EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

19 Apr


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We have released a development blog about the history of EVE servers. There is a lot of technical information for everyone to check and discover the journey the hardware supporting EVE has taken.

15 Apr


o7 everyone!

It’s time to bring you all and bring you another instalment of the Community Beat!

I hope you’ve all been enjoying the Hunt and have had some good Egg fortune! The EVE Online community is vast, and the Beat aims to help pilots discover new parts of the community that they may not have been aware of before. This week we reveal some cool projects we’ve seen across the community, featuring a tasty looking cake, some community ship redesigns and real-world builds!

As always - If you have an upcoming event, or thoughts on what you want to see - let us know! With Fanfest growing ever closer, are you bringing any SWAG? Anything to advertise your corp/allian...

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13 Apr


Because the reinforcement is armor, services remain online in medium structures when reinforced and industry jobs continue running.


Bit wordy but I made some tweaks to hopefully clear that up.


These are not included in these changes and will continue to function as they do currently. (Still have their shield damage cap)


These mechanics aren’t super clear, but the way reinforcement times are calculated aren’t changing - these will be the same as they are currently.

The times you see there are the minimum reinforcement times, which we call the base duration.

So if it’s in wormhole space, the base duration (currently) is 1.5 days.

It then finds the time corresponding to the first [defender chosen hour] that happens after the base duration (this is the defender’s “pick the hour” mechanic) and then adds 3 hours of jit...

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Well spotted! Got that fixed up now, thank you!


Update: 15:26

Uploaded a new version of the spreadsheet to fix a couple of incorrect names.



Blame me, I had all Indy ships in that tab then decided to move the capitals but only did this to the Rorqual in the end. :facepalm:


Working on getting a fixed url! Give me just a few minutes.


Greetings Capsuleers,

A year ago we made a Significant Update to Industry, where many higher end ships saw new materials added to their build components. These materials helped to create additional value for various activities in New Eden and gave us the ability to more finely tune manufacturing costs when necessary. Since that time we’ve been continuously monitoring how the ecosystem has adjusted and, with this update, we’re tuning the build material costs of these ships to bring them down after a period of elevated prices.

The goals of these changes are:

  • Reduce low level PI demand
  • Reduce Faction and Pirate ship manufacturing costs
  • ...
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Greetings Capsuleers,

We recently released an update aimed at balancing the combat power of structure weapons, to allow for a wider variety of ships to participate on-grid during structure contests. At that time we said this was the first of several updates aimed at bringing improved balance to structures in New Eden - and now we’re ready to show you the next step of those changes today.

Updates to Damage Caps
The minimum dps required to keep the repair timer paused has been decoupled from the damage cap, which means we can now set this value independently for each layer of the structure’s defenses (shield / armor / hull). Y...

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12 Apr


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Greetings everyone,

The Economic report for the month of March 2022 is now available.

“BUT WHAT ABOUT THE HARD NUMBERS?” I hear you say, well, you know we got you covered. You can find the link to download the raw data here.

08 Apr


Just an update: the remaining open seat will not be filled, and CSM 16 will finish their term with 9 members.


We want to start off by thanking you all for the great feedback that you have been giving. It’s been awesome to see your enthusiasm for the UI in-game and it is helping us a lot when making design decisions.

As we mentioned earlier we are showing you Photon in the early stage of development. That means we are showing you this with some broken windows, bugs and some concepts that we have not yet implemented. That also means that there are a lot of defects that our engineers have to plow through before we can act on the changes based on your feedback. But having said that we still managed to make some tweaks to the UI before releasing it on TQ. We for exampled removed extra spacing and adjusted components in the fleet window and D-scan. We adjusted the background opacity so it works better on light backgrounds and the text doesn’t bleed out as much. These are examples of steps we’ve taken in reaction to your feedback but by no means an exhaustive list.

The most frequent ...

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07 Apr


The real act of generosity would be calling this thread “constructive”.



A more official update!

The e-mail was intended to only go out to players that had expiring SP in their redeem queue - completely unrelated to the Daily Login.

However, there was a small issue with the script and some pilots without expiring SP were incorrectly added to the e-mail list. All those e-mails were suspended until this can be re-evaluated.

06 Apr


Hi CDLoon,

Could I request from you a pair of screenshots of this in the Classic UI, and in Photon to compare, please? It is really beneficial for us to have a visual example so we can identify the correct solution.

05 Apr


The thread has been set up for feedback here: Photon UI Feature Preview - Live on TQ


We’re aware of this issue, but there’s a quick workaround - if you unstack the windows you can change the settings and then stack the windows again.