EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

06 Apr


Hi CDLoon,

Could I request from you a pair of screenshots of this in the Classic UI, and in Photon to compare, please? It is really beneficial for us to have a visual example so we can identify the correct solution.

05 Apr


The thread has been set up for feedback here: Photon UI Feature Preview - Live on TQ


We’re aware of this issue, but there’s a quick workaround - if you unstack the windows you can change the settings and then stack the windows again.


Hey folks! The SP that was given out for your partially completed SP bars is delivered in a stack of 25k SP items in your redeeming queue. So for instance @Feral_Noir above has a stack of five 25k SP items for a total of 125k (his 115k rounded up to the nearest 25k).


Hey all!

I’m still investigating cases as to why some of you have been receiving e-mail messages when there were no unallocated skillpoints. One possibility is from today’s patch

Due to the removal of the slowly filling skill point bar at the bottom of the Daily Gift screen, a script will be run that provides all players that have logged in at least once in the last year with additional skillpoints in their redeeming queue based on the progress they had achieved in the bar before the systems changed.

So this may have been accounting for that - will keep you updated when confirmed (or not!)


They are seeded at ORE stations.


Hi @Remi_Lacroix - sorry that I missed this! Were you able to resolve this issue? And if not, do you mind if I DM you regarding your account and where you’re connecting from?


Hey folks,

The new Feature Preview system is live on TQ which means you can now opt-in to try out the Photon UI there. Big thanks to everyone who spent their time on providing their feedback in the Welcome to Photon UI thread. This is invaluable and we are looking into expanding on the design aspects that were highly pointed out.

The Feature Preview system can be accessed via the Settings Menu (by pressing ‘Esc’), under the ‘Feature Previews’ tab. Any features available for preview will be listed on the left and can be opted into ...

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Heads up, Capsuleers!

EVE Online and New Eden are powering towards Fanfest 2022, and the latest round of exciting updates mentioned in the Road to Fanfest – Ever Closer blog[www.eveonline.com] are now live in-game, with some bonus additions based on player feedback! Structure updates that introduce more ship variety in combat, balance changes to the Rorqual, stealth bombers, Proteus, a revamp of daily login bonuses - and more - make up the latest volley in a string of updates leading up to and beyond EVE Fanfest 2022.

There have been many changes to... Read more



  • Too high frequencies for some UI sounds


  • * Halcyon G-3 Booster gives a 3% penalty to agility rather than a 3% bonus


  • * Proteus Offensive - Drone Synthesis Projector traits tab has not been updated with the buff it received

Structures & Deployables

  • * Standup Guided Bomb Launchers cannot be fit to Faction Fortizars

User Interface

  • * The overflow menu for too many chat tabs fails to open for chat channels with no...
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Hello everyone,

It’s about that time and we have a new patch which went live 5 April. Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in this version of EVE Online.

Quick Info:

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Hello everyone,

A new monthly patch has arrived (20.04)

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Quick Info:

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Heads up, Capsuleers!

EVE Online and New Eden are powering towards Fanfest 2022, and the latest round of exciting updates mentioned in the Road to Fanfest – Ever Closer blog are now live in-game, with some bonus additions based on player feedback! Structure updates that introduce more ship variety in combat, balance changes to the Rorqual, stealth bombers, Proteus, a revamp of daily login bonuses - and more - make up the latest volley in a string of updates leading up to and beyond EVE Fanfest 2022.


EVE News 820xAnyHeigt.png...

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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.