EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

08 Mar




  • Aura’s “asteroid depleted” line after an asteroid is fully mined is no longer occurring.


  • Some exploration sites cannot be scanned down.
  • Some mining sites are not being completed correctly, which prevents them from respawning.


  • Undocking from some stations with a lot of glass can lead to too bright visuals, if the reflections settings are set to Medium or higher.


  • New Compressor Blueprints are not seeded on Markets.

New Player Experience

  • Quickly skippi...
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APOC GOES BRRRR1920×1080 127 KB

Hello everyone,

Alright MAC folks, we have a new patch which launched today, 8 March. Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in this version of EVE Online.

Quick Info:

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APOC GOES BRRRR1920×1080 127 KB

Hello everyone,

It’s that time of the month and we have a new patch on our hands which went live today 8 March. Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in this version of EVE Online.

Quick Info:

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  • Aura’s “asteroid depleted” line after an asteroid is fully mined is no longer occurring.


  • Some exploration sites cannot be scanned down.
  • Some mining sites are not being completed correctly, which prevents them from respawning.


  • Undocking from some stations with a lot of glass can lead to too bright visuals, if the reflections settings are set to Medium or higher.


  • New Compressor Blueprints are not seeded on Markets.

New Player Experience

  • Quickly skippi...
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APOC GOES BRRRR1920×1080 127 KB

Hello everyone,

A new monthly patch has arrived (20.03)

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Quick Info:

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07 Mar


Our network partners Advania and Cloudflare have been digging into this today and have found network traffic possibly being dropped somewhere inside Level 3’s network, affecting network connections in Santiago CL, Lima PE, Mexico City MX. This would match the symptoms we are seeing. Changes have been made to try and circumvent this possible fault.

Can you all please try again to connect to TQ (without a VPN) and let us know how it goes. Also, did your trace routes change?


@Adelrad and I have been discussing this in his thread Connection to Server was closed, unable to connect on port 26000 but we decided today to start an official thread.

At the same time our internal network partner Advania opened a supp...

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We’ve had a few reports recently about this particular issue, but only from EVE players in Latin America – mostly Mexico and Chile. Based on metrics (particularly daily active users from Chile) then this started on 24 February.

The errors are puzzling. Based on the logs we have seen so far then the connection to the Server doesn’t appear to be blocked and it isn’t terminated by the Server or any network equipment. Rather there is this in the logs Invalid answer from server GetServerStatus when the Client tries to authenticate to the Server.

We suspect that somewhere there is possibly some network traffic inspection (filtering or proxy; possibly there is blocking, either a direct block or something that times out) since we are seeing CORS header errors in the Launcher as well, indicating that the headers have been stripped by some middle layer, but primarily that mangled reply to the Client that the Client is unable to decipher. There ...

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Hello everyone,

We are investigating connectivity issues to players in Mexico and several South American countries. Users in affected areas who are experiencing an inability to connect, please submit a support ticket under the Technical category with the following information:

  • IP address
  • ISP name
  • Region location
  • City
  • Traceroute information*

Please DO NOT post these details as a reply in this thread as they will contain private information.

*Please note that the traceroute we are looking for is to TQ; on Windows this can be done from a command line ...

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Even after the fixes before the weekend then the graph was a bit noisy. After the disconnects this morning it is actually a bit more quiet, but then again this is Monday morning and so less people from the UK are online.

image1142×544 65.6 KB

Virgin Media has responded to the email I sent this morning confirming that they received it.


I only find the network diagnostic in one of the ticket and the trace route in the other one appears to be cut off. Can you resend the full trace route into either of the tickets and let us know here, please?


I’ve heard some unconfirmed reports that “Total Play Telecomunicaciones SA de CV” did some upgrades on their infrastructure recently to (better) support IPv6. Maybe there was some fallout there in supporting IPv4 properly, or there are IPv6 <=> IPv4 translation issues. Perhaps also check with them on that angle.

tranquility.servers.eveonline.com (TCP, port 26000) is at – only on IPv4. That is the address you get for TQ?


After Virgin Media made a fix in the early afternoon on 3 Mar (between 13:30 - 13:45 UTC) then all was good over the weekend until last night when there were small disconnect spikes at 01:01 and 03:25. Since then all been quiet.

I replied to the email thread we had with Virgin Media and Liberty Global to let them know of this latest development.

But: If this continues then you, as customers of Virgin Media, need to open cases with them. Then please reference your previous ticket(s), all the details here in this forum thread, as well as the details in ...

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06 Mar


Thanks; and if you could also do me a favour as well.

Please find the support ticket you filed with us and make sure it includes

  • IP address
  • ISP name
  • Region location
  • City

as well as

tracert tranquility.servers.eveonline.com

You probably/hopefully submitted the network diagnostic results, but I would also like to see what the standard trace route tool outputs.

Please include this in your ticket and kindly then post the ticket # here.

Finally, if you have telnet on your machine (or can install it), what is the output from

telnet ...

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Everyone that has raised a ticket with us from Mexico is using “Total Play Telecomunicaciones SA de CV” as their ISP, as far as I can tell from the data we have gathered so far.

Is that the largest ISP in Mexico? Anything that might explain why EVE players in Mexico might only be using “Total Play Telecomunicaciones SA de CV” as their ISP, or why only those players are affected and not players using other ISPs in Mexico?

Is “Total Play Telecomunicaciones SA de CV” partnering with other ISPs in other countries in Latin America? I see the complaints from other Latin American countries are bit more diverse when it comes to ISPs.

Is “Total Play Telecomunicaciones SA de CV” your ISP? If so, please open a ticket with them and ask them if they are blocking, scanning, filtering, proxying, or manipulating your network traffic in any manner. This would include if there are transparent proxies. In particular ask them to make sure that traffic to

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We’ve had a few reports recently about this particular issue, but only from EVE players in Latin America – mostly Mexico and Chile. Based on metrics (particularly daily active users from Chile) then this started on 24 February.

The errors are puzzling. Based on the logs we have seen so far then the connection to the Server isn’t blocked and it isn’t terminated by the Server or any network equipment. Rather there is this in the logs Invalid answer from server GetServerStatus when the Client tries to authenticate to the Server.

Do you see that error in your Client logs?

We suspect that somewhere there is possibly some network traffic inspection (filtering or proxy) since we are seeing CORS header errors in the Launcher as well, indicating that the headers have been stripped by some middle layer, but primarily that mangled reply from the game Server to the Client that the Client is unable to decipher. There are sometimes also other network...

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05 Mar


@Adelrad, you are not experiencing disconnect issues but rather that you can’t connect at all? And in the Client logs there is an “Invalid answer from server GetServerStatus” error?

04 Mar


Heck a vid on what to expect in iceland might be good.
