EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

15 Nov

14 Nov


This appears to be isolated to Jita local. Your corp channels are only affected if you were in Jita when you logged in – a relog outside Jita will fix the corp channels. We are investigating what is happening in Jita, please enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.

13 Nov


Sure it is, at least the real life humiliation part. Getting hit is battery, which is usually a misdemeanor.

Nope. It really isn’t. Justification is also an affirmative defense, which means if the prosecutor decides to push the case, you’ve g...

Read more

There were a number of issues yesterday with servers that Apple run, which caused issues for non Apple applications on Mac: https://twitter.com/lapcatsoftware/status/1326990296412991489

I believe these have been resolved now, but we saw issues internally too as a result of this.

I don’t know if this is directly related, but thought I’d mention it as many issues I was having have cleared up today.

12 Nov


Originally posted by Lee_Fu

How can i opt-out of sending my crash data to ccp ?


ESC - General Settings - Crashes - Upload Crashes Automatically

I personally would advise against switching this off, as then we will be unable to know about crashes, which are happening for you and we will have less chances to fix them - but this is completely your decisions and feel free to do so, if you are too worried about your privacy or similar (but it does for example not include any information what else is running on your machine, well, except if for example the crash is directly caused by some other application like an overlay, then we can often see which application crashed it).


Try clicking on the Main Bank details area within the ESS window. It should give you a list of characters for the last two day.