EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

10 May


Active industry jobs are locked into a structure as soon as the shield timer is reinforced.
the Clone bay and all service modules are offlined when the armor is completely destroyed.


Hi there, this is on me.

  • Capital Propulsion Engine reduced to 5 (previously 10)
    This is what it should be

And the Capital Turret Hardpoint bulletpoint was a mistake, we’ll remove that from patch notes. Thanks for verifying it!


Fixed, thank you :slight_smile:


When a Citadel is in ‘full power mode’ it has 4x the base hitpoints for shield and armor HP.

In this case, the 3.6 million shield HP is being multiplied by 4x for being online with a core, giving it a total of 14.4 million shield HP.

The Astrahus used to have 7.2 million shield HP when at full power before the patch.


Hey, I believe this is just a display defect in the probe scanner window not taking boosters into account. If you mouse over your probe launcher while it has probes inside, or you open the ship fitting window with Alt+F, and then press the (i) icon for charges, and mouse over the green text you should see that the bonus from the drug is applying. We are aware of this issue.

The drug is definitely giving you a benefit

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This is working as intended.


This is intended, we doubled the shield hitpoints of all the medium structures.


Are you experiencing bugs or an issue due to the latest patch? Please file a bug report or let us know what you are experiencing and we will look into it. :grinning:


Hello, Sevlec Saaad :slight_smile:

I am sorry that this is still causing issues, we are aware of this issue and will hopefully have a fix out soon.

CCP Possum o7


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Hello everyone,

A new monthly patch has arrived (20.05)

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Quick Info:

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Hello everyone,

Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in the 20.05 version of EVE Online.

Quick Info:


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New Player Experience:

  • Some conversation guidance during the skill window introduction may fail to appear.

User Interface:

  • In Photon UI, the Capsuleer Day page in the Agency will fail to load while a challenge is able to be claimed.
  • In Photon UI, the Sell Items window can be hard to use due to overlapping UI

05 May


Yup, spot on.

We were in a situation where our old Wine client wasn’t really working on M1 properly, so had to make the call on what features we could ship the native mac client without so players could reliably play on it.
Skillplans / gRPC was the main one, which needed quite a bit of development work on. In the scheme of things, I knew it would be annoying, but it wasn’t game-breaking.

The alternative was not shipping the new client until this release…so quite a long time.

04 May


Tranquility is back online accepting connections. Have fun out there o7


Our standard time allocation for the daily downtime is 15 minutes. Whenever we expect to go above that we consider the maintenance to be extended.


Not yet. Things are looking good though, so hopefully, we will be done earlier (famous last words).



Tranquility is back online accepting connections. Have fun out there o7



There will be an extended downtime today to perform routine maintenance to our online services. We expect Tranquility to resume accepting connections by 11:40 UTC at the latest. Players won’t be able to access the EVE Online website, EVE store, and account management page during that time.

Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience caused by announcing this on such short notice.
