EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

17 Aug


Amazing stuff once again everyone! Thanks for your hard work, time and creativity you’ve put into your entries. The contest is now closed and judging will soon commence.

We’ll take a couple of days on this one and will be announcing the winners this week!


Excellent! Thanks for confirming this worked :slight_smile:

16 Aug


This is very odd :frowning: I can’t think of any major changes we have done to cause this.
We don’t support 10.13 and have not tested against it, as 10.14 will be the lowest we are likely to target.

As a last attempt, could you try verifying the cache inside the launcher? I’ve seen black screens caused by a bad cache and it’s another easy one to eliminate.


Unfortunately we could not determine the reason yet. Could you please add a dxdiag report to your bug report? Maybe this gives us the needed hint on what might be going on.


Can you please write a bug report (at https://community.eveonline.com/support/bug-reports/) and add as much details and logs as you have. I hope this will show us something.


Would it be possible for you to download the complete client? You can do this in the launcher by turning on the “Download the full EVE game client” setting shown below. The screenshot is from a Windows machine (I’m away from my Mac at the moment), but it should more or less be the same.

I’m really curious if this is Download on Demand related. This is a way to rule that out.



The certificate issues should be fixed now.


The certificate issues should be fixed now.


We are aware of the certificate errors - they should be fixed asap.


Hey all,

We have just deployed a new build to Sisi. In this patch we re-enabled a performance optimization for the native Mac client, which caused crashes earlier - but now with fixed code, so it should no longer crash.

For testing this we are:

  • Extending the native Mac play test slightly until tomorrow
  • Have an informal test this afternoon (2021-08-16) at 17:00 EVE-time - just FFA combat in M-OEE8.

Hey all,

We have just deployed a new build to Sisi. In this patch we re-enabled a performance optimization, which caused crashes earlier - but now with fixed code, so it should no longer crash.

For testing this we are:

  • Extending the play test slightly until tomorrow
  • Have an informal test this afternoon at 17:00 EVE-time - just FFA combat in M-OEE8.

14 Aug


Hmmm, somehow I cannot find a bug report about this. Have you maybe created a support ticket instead? Please write the bug report at https://community.eveonline.com/support/bug-reports/, if not done already. Thanks.


@smudge245 , @Ronnel : This is unfortunately a different issues to the original issue in this thread - and so far I am unaware of this one. Please send us bug reports about those (if not done already) and add as much details (including logs) as possible.

  • Which Windows version are you running?
  • Could you please try to verify the resource cache and maybe also delete the “sisi” folder in the SharedCache folder (be default at C:\EVE\SharedCache\sisi) and see if this helps in any way?

13 Aug


EVE_News_EN_1920x10801920×1080 124 KB

I am happy to share information about ways we are supporting player gatherings and people who bring them to life! Meetups are taking place, so you should definitely check out if there is a gathering near you.


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Apologies, I was reading just a small part of the quoted text. Thanks for getting back to me.
We’ll be taking a look into this.


Interesting, macOS 10.15 is supported (especially with the latest release 10.15.7), but it is great that it is fixed now for you.


@Aleksandre_Makan , @Meridan_Night - Could you open the FPS windows (Control + F) and see what GPU it reports there?
Would you kindly bug report this (F12) so we can get more system details. This is a very weird bug that we’ve not seen before. It may explain why some users are seeing suboptimal performance


We updated Singularity with a new build 5 minutes ago, which fixes this issue.


Hi all

We have just deployed a new build to Sisi. The main changes are:

  • Crashing should be vastly reduced. Any crashes from this point are probably not known to us. If you get a crash, please file a bug report, and let us know what you were doing.
  • God rays should look similar to Windows now @Amarisen_Gream
  • There is a possible fix for keyboard key blocking (the client didn’t receive keyboard input after certain keys were pressed)

Hopefully, the crash fixes help anyone who wants to test over the weekend.

Thanks to everyone who joined the playtest yesterday.


Thank you for participating in the mass test! All your reports are very helpful. We have already fixes for most crashes in the pipeline.
Skill points have been added to 211 character on Singularity.

@Tanguy_Garcin , @Kai-Alon_Deninard : If you have not done yet, please ensure to send a bug report about those issues (as the client does not work, please send through https://community.eve...

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