EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

06 Aug


Originally posted by spoonie_love

they are apparently +10 with the icelandic police departement.

Yeah, people don't f*ck with the old Lögreglan arround here.


You can check out everything you need to know about office tours here.

Right now though, we're closed to the public for tours as we're preparing to move to a new building this winter and there's random construction and repair work happening in various areas around our current offices.

We'll be re-opening for tours in 2020 once we're settled into the office.

It's perfectly fine for you to come up to reception on the fourth floor though, and take a photo there if you want to.

I'm in the office all this week, so more than happy to come say hi, grab a co...

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Hey dude,

Not sure about the specifics of your case, but if your account has been locked down for security reasons, it can take some time to get to the front of the queue as our security team deal with a sh*tload of ticket traffic relating to compromised accounts.

Sorry for the delay, the guys will be with you as soon as they can :)


Originally posted by Einath_Onisoma

I have an open ticket since 2017

You actually have two tickets that are still showing in our system as open from 2017.

Both have been answered, both issues have been resolved and both have timed out and been archived.

05 Aug


I'd rather see solid balance that the majority of the community are happy with across existing classes first.

Then again, the chief complaint at any time from any mmo community is "the pvp is unbalanced" so there's always that to consider.

02 Aug


Originally posted by Maria_Tokila

All for it. I do hope the overall effects of the changes will be a positive for the game and not just a year of fk NS that in the end yields nothing but lower pop and no real changes to the mechanics that currently make life tedious in NS.

Cause that would seriously hurt the game.

Completely agree :)


Originally posted by Maria_Tokila

People are complaining that youre not doing the right things. Like leaving the Rorq the way it is for 3 years and its still not 100%. Or fozziesov. Nobody really had an issue with taxes but that change hit very fast.

So yay for rapid changes, but atleast somewhere in the vicinity of things that actually need fixing.

I'm very much of the opinion that the Rorqual and Orca need substantial changes, but I don't work for development.

Hopefully that change will come and we'll see the ships used differently :)


Originally posted by ericader

I understand logic would hurt someone who only thinks small gang pvp will somehow save a f**king sandbox pvp mmo. AND THINKS THATLL BE FIXED BY LISTENING TO PVE HUNTERS. f**k you have logic issues, but I thought you at least were more level headed than hilmar

You f**king walnut

I actually quite like walnuts.



Originally posted by ericader

Why not change wormholes cloaks and kitey ships to all be less powerful and “put it in devblogs and patch notes”

It’s against your preferential narrative but show you’re unbiased for once as a developer

The dumbness of your post makes my brain hurt.


Originally posted by Turiko

Okay, this honestly just further troubles things. I just kind of assumed June patch notes meant patch notes for things in June and i imagine most people will not expect information on August under the previous month.

No word on the rest? You've cleared up that there is information to be found if you look things up on the eve online site, but this still means the player needs to look it up without the launcher or game implying something changed. Honestly, i don't get why this was removed from the launcher so quickly.

EDIT: i've added a note on my OP to reflect the patch notes.

It wasn't removed from the launcher, it drops out of the news cycle when we release more news after it. The launcher displays the most recent news.

Regardless of the news, people should be checking their market orders before they're hitting any buttons to accept any form of trade, and should be checking numbers.

If you're not doing so, then you're just assuming that you've done everything right, which is incredibly dumb and part of the core issue with the current state of the game - people feel too safe.


Originally posted by Turiko

Currently i don't see any current patch notes, the last patch notes are for June and it's currently (and was yesterday, when the update happened) August; https://www.eveonline.com/articles/patch-notes. There are no patch notes for August (yet? I suppose it is yet to be posted then?)

Meanwhile, the launcher looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/DJPzorW.png . There isn't a mention of any dev blog anymore. It's been hidden, as i stated in my OP, 24 hours after it went live. Sure, it still exists, you can find it. But that means the player has to look it up and nobody is going to randomly look up devblogs every time they've stepped away a few days. Something needs to notify the player something changed before that happens.

The changes themselves is not why i created this post; the changes and their intended / expected / subjective results is a whole diffe...

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The patch notes are here. The August Release hasn't shipped yet.

The most recent patch notes are always at the top, and are sorted by our development branch.


Originally posted by StainGuy

For a quite long i people are asking for the Lowsec Gate To Stain (LGTS)
Based on this post - when we can expect it.

BTW nice job with this Tax isk sink, have you read my post about additional industrial taxation btw?

Yup, I've read it :)

Also, if you eventually get your lowsec gate to Stain, what are you going to do? You'll literally have nothing to talk about any more :P


Originally posted by MilanaO

That you are at a loss, does not surprise me. If you have time to read all this shit here means you are not working.

You do realize that it's literally part of my job to read this subreddit, right?

Jesus Christ, lol


There are patch notes. There was a dev blog.

People have complained for ages that we're not doing enough, that we're not changing enough, that we're too slow to get changes out of the door, that we're letting the game stagnate.

Now we start to make rapid changes and all of a sudden it's "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you're doing things too fast!"

I'm at a loss, really.


Originally posted by zerodamage

I'm trying to decide if this would improve or further harm an already mostly dead part of New Eden (lowsec). The change alone without other changes i think would do harm i think.

It'd need to be part of a group of changes for sure :)


Originally posted by Finn_A

Why Eminem? This great poem above relates to a Bloodhound Gang song !

It reads to me like "Stan" by Eminem haha


Great, now I'm listening to Eminem for the first time since I was like, fifteen.

01 Aug


Originally posted by Ming_Tso

Freedom isnt free

It cost a buck 'o five.