EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

11 Apr

There has been a lot of speculation around blockchain technology, NFTs and cryptocurrency and what that means for the future of EVE Online, so I wanted to address it.

At CCP, our mission is to have the EVE Universe outlive us all: EVE Forever. One huge part of this is exploring new technologies and new possibilities - something EVE players know that I’m always fascinated by. This philosophy is rooted in EVE Online’s inception; when we created EVE, it was seen as too radical and ambitious, yet here we are about to celebrate EVE’s 19th anniversary.

Many of us at CCP have been following the new frontier that has been developing around blockchains and cryptocurrencies for the past few years. We’ve read your feedback and we also see what you see - blockchain tech has both a lot of untapped potential and a lot of work needed before being ready for EVE-scale games.

On that note, we have no plans to add blockchain technology into EVE Online’s global server Tranquilit... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

There has been a lot of speculation around blockchain technology, NFTs and cryptocurrency and what that means for the future of EVE Online, so I wanted to address it.

At CCP, our mission is to have the EVE Universe outlive us all: EVE Forever. One huge part of this is exploring new technologies and new possibilities - something EVE players know that I’m always fascinated by. This philosophy is rooted in EVE Online’s inception; when we created EVE, it was seen as too radical and ambitious, yet here we are about to celebrate EVE’s 19th anniversary.

Many of us at CCP have been following the new frontier that has been developing around blockchains and cryptocurrencies for the past few years. We’ve read your feedback and we also see what you see - blockchain tech has both a lot of untapped potential and a lot of work needed before being ready for EVE-scale games.

On that note, we have no plans to add blockchain technology into EVE Online’s global server Tranquility f...

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10 Apr

09 Apr

Tenacious Capsuleers,

The Hunt is still on! It runs until 19 April and you can still log in to claim your daily gifts and join the thrilling action happening across New Eden. Hunt down Mysterious Capsules, claim their keys, and use them to take on combat and hacking sites for rare loot.

This year features all-new capital sites for The Hunt so don’t miss out on those and don’t miss out on this exciting event!


Tenacious Capsuleers,

The Hunt is still on! It runs until 19 April and you can still log in to claim your daily gifts and join the thrilling action happening across New Eden. Hunt down Mysterious Capsules, claim their keys, and use them to take on combat and hacking sites for rare loot.

This year features all-new capital sites for The Hunt so don’t miss out on those and don’t miss out on this exciting event!

Join the Hunt
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 Apr


Just an update: the remaining open seat will not be filled, and CSM 16 will finish their term with 9 members.


We want to start off by thanking you all for the great feedback that you have been giving. It’s been awesome to see your enthusiasm for the UI in-game and it is helping us a lot when making design decisions.

As we mentioned earlier we are showing you Photon in the early stage of development. That means we are showing you this with some broken windows, bugs and some concepts that we have not yet implemented. That also means that there are a lot of defects that our engineers have to plow through before we can act on the changes based on your feedback. But having said that we still managed to make some tweaks to the UI before releasing it on TQ. We for exampled removed extra spacing and adjusted components in the fleet window and D-scan. We adjusted the background opacity so it works better on light backgrounds and the text doesn’t bleed out as much. These are examples of steps we’ve taken in reaction to your feedback but by no means an exhaustive list.

The most frequent ...

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Welcome to another even newer look EVE Pulse from inside Jita 4-4!

This week's episode contains details on the following:    
00:00 - Intro
00:26 - The Hunt
01:39 - The Scope
01:55 - Guristas Hunter Packs & NES
02:22 - Upwell structure updates
03:13 - Porpoise purpose
03:27 - Stealth bombers & Feature Preview
03:42 - Proteus balance changes
04:29 - Daily login bonus revamp
04:58 - PLEX for GOOD
05:19 - Outro

Road to Fanfest updates[www.eveonline.com]
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.