EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

12 Mar


Sorry if this has been submitted already (I took a look when I read this just now but didn’t see it), but if you have an instance where this has occurred and can submit a bug report it would help us a lot with trying to track this down.

11 Mar


We have a lead that we are currently investigating and hope to have it solved soon™ ; thanks to everyone who made reports, it was super integral to the investigation of the issue.

@Aandala_Uanid, You are correct, they are known issues ; we’ve updated the known issue thread to reflect that, apologies for the confusion.

@Beaute_Suprenate , this has also been added to the known issues and is something we are working on getting fixed , apologies for the confusion.

Apologies if the formatting of this messaging is confusing as well, I’m not hugely comfortable with the foru...

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10 Mar


Please send a technical support ticket to CCP’s Customer Support. Please include the details asked for in the first post: 20220225 - Connection Issues (UK).


Another view on the overall incident:

image1199×392 48 KB


That appears to be correct (the bug report, not the behaviour); we’ll get this cleaned up.

09 Mar


Hey there… does it just appear to have lost the history of older inputs or does new input not get saved? That is, if you would now put “CCP karkur” in the input field, will that not appear next time when you start typing CCP? Could you please file a bugreport from within the client (through F12 window) right after reproducing the issue, and I’ll take a look. Thank1 :slight_smile:...

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Anyone who paid for these characters, please submit a ticket in our Help Center if you have not done so already: http://support.eveonline.com

This thread will now be closed.


Thanks for the report ; it does look like the Capital Compressors are not properly scaling their range with the skill, we’ll get this looked at.


I mean… they only asked for them back alive, right?


Unless something unforeseen happens, skillbooks should be in tomorrow.


The ORE Researchers who never made it back to their ORE facilities were unable to properly deliver the skillbooks. The skills should be in the appropriate markets tomorrow after DT.


Yeah, it seems like a new issue with this sneaked in, which is being investigated. :sob:


For those with significant freeze or lag issues: Could you please provide more details, best would be a bug report including client logs (F12 - Bug Report, directly after the freeze would be optimal, if possible) and details about your Mac.

Other things to check: Does it help to manually verify the resource cache through the launcher? Does downloading all resources through the launcher help?

Regarding mouse movement: We are aware of this problem, but are only able to reproduce it on exactly one of our internal machines, which makes it much trickier to resolve.


Upwell Structures with specific modules allow for compression of asteroid ore and ice - that did not change with this patch, and is consistent with what we have communicated in our Q&A, Devblogs, and ...

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The shield HP for the Customs Office Gantry was reduced from 10 million to 500k - as well as increased the anchoring delay to 15 minutes.

08 Mar


could you please bugreport it from within the client (through F12 window), right after you have tried to do it? Thanks! :slight_smile:


Status in the last 6 days, closing this incident:

image1140×535 60.3 KB


Hi Capsuleers,
Apologies about the missed blueprints for the new Compressor modules, we have updated the known issues and are working on it.