EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

23 Oct

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe this is independent of downtime much as ice belt spawns were previously - but if I find out otherwise I’ll let you know.

    CCP_Convict on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s my fault. I published the dev blog but forgot to create the accompanying discussion thread. Since the discussion has begun here I’ve added a link to this thread on the dev blog.

    CCP_Rattati on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sounds good, let us know how that turns out for you!

    CCP_TrashMob on Forums - Thread - Direct

Test Pilots,

The recent update to Singularity has brought the brand new Supercarrier work that is due to be release in November.

You will find new items on the in-game market to acquire to try out the tactical recloning ability for yourself.

Tactical Capsuleer Recloner - This module can be fitted to Supercarriers and is a module that requires activation. It will also consume fuel everytime a capsuleer in the same solar system reclones to the Supercarrier through use of this module. The fuel is currently set to Biomass, but will change to another fuel type before launch to Tranquility.
When a tactical capsuleer recloner is active, there is a new tab in the Fleet window that contains a list of all currently active recloners and their locations.

Nanoheuristic Clone Mapper - This is a consumable implant in the style of a booster that will allow for use of the recloner by a capsuleer. This implant will persist through capsule death into the new clone a ca...

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    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys, I’m looking into this now and will get back to you as soon as I have more info to share.

My current understanding is that systems that had ice should all still have ice spawns but I need to clarify what exactly it was that was reduced. I know the ‘The spawn probability of all Ice Sites has been reduced’ from the patch notes is a bit confusing when they were previously guaranteed to come back on that 4 hour timer after being mined out.

Update: Okay so I’ve clarified what’s happening here. As you’re aware, previously ice belts were guaranteed to respawn in system 4 hours from when they were mined out. This respawn chance is no longer 100% guaranteed and so it is possible for belts to not come back exactly 4 hours later - it may take them some time longer to re-appear. The number of belts in a system hasn’t actually been changed and each will be rolling for its own chance to respawn if they’re all mined out. This will mean there will likely be l...

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22 Oct

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m pretty sure FCs trying to say “bubble wubble” seriously mid fleet might break EVE

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve confirmed this and clarified the wording a bit to make it not sound like there might be additional bonuses coming as well.

The update to Combat Interceptors will see the Claw, Crusader, Taranis, and Raptor receive a 100% bonus added to the benefits of overheating Afterburners and Microwarpdrives.

21 Oct

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

There’s a chance chat is still down for some users. Will let you know once service is fully restored.

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

I like it! I might not be able to take a look at this until next week but I’ve added this to my to-do list to look into when I have a spare little chunk of time.

    CCP_Dopamine on Forums - Thread - Direct

This topic was automatically closed after 30 hours. New replies are no longer allowed.

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

Been a busy week or two here so I apologize if I’ve missed some stuff. Feel free to @ me.

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have just experienced a mass disconnection of players from Tranquility and are currently investigating.

We will let you know as we have further information.

Update 17:54: Some players are having success reconnecting but we’re still investigating connection instability and ongoing issues with chat.

Update - Resolved 18:46: Connectivity to Tranquility is stable. Chat services should be restored at this time - if you are still having an issue you may need to log out and back in to restore functionality.

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think this might just be slightly confusing language. I’ll double check and see if we can clarify it a bit, but to my knowledge it’s only the one change.

    CCP_Convict on Forums - Thread - Direct


    CCP_TrashMob on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Capsuleer,

Good catch; the Flycatcher should have a 10% kinetic bonus, we’ll get that fixed up.

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct


We forgot to include changes to the role bonuses of the Eris. They have now been added.

  • Gallente Destroyer bonus changed to “5% bonus to small hybrid turret rate of fire per level” (was 10% bonus to small hybrid turret optimal range)
  • Interdictor bonus changed to “15% reduced mass penalty from armor plates per level” (was 5% bonus to small hybrid turret rate of fire)
    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

Subsequent wubbles will only reset the duration and will not stack - however if you apply a stasis webifier module to someone who is wubbled the effects will stack.

“Wubble” is going to be a thing and we’re not going to fight it.

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hang in there :wink:

We’re just putting up the webs :spider_web: for decoration

    CCP_Aurora on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is correct. It still takes 60 seconds to reload or switch ammo so you need to make a choice (or bring 2 dictors).