EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

14 Oct


If you’re having trouble launching the game, please try verifying your shared cache.
You can do this by opening the launcher settings under: EVE Launcher (menu bar) > Preferences > Tools/Cache > Shared Cache > Verify

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please submit a support request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


If you’re having trouble launching the game, please try verifying your shared cache.
You can do this by opening the launcher settings (small cog in the top right) > Tools/Cache > Shared Cache > Verify

If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please submit a support request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


If higher resolutions are slowing down the game, try 3200x1800 with AA Medium or Off. I personally find this resolution on the iMac retina displays a good mix of quality and performance on high settings.


The extended black screen seems to be caused by the refresh rate issue (where the refresh rate is lowered when multi-tasking back into the game client). Essentially, the desktop refresh rate is different from the game client refresh rate when this issue triggers, similar to when game resolution is different to the desktop native resolution, which also causes an extended black screen.

We’re currently investigating a solution for both issues and planning to fix it for a future patch. I can’t give a timeline just yet, but they are priority issues.


True. If I may add to that one of my favorite mapquotes;

"I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so because some
people out there in our nation don’t have maps and I believe that our education
like such as in South Africa and a the Iraq everywhere like such as and I believe
that they should our education over here in the US should help the US or should
help South Africa or should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we can be
able to build up our future for our children. "


We’re sorry to hear that. Have you tried verifying your shared cache?
You can do this by opening the launcher settings (small cog in the top right) > Tools/Cache > Shared Cache > Verify

If this doesn’t resolve your issue, please submit a support request and we will get back to you.


Unfortunately, Apple officially dropped software support for 10.13 back in December 2020 and we’re unable to continue supporting macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or lower. There are simply too many compatibility issues on High Sierra which complicate development for more recent OS versions.


Regarding the red artifacts, what macOS version are you running? If you’re on 10.14 (Mojave), there are known graphical issues on that OS. If so, we suggest upgrading to 10.15 (Catalina) or higher.

If you’re already running macOS 10.15 or higher, could you file a bug report (F12) with screenshots of the issue? This will also give us more detailed system specification information we can use to troubleshoot the issue.

13 Oct


macOS handles the game window size based on the desktop scaling. This means that the client resolution can be rendered the ‘same’ by the client, but be different sizes depending on this setting.
Eg, in these screenshots the client resolution is the same but the desktop scaling is changed:

Screenshot 2021-10-13 at 18.00.491920×1080 102 KB
Screenshot 2021-10-13 at 18.00.331920×1080 136 KB

One is taking up a little over 1/4 of the sc...

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Those screens appear to be working on our side on macOS.
In what way are they non-functional for you? If you submit a bug report (F12), include any details you have, and screenshots; we’ll investigate.


We deployed a hotfix that should have resolved this issue as well. Please restart all clients at your earliest convenience, and do let us know if you are still unable to load then Escalations in the Agency.

Thank you!


A slight correction: The ESS Banks that activated until our hotfix at 15:15 UTC will continue operating until the next downtime. But no new ESS should appear in unexpected locations.


Regarding the time it takes multi-tasking when in fullscreen mode:
I can confirm that it takes longer to multi-task between fullscreen applications when the native resolution in-game is different from the resolution set in Windows. Unfortunately this is an issue with how Windows handles multi-tasking with different fullscreen resolutions.

Regarding fps drops or refresh rate being lowered to 60 when multi-tasking in fullscreen mode:
The defect has been logged, as we seem to be changing the refresh rate back to 60 when a user multi-tasks back into the game client. This is mostly noticeable on high refresh rate monitors, such as 120 or 144hz.

To workaround the issue, you can disable v-sync. To do this navigate to: ‘Display & Graphics’ settings tab > ‘Display’ category > ‘Present Interval’ > select ‘Interval Immediate’ from the dropdown. This will prevent the frame rate from being capped to the refresh rate. We will be looking to...

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The defect has been logged and we’re currently aiming to fix it in one of our hotfix patches. It should be a fairly quick fix, but unfortunately I can’t make any promises about when the fix will be ready for release.


Can you tell me in what system this is currently happening?


If an ESS Bank has already been activated in the wrong system, the panel will remain visible. However, it should not be collecting any more bounty payouts.

If the ESS Banks are still collecting ISK into their vaults then that is not intended.

CORRECTION: The ESS Banks that activated until our hotfix at 15:15 UTC will continue operating until the next downtime. But no new ESS should appear in unexpected locations.


This issue has now been resolved and no ESS banks should activate outside of Nullsec.


The launcher is not the problem - it’s that the native client can not support 10.13. We were unable to support 10.13 with the move to a native client, unfortunately.

We support 10.14, 10.15, all Big Sur releases 11.(1 to 6), and shortly version 12 (Monterey).

macOS moves quite fast with releases, so there are going to be unfortunate situations where we can’t support every previous version when targetting new ones.

If you are unable to update to play due to this, please contact Customer Support,


Hello, everyone,

We are seeing the Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) Banks unintentionally appearing across New Eden in systems other than Null security space. Please be advised that this isn’t only a visual bug, and when the ESS Main and Reserve banks activate, they do start to operate as they would normally in Nullsec by collecting a percentage of the bounties into the respective vaults.

Our priority is to resolve this problem and prevent the ESS banks from activating in unintended locations. The team is actively testing a fix that will be released to Tranquility as soon as possible.

We will keep you up-to-date on the situation here and via ...

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Great to hear! Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile: