dev blog.

21 Dec


That gig is SO COOL.

18 Dec


If you did that I think hands down it’d be a thing, but I also don’t want the Veldnaught to die. Unless it wasn’t a self-destruct but a suspect flag where everyone could shoot and get on a famous KM.

(But I still don’t want the Veldnaught to die)


A Shrike titan wreck in 46DP. Yes, it’s not the first titan to die, but it’s the first piloted titan to die.


Hi everyone,

The current 2v2v2v2 T1 Destroyer Proving Grounds event is allowing ships fit with modules up to Meta 5 to enter the event, which does not match the original intent. We have decided that the best way to respond to this bug is to adjust the event to allow meta 5 modules so that the official rules match the mechanics enforced by the game. This means that for the rest of the weekend the ingame text for this event will incorrectly describe a meta 4 module restriction.

Players are legally be able to enter this Proving Grounds event with modules up to meta 5 (Tech II).

Unfortunately we’re unable to update the information shown in-game without patching the client, and as this event only runs until Monday it will not be practical to make that change.


Hello intrepid explorers and scholars of New Eden history! Today we would like to request your ideas and inspiration.

In 2021 the EVE living world events team is exploring the possibility of adding some new landmark locations to the game alongside some events that help introduce players to the world of New Eden and it’s numerous interesting places to visit. These sorts of landmarks can take all sorts of forms, and can be connected to EVE NPC lore, to player history, or just to background worldbuilding. Basically if it’s a location Mark726 might blog about, then it’s the sort of location we’re interested in adding and highlighting as part of this project.

We’re making our own internal list of ideas for the sorts of landmark locations that we might want to add to the...

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Thanks, added to OP. I made a mistake when scheduling the article and it went live earlier than intended before I had this post all formatted.

17 Dec


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Hi there,

The Economic Report for November 2020 is now available! You can download all the relevant data here and use this thread for player discussion.

14 Dec


I have returned from my quest victorious with information!

My earlier statement was in error - while I was unaware of the change, this was because it wasn’t something that was intended for our usual communication channels (yet), but it was intended to go live.

This is part of an A/B test we’re conducting with the character creator. We didn’t announce it or publish anything in the patch notes since for this type of testing we run the risk of corrupted results if curious veteran players start rolling new characters just to check out the feature.

We routinely conduct A/B testing in this way and it usually goes unnoti...

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My apologies - I read the original post and I thought it was said this was on SISI, not TQ.

I do not recall us being briefed or told that there would be major changes to character creation, although I know that we have had conversations about issues with character creation. Obviously, this is not something that most veterans would be dealing with on a daily basis, so it was not something on my radar.

Mike and I will ask what the deal is with this and we’ll ask for some kind of public statement, since I don’t recall seeing anything about it.


Would have engaged if we had any idea it was going live :sweat_smile:

But this seems more like it was something in development that wasn’t intended to go out.


Hey everyone o/

Wow this thread went places in a day.

It looks like this wasn’t something that was intended to go live at all - seems it was something in-development that accidentally slipped into the live build from what I’m hearing. I’ve flagged this to the teams internally that this went live and it’s being looked into now. Will update you on what comes out of that.


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This is the key thing for me. Remember way back when the character decisions you made had an effect upon what skills you started with and that in turn had a longer reaching effect on where you went.

The is so much . . . .promise . . . in this game. So many chances to be great that have been squandered along the way. And yes, I agree that the Lore meant something to me. I CHOSE to be Gallente for a reason, for lore. It has flavoured my blog for a long time.

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10 Dec

Removed a bunch of off topic posts. Keep it civil. Thank you.


You point at several of the right things.

We knew there was further vectors for AFK abuse as you correctly identify, but there is perhaps other approaches/solutions to the problem. Which is where we arrive at for now with going back from this change and taking some more time.

Delegate control for the old style of fighters is one street for discussion that takes us down a different and interesting path for drones.



See? Every now and then they listen to us.
