Yes, this will be the source!
Yes, this will be the source!
Hmmm, according to my logs you received 2M SP on Singularity.
Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for participating in the mass test! 2 million skill point have been added on Singularity to the participating characters.
I am still going through the results and bug reports, but so far it looks pretty promising (but there are for sure a few problems to investigate further).
Brace yourselves to open the portal to a new form of capital PvE coming to New Eden! The CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon is a deployable that has been developed for use by Capsuleers to aid in the research of the increasing number of aggressive Rogue Drones appearing around the cluster.
You can read more about it in the news article or simply log in to the Singularity Test Server an...
Read moreSorry for the lack of response - I promise I always read, but sometimes my dumb fingers forget to hit ‘reply’.
Duly noted!
Hey, just wanted to touch base and let you know that the gap is now smaller, along with quite a few other iterations and suggestions from the community.
Hi! Sorry for the delay responding to this.
This was not the intended behavior for this item, and it’s been fixed as of today’s patch. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the feedback. There are a number of outstanding keyboard mapping issues as you’ve seen. I will cross-check the ones you’ve mentioned against what we have logged internally. We will continue to work on these and resolve as many as we can before it leaves the test server.
We’re assessing the community feedback, crash reports, and performance daily. There isn’t a specific date we have for the release, but the Wine client will be unsupported sooner rather than later.
Can you try to attach also the full launcher log file of the launcher session? Alternatively you can also keep LogLite running, restart the launcher and capture a client start attempt, so I can see what the launcher is doing directly before starting the client. And then attach these files as well.
I think you can also try to start the app for Sisi directly to see if this would work (but I am not sure if this would work normally).
Currently yes, as it is still being tested.
@Ernesto_Guevarti Can you please send a bug report with all available details and log files? Feel free to tag my name in the title of the bug report. Hackintosh are not supported, but I am a bit surprised, that it does not work at all.
Interesting, this is in planetart production mode? Ccould you please send us a bug report about this, when this happens again?
On Singularity the regular EVE launcher for Mac is now starting the native Mac client and no longer the cl...
Read moreNo, as the last mirror was in August.
We are keeping this in mind!
Seems like the issue with sigs appearing as double is visual and should be resolved after relog. Can you guys try that and see if you are experiencing any more problems?
Affirmative. Looking into it.
The hacking sites are not visible to players RESOLVED
The second issue have also been fixed now on Tranquility. The last problem will most likely be resolved after tomorrow’s daily maintenance at 11:00 UTC.
Have fun out there!
The challenge to enter a combat site triggers only when entering the sites in Lowsec. The sites in Highsec, Nullsec and W-space won’t trigger the challenge RESOLVED
One down. The fix for the undiscoverable hacking sites is in testing right now and we hope to get it working later today.
We are planning a mass test on Singularity on Tuesday, September 28th, at 17:00 UTC (= EVE time)!
What exactly is being tested?
New Native Mac Client and related changes, especially looking for:
How to connect to Singularity for this test:
Thanks for the updates Dopamine!