EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

09 Sep


Yep, we already have a few bug reports and have verified what code behaviour is causing this.


What is the EBR number of the bug report?


I read the detailed bug report (thanks!) and in fact this new behaviour is what was always intended. With downtime then the dungeon needs to be respawned and since we don’t store detailed information on the state of the dungeon in the database, then we must respawn it from authored data, including the ore that has been mined. With no downtime, once you have mined the ore, the dungeon is just still there waiting for you to complete it.


Thanks, I’ve added these details to the defect for the team to review.


And were you then able to submit again once the 24 hour timer expired? Please send us a bug report.


What’s the EBR number of your bug report?

Please note that bug reports and support requests are two different things. If you need help from Customer Support, please visit the Help Center and open a chat or send in a support request. If you are reporting a bug then they are collected in our defect tracking system for the Dev Team, where they will be processed, but we may or may not respond to individual bug reports.


Can you detail this a bit more, please?


Can you send us a bug report, please, with the details on these NPCs and/or sites; and reply back with the EBR number?


I’ve forwarded the feedback thread issue to the relevant people; there is something weird happening with the settings on that thread.

I’ve located the EBR you sent; we have already a few bug reports on issues that look very similar so we will be collecting them all.


I am chiming in on that real quick. A scheduling error caused the lack of daily challenges and the skilling spree yesterday and today on our end, not the No Downtime test itself. If not for that, these would have been active as usual.

However, we currently need DT to activate them, so they will return tomorrow after 11:00 UTC. Good learning and something to investigate for the future :slight_smile:


I don’t think any events or sprees were active yesterday… (and are therefore not active today and won’t be active tomorrow) but I’m asking around.


Located, thanks.


It would be very helpful if you include the EBR numbers in your posts.


Please bug report everything that should have respawned or replenished, but didn’t.

Except the regular asteroid belts, we know about that issue and that doesn’t have to be bug-reported.

But we would like to know about all other content that players use regularly and that doesn’t behave today as expected.


They are not actual inventory items, but they are “Dungeon Distributions” as far as I know and this particular feature may be something that only runs on server startup. Please send us a bug report and reply back with the EBR number.


Yep, a known issue with the regular asteroid belts.


Currently the regular asteroid belts are actual real items in the inventory system that are replenished during downtime in a DB job while the inventory system is offline. Since the cluster didn’t go offline then the inventory system was still up-and-running and then the DB jobs could not run.


Discourse is being weird - I’m trying to fix that feedback thread.


No; they will be replenished in tomorrow’s downtime.



Expected, the regular asteroid belts were not replenished.