Thanks o7
Yeah I’m curious too, I just arrived back at the office yesterday, let me do a bit of rummaging.
Thanks o7
Yeah I’m curious too, I just arrived back at the office yesterday, let me do a bit of rummaging.
Hey hey, I’m back. Was on paternity leave. How’s things?
The client uses the same technique as the server: a separate thread for transmission and serialization.
Chat is a more complex problem and a good example of why Quasar is so important. Chat is not actually separate. There are tentacles from the monolith that are still attached which result in the issues that are present. We are definitely targeting those.
The only Erlang we employ is ejabberd itself and mods made to it.
The Activity Tracker was the first player facing feature to use Quasar in it’s infancy (before we really knew it would be what it is today).
There are a lot of things we want to change around that behavior to use the more mature aspects of Quasar, because they simply didn’t exist at that time.
Sequencing and quality of service are definitely considered in the grand scheme of things. This is why simulation frame data will be an interesting exploration.
All of ESI has been in Kube from the beginning. I think we adopted Kube just as it hit 1.0. Then each of the features mentioned in the blog post have had some aspect in Kube as well.
could be British
We have just released a tech development blog covering a number of changes that have been worked on behind the scenes! Please use this thread to discuss the blog with other players
Part of the concern was that the rep power of a FAX would necessitate a disproportionately large response to fight off. FAX are still able to be part of the sites - would just need a different capital to spool up.
Unfortunately Singularity was incorrectly configured today for a few hours, after a new build was deployed, and the Wine client was accidently used. This has been fixed now.
There was an issue with the calculations for the sites, the bounties/rewards should see a significant buff soon.
FAX cannot activate the beacon. They can only be activated by
You can, of course, have a FAX on grid but it cannot be what activates the beacon.
In terms of ISK, the numbers on the test server aren’t exactly where we like it - so I’d expect it to be higher yield from the bounties themselves in a 100% DBS system.
Some really valuable feedback (not just from you, but everyone) would be what sort of levels you feel are worth the risk. I can’t guarantee that the suggestions will make it to live, but would really ...
Read moreAnother use is to raise ADMs in fresh null systems since this will affect military indices. Keeping vulnerability timers as narrow as possible is very important for some groups that rely on timezone tanking.
Just want to reiterate that this is on the test server and the values are subject to change - we’d love to get your feedback on the numbers/value of the site. Do note that once you finish the site there is a box in the CRAB deployable that has considerable value.
The deployable will also not be anchorable on-grid with citadels. Likewise, if you see ‘interference’ numbers showing up on the map they are totally randomised placeholder values.
Just another note: currently the deployable can be placed on grid with a Citadal/POS. This will NOT be the case.
e: “Unlike the ESS where we deliberately had low values (so the ESS banks didn’t get depleted in testing), these are much closer to what we intend” - I misspoke, a little. The expected bounty payout from the NPCs will very likely be higher. All values are subject to change, including tether time, bounty payouts, et cetera.
Your feedback is invaluable, so thank you everyone for chiming i...
Read moreThey will not be able to be anchored on grid with a structure.
Don’t confuse Rogue Drones the faction with drones the little ships. These sites spawn battleships and battlecruisers.
The capital is only immobilized during the linking. As long as whoever has the ships and firepower on hand to take on the content, the carrier can go dock back up. Just don’t let the beacon get blown up because that is where you rewards come from