Since almost the beginning of the CSM, there have been calls for a “none of the above” option, or people who have tried to run on a platform of disbanding the CSM. Neither of those things have been accepted, so it’s time to stop bringing them up. CCP created the CSM because they wanted to give players a role in development, by letting the players select representatives to serve on this focus group. As long as CCP gets some value from the program, and they repeatedly have said they do, they will continue the program.
If you don’t like me, don’t like the CSM, don’t like the current make up, don’t believe it’s actually democratic, think its useless, think its just a way for nullsec to dominate the game, think its responsible for all the bad things that happen in EVE every day, are upset that you lost or can’t win a seat, there is one thing you can do that will directly address all your concerns - don’t participate. Don’t run, don’t vote.
Problem solved. Please don’t ma...
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