EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Hey Slipt Laserbait,

Thanks a lot for speaking up on this subject. Triglavian Invasion has caused a lot of turmoil for everyone in New Eden for over a year now. We know that some Agents have not completely adapted to the situation and kept sending rookies to their death into the systems taken over by the Collective.

This is not the best early experience for Capsuleers and we have a fix in place that will help with this problem that is planned to go live on Tranquility relatively soon!


Moved the topic to the Mac section for you.


Thanks for the posts, I will follow them up internally.

Do you know of anything “unusual” with your setups? I know that’s quite a vague question, but anything which is non-standard we could investigate could be helpful.

As it stands, we’ve tested Japanese IME and it works as expected for us. The person who made the IME changes is a Japanese speaker who has checked it again.
We’ll do more digging on this - but please file a bug report. It includes useful system information in it, which may just contain something that helps us find the problem.

06 Oct


No, no specific ships required this time.

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05 Oct


We still construct and update the space scene with this mode enabled. This enables toggling the mode instantly, but means you don’t get any VRAM savings.


Unfortunately not. There was concern raised that players might enable this mode by mistake and would need help getting out.


Can you set your settings back and submit an in-game bug report? Would be interested to see what your hardware/driver/settings situation looked like.


What is happening there is that the font size defaults to ‘Medium’. To compare to what is the closest to Tranquility right now you should go in-game into Settings > General Settings > Font Size and change it to ‘Small’.