EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Oh, that should have not happened. :(

Our Ops team is working on it.

28 Jun


Yes, it is a bug and a fix is being worked on.

15 Jun


Originally posted by Procrastinating_Brit

Don't give them ideas!

Already taking notes :D (but nearly all bad ideas were discussed at some point in the past.)

And yeah, as mentioned by others the mines were a thing. I can still remember, when I was testing them on the test server to determine their lag, while I was still a normal player. :)

And about those ore chunks: We had some prototypes already about a similar mechanic like this, but it was not implemented this way. Although, who can remember the loot scatter mechanic, which was introduced in 2013 to hacking containers, and then removed again in 2015? This was a bit related to this.

01 Jun


Originally posted by ashortfallofgravitas

Now hoping they fix the bookmark sorting bug

Assuming this is the sorting bug for the standalone bookmark window, then this was fixed in code earlier today and should be included in the next bigger release.

10 May


Originally posted by StepDance2000

question. Would it make sense to have some sort of caching option here if possible that would carry over between sessions and be loaded in when you start a new session at startup? This would probably also reduce those tiny hiccups on the jita undock and other situations. There is an increasing number of people with large amounts of RAM (32 - 64 GB) and VRAM (10GB+). For those configurations it could be very pleasant (as an option) to have more ship and structure models pre-loaded for a smoother ingame experience. (I.e. i rather have a bit longer startup time but without hiccups in / during the game).

There is already some caching in place, but there are always improvements possible, like for example to expose a setting for how much is being cached (we just need to be careful to avoid drowning in settings).

As far as I can remember there is still more time spent with instantiating the ships than with loading, so I am not sure how much it could help. We are working on several related topics, which could bring further improvements (but some changes will also reduce performance a bit for even better graphics at highest settings).


Originally posted by jask_askari

Improved the speed of loading ship models (both player and NPC), which should improve fps, whenever many ships are being loaded at the same time.

does this mean the game wont lag every time i land on a highsec gate grid

The lag should indeed be reduced (the heaviest part of loading a ship is now about 50% faster), but the lag is not completely gone. The data still has to be loaded and instantiated.

20 Jan


Originally posted by Small-Kitty-Paws

Ty for info.

Just wondering why from ISD not CCP? Is ECAID team working that close with devs/bug reports?

I informed our bug hunter team about this maintenance, as they are working a lot with bug reports. One of their main duties is to go through bug reports and see if they can be reproduced.

Unfortunately I missed the opportunity / was too lazy to also send a public message. ISD Schogol had the great idea to post it here on reddit, asked me about it, and I confirmed that it would be a good idea.

Kind Regards, CCP Habakuk (Senior Quality Assurance Analyst and liaison for ECAID)

09 Dec


We released a client patch about 30 minutes before your post. Potentially something went wrong when applying this patch.

Please try to repair your client through the "Verify" option in the launcher. You can find more details at https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/213281985-Shared-Cache-Options

22 Sep



There was indeed a short outage of our bug reporting backend at this time, but the system is back again and awaiting your bug report. Very sorry for the inconvenience, that even the bug reporting system appeared bugged. :)

13 Apr


Originally posted by Seldorendia

Are you aware that the bug also happens with other sounds that are not necessarily stargates? Some examples are: station sound, the "wind cutting" sound that some planes do when warping and even the startup of mining lasers.

Hmmm, are those also triggered by jumping? I assume not for mining lasers at least :) Could you explain further and maybe also send a bug report about it, if you have not done yet.



Yes, we are aware and are actively working on it. The initial attempt to fix it did unfortunately not help (unfortunately only confirmed last week), and further investigations are ongoing.

09 Mar


Hi! Thank you all, who sent bug reports about this issue! We hope that we tracked down the problem (something quite unexpected) and we are aiming for a fix for the next client patch.

23 Feb


Unfortunately I broke it, when trying to fix the problem, that newer skills are not being included. I totally missed to ensure, that the fix also works on a server with more than one server node, like Singularity. :(

The fix for this breakage should hopefully come with the next patch on Singularity at some point later this week.

22 Feb


Hi! Unfortunately I don't know, what bug you encountered there exactly. If this ever happens again it would be very helpful for us, if you could send a bug report directly after this happened (without restarting the client) through F12 - Report Bug. Then we can take a look at your logs and can hopefully identify the problem.


18 Feb


Originally posted by Drangonteeth

Have you considered a chart like the one NetEase uses for EvE Echos?


that's neat, i like it!

17 Feb


i know my own garbage pie chart when i see it...

anyways, don't read too much into this, it's not going to be shared again either.. at least not by me ;)

please no witch hunts, racism or other funny business - and particularly important: no cheating at video games!

26 Jan


wtf how did you get this recording of me you creep

02 Dec


Originally posted by H0n0ur

I did not screen shot but later today I will pull from the same agent and let you know.

Any word on when we can mine asteroid belts again.?

That would be great.

Unfortunately I have no updates on asteroid belts, as this is handled by a different team.


Originally posted by H0n0ur

From pulling a few missions looks like 18k reward is down to 10k so 40%

Hi, could you please provide us some information on which missions / agents you compared? The payouts should not have changed and according to my tests the LP payout did not change at all - but it could be possible that something is broken for some specific cases, which i have missed in my tests, and which would need to be fixed. Feel free to give me more details here or it would also be great, if you could file a bug report about it on Singularity.
