EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

31 Mar


Hi Destiny. Thanks for the feedback. I’ve been discussing your post with a few folks internally this morning so I can confirm that it’s something we’re talking and thinking about.
I think ideally the problems you’re running into would be solved by better multiaccount tools (such as a true master account system) but although that’s something I’ve been hoping for for a long time it’s also not something on our short-term roadmap to my knowledge.

I can totally understand why you’re proposing ideas around ways to distribute the rewards without requiring logins, but unfortunately those tend to act at cross-purposes to the goals of this system which is to give everyone a nice little extra excuse to log in daily and help keep players engaged with the game. We’ll keep discussing this, but I don’t want to overpromise.

30 Mar

    Suitonia on Forums - Thread - Direct

In abyssal PVP, the boosters will be blocked based on their meta level, the filaments have meta level restrictions which will stop them from being bought into the abyssal arena.

X-1 & X-2 = Allowed in all formats. (Meta 0)
X-3 = Allowed in Meta fit formats. (Meta 3)
X-4 = Allowed in T2 fit formats. (Meta 5)
X-5 = Allowed in only faction/unrestricted formats. (Meta 6)

You lose the boosters on pod death so using them in the abyssal arena gives you a good chance of dying with it. It only lasts 4 hours (So you can’t use it forever), they have 1 week expiry timers with you getting 1 every 3 days it seems. So you can’t really stack a bunch in your redeem queue ready to go.

They also all share the same booster slot (Slot 5) so you can’t stack them together.

Having multiple accounts does not really help in the proving grounds. Since you want all the wins on a single character to get the top 100 leaderboard rewards, so it doesn’t make sense for peop...

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The regular and event rewards will still be in separate tabs with their own buttons. That’s something I hope we can streamline in the future but we mostly left the event login rewards system alone for this particular set of changes to keep things achievable in our schedule.


I knew I forgot to mention something in the original post!

Yes we’ll be running a script that pays out the SP for the partially completed SP bars of everyone who has logged in at least once in the last year. (So if you are an omega account with a half filled bar you’ll get 75k SP added to your redeeming queue)


Alright, it is unfortunately expected that the retired Linux launcher is no longer working with the new UI version. :frowning:...

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New Halcyon Booster Stats:

All have a base duration of 2 hours (increased further by the Biology skill)

Halcyon R-1 Booster

  • 1% bonus to local shield and armor repair module effectiveness
  • 1% bonus to ship max velocity
  • 1% bonus to turret and missile launcher rate of fire
  • 1% bonus to capacitor recharge rate
  • 1% bonus to signature radius
  • 2% bonus to drone max velocity and tracking speed
  • 2% bonus to mining laser and ice harvester range
  • 2% bonus to scan resolution
  • 2% bonus to scan probe deviation and scan speed

Halcyon R-2 Booster

  • 2% bonus to local shield and armor repair module effectiveness
  • 2% bonus to ship max velocity
  • 2% bonus to turret and missile launcher rate of fire
  • 2% bonus to capacitor recharge rate
  • 2% bonus to signature radius
  • 4% bonus to drone max velocity and tracking speed...
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Hello spacefriends! We’re happy to be able to announce that big improvements to the daily gifts system are coming to TQ on April 5th, and you can try them out now on Singularity right now!

We’ve made big changes to the rewards you can get each day, alongside a new refreshed UI and a system that gives you a better idea of what to expect in the coming days.


Let’s start with the part that I know everyone will be asking about, the content of the daily gifts. We have completely overhauled the rewards: replacing the time limited skins with new permanent ones, creating a new set of boosters designed from the ground up to work as daily gifts, moving the skillpoints into the daily rewards directly, and completely removing the blueprint copies from the old system.

All of the temporary skins have been removed from the rewards, and instead we have hundreds of permanent skins. The new system is launching with 260 new permanent sk...

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For those with problems since yesterday: Which launcher version are you using? Is it the latest release version (which is 2023444)?

In the latest screenshot form @Mevatla_Vekraspek it looks like it is a really ancient version, which is very likely no longer compatible with the latest UI version. Please try to use the latest launcher version (you might have to install it fresh).

28 Mar


Hey there! Thanks for the poke - while Paragon has yet to respond, he’s definitely brought the issue up internally to see what the situation is and will update (or ask for more info) accordingly.



Capsuleers – we have an update with the Dynamic Bounty System and Bounty Risk Modifiers

On February 16th, many players noticed sharp changes to the Bounty Risk Modifiers in their solar systems.

As initially discussed here (Version 20.02 - General Feedback - #355 by CCP_Swift)the Bounty Risk Modifiers have finished the restoration process. Bounty Risk Modifiers in all solar systems have been adjusted to the highest value between the date of the outage and the date of ...

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Current plan is to release the blueprints in the next major release, and then turn on the ammo requirement about 2 weeks later, to give you time to get the ammo built and moved. Ammo is just enabled on Sisi for testing at the moment.


Thank you for the update - will be keeping an eye on it!


This has now crossed my line of healthy smack talk. Disappointed in what’s been posted here in the last 24 hours.

25 Mar


Hi Nora, thanks for this awesome feedback! We really appreciate you taking the time to write up how the Photon UI is affecting your playstyle. Super helpful and please check out the upcoming updates.


Hey folks, my name is CCP Junison and I’m a lead UI designer here at CCP, and part of the team that is leading the work on Photon UI.

First of all, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to look at the Photon UI and giving your feedback on it. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

We decided to create the Beta opt-in feature so we could show you projects like the Photon UI in the early stages and get your feedback earlier in the development than usual so we can act on it. Photon is very much in active development and a WIP and we look forward to continuing working on it and showing you the improvements along the way.

The primary reason why we set out on doing this project was to improve consistency within our UI and reduce cognitive load. Inconsistencies within the current UI are impacting all players and especially confusing new players. So it is important for us to create a strong foundation for our UI and out of that foundation create a design system that ...

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23 Mar


Looks like you angered the spam blocker somehow - I’ve just tweaked your account, should stop flagging you now.

As for your email issue, I don’t have many insights myself. I would strongly recommend putting in a ticket to the GMs at https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/requests/new as they should be able to help you get your account sorted. Good luck!

If you are unable to log in you can reach support via support@eveonline...

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Correct, threads that want to discuss a specific aspect of the changes are allowed. However if people were to open multiple threads about Dscan for example. The extras will be closed and merged with the first one.

And keep in mind for any future persons reading this, all threads are to be constructive in nature. This one does a great job at that. Any threads created to bash or nonconstructive will be outright closed.

22 Mar


Just to be 100% sure I tested it - yes, the feature preview is enabled in Mac clients on Singularity (tested on M1 MBP).


Citadels have been content deniers for far too long, and I’m happy to have had a chance to work with Aurora and the rest of her team on this. This doesn’t represent all the changes I’d like to see, but it hits a lot of them. The end goal, in my view, is to make structures a force multiplier, but not a content denier, and not something that makes fleet fights on the same grid impossible.


Components3840×2160 462 KB

Hello everyone,

This marks the beginning of the first Feature Preview system which allows you to try out new things we are working on for EVE Online, live on Tranquility as an opt in system. We have also created a new dedicated forum section for Feature Previews where you are encouraged to take part in helping us make this the best it can be for you.

Right now only the Photon UI has a section as it is the only one in this system. The features in the Preview System and the Photon UI are in active development, and therefore not in their final form. They can also be easily turned on and off via the Settings Menu.

You can check out more details on...

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