Yes, you can do this - but when updates are made your program may simply stop working until you update it and then you’d have to go fix it anyway, so that’s not really the way we recommend doing it.
Yes, you can do this - but when updates are made your program may simply stop working until you update it and then you’d have to go fix it anyway, so that’s not really the way we recommend doing it.
Sorry mate, nothing I can say concrete timewise but I can confirm this is being looked at.
Hello, everyone,
There will be an extended downtime tomorrow, Wednesday 3 November, during which we will carry out extra work related to the database maintenance. We expect this process to take no longer than 30 minutes and have Tranquility resume accepting connections by 11:30 UTC at the latest.
We will keep you posted in this thread and on EVE Status Twitter.
Thanks a lot for your understanding o7
Thank you both for the feedback Glad it’s working the way we intended.
We’ll try to get it out in this monthly release.
@Caffeine_Coma - We’ve not been able to replicate the mouse issue you’re having. Do you have an EBR number (Eve Bug Report)? If not, please create one and include as many details as possible (your mouse, OS, hardware etc…) and we’ll see if we can reproduce it
Can someone summarize the question?
Oi oi, noted, and taking the request to the market people. Great suggestion o7
I’m afraid we don’t have a date for the Personal Skill Plans, but it’s being worked on as we speak.
If you don’t have a EBR ticket, please create one with as many details as possible (macOS version, hardware etc). We can try to reproduce it internally.
If you do, let me know the number.
Tranquility is back up and accepting connections!
Hello everyone!
Sorry for the delay, TQ is up and is expected to be accepting connections momentarily.
We have made some window changes for the next release. It should reduce (or hopefully eliminate) the need to click in the window more than once to receive input.
It’s should be live on Singularity now, so if you’d like to give it a shot and give us any feedback, just select Singularity in the bottom right of your launcher.
I think this is the eGPU one?
We’re not specifically testing eGPUs right now (There are simply too many combinations), but I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not sure if it’s a 6900XT specific issue, as we’ve not seen this issue on other AMD-based cards on macOS.