EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

25 Aug


It’s possible the router is closing half open connection or not allowing half open connections. I would recommend you try updating the routers firmware and see if that resolves the issue.

I found some guides here on this page. Please note this is a third party website that is not associated with CCP. You use the information pertained there at your own risk.


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This location has been found!

Time for another one!

This was once the largest Lai Dai bio research facilities, but was abandoned after a mishap. Today, these ruins are an outpost used by the Guristas

Some notes:

  • Travel through low-sec systems may be involved. Fly safe, or not, your call.
  • Hostile pirates might linger in the direct vicinity of the container.
  • The clue is very vague, I know. Perhaps reading some https://evetravel.wordpress.com/ might help?

The password is the 8th word of the 8th paragraph of the Kyonoke Pit chronicle.

If the site has not been found at around downtime, I will post an image of the location.

This location has been found!...

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24 Aug


This location has been found!

The first non-stream clue!

This abandoned Fort has been mostly stripped clean, and it seems the Republic does not have much interest in returning it back to its original glory.

This, however, has not stopped a few of their agents from using it as a forward operating base in their efforts of pushing back the hold the Cartel has on the area, offering missions to loyal capsuleers willing to assist in this arduous task.

The password for this location is the 10th word of the last paragraph of the Fedo chronicle.

Since it’s proven to be a difficult to locate site, here’s a picture of it:

image... Read more

I’m seeing a few remarks about the intro video - don’t worry it’s just a placeholder.


It’s pretty easy to just click the + button 5 times in row - no dragging required, but I like the idea of being able to pull all five in.


It doesn’t look that different to me, comparing this with the existing skill sheet. In fact, you can see a lot more of the skills here than you could on the other sheet, depending on how you had it sized.


Looking forward to it.




  • You will be unable to continue the experience on the same character after logging off.
  • A ‘Slow Down’ popup sometimes appears during the Introduction video.
  • Skipping the Introduction video too quickly can cause the game to fail to load correctly.
  • The game may sometimes crash during the Ship introduction. This is more frequent for Wine users.
  • Some UI highlights are not appearing when they should.
  • The Selected Items and Overview windows cannot be brought back if minimized.
  • Cancelling warp during the first scene transition can have the player become stuck.
  • Being too distant from enemies during the combat introduction can cause the experience to not progress.
  • Some voice-o...
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Looking forward to these changes. Saveable and linkable skill plans have been a community request for a long time, and they’ll make helping newer players figure out what they should be training much, much easier.


looking forward to it



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The new Skill Plans feature is now live on the Singularity test server and we’d love for you to try it out and provide your feedback in this thread!

If you haven’t connected to Singularity before it’s super simple and you handle it through your EVE launcher. Information ...

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New (and Formerly New) Capsuleers,

The new AIR NPE is now live on Singularity for testing. Please make new characters, try out the new experience and help us to create the best new player experience EVE Online has ever seen.

We are all very excited to finally be able to share this with you! This new version of the NPE is due to launch soon, in September.


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Grats mate! Please check your DMs so we can sort out the ship model prize!

23 Aug


OP updated with the results. Thanks again to everyone who participated!


Good innings! :cricket_bat_and_ball:


Festive Citizens of New Eden!

This week I am celebrating my 15 year ISDversary. To do this, I have organized a scavenger hunt.

We will be kicking off this scavenger hunt during a stream I will be doing tomorrow (Aug 24th) at 18:00 NEST on Twitch . During this stream you will also be able to ask me some questions regarding the ISD program, which (NDA-permitting) I will try to answer.

This scavenger hunt consists of 15 hand-picked locations. Each location holds some special significance to me in my journeys in New Eden, or to the people I have met along the way.

Since most of you don’t have the pleasure of living inside my head (I’m telling you, it’s a blast!), you’ll have to make do with some crypt...

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21 Aug


I’ve had a lot of messages about people offering to test it on TQ :grinning:. I really appreciate the enthusiasm that the community has shown around the Native Mac Client. The feedback has been incredibly valuable and has helped us make it a reality. Not only that, but the feedback has been really constructive :+1: Thanks to everyone who has joined any of the tests.

As for being optional on TQ: The current code for the Native Mac Client is separate from the main EVE codebase. This means we can’t just make the client available for TQ in any form, as they are fundamentally incompatible. It’s a purely technical limitation at this stage.

However, we have been working towards bringing the 2 code bases together recently. This will give us a lot more flexibility ...

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17 Aug



This play test on Singularity has concluded now. Singularity has been updated with a new build (the same as on Tranquility), so you’ll receive the Wine client again.

Thanks a bunch for participating in the play test and thanks for all your feedback and bug reports. :slight_smile:


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Hi spacefriends,

The Economic report for the month of July is now available for your viewing pleasure! The raw data can be downloaded by clicking on this link.
