Everspace 2

Everspace 2 Dev Tracker

06 Apr


Originally posted by RustyGB

I'm so sorry for the people that are giving you a hard time. I've played this game for months now. Restarted everytime there was a big change. Loved it all. I'm happy to wait for the full game whenever it happens. I have my priorities straight :)

Good luck guys. Hope it's a massive success x

Your support is appreciated, but no worries. There are always hiccups, and there are valid reasons for individuals to be disgruntled or upset. We are working quickly to address issues that rear their ugly heads as quickly as we can.


Originally posted by eurojjj19

So if I start playing right now on gamepass, will that progress carry over through tomorrow's update or will it get wiped with the update?

The current version right now can carry over, though I would personally recommend a fresh start tomorrow. We are not wiping anything.


Originally posted by TheStarCore

Why are we blaming Microsoft when it's the team who should have been more prepared in having the update ready?

We're not trying to blame anyone here, let's all take a step back.

We know certification takes a while, so we started this process before 1.0 was complete, instead of starting certification at the time of 1.0's full completion and have Game Pass users wait that week or two. This is why the version that was meant to get through the process at this time was a slightly pre-1.0 build, and why the true 1.0 release is coming in a week or two.

The unfortunate setback was discovered quite literally moments after launch, and we can't do anything about it other than wait. So, yeah, sucks...but at least it's only a day and not a couple weeks!


Originally posted by tekert

If this is going to take longer, can we get steam keys for the people who bought the game on microsoft store?

These are separate storefronts so we cannot take from one to give to the other. Sorry!


Originally posted by AlucardSX

Just to make this clear: when you say it will take a day for re-certification, you mean re-certification of the less-than-1%-away-from-full-release build, right? So we'll probably get this "0.99" build tomorrow, then the true 1.0 build in about a week? Not a big deal either way, just wanted to make sure I understand correctly.

Yes, you got this correct!


Originally posted by villamafia

Any idea when MacOS build will be complete?

Great question! Our full undivided attention is currently on MacOC right now. We're hoping not too long, but it's hard to say given all possible outliers. It's hard to give a specific time, though I would be surprised if it took longer than a few months.

I'm certain we'll make announcements as we make progress and have a more definitive timeframe.


Originally posted by traden

Sorry can you clarify, are you expecting the slightly older build to update tomorrow? I.e will I be able to play this weekend?

It appears the Game Pass build will be updated tomorrow, it's hard to say a specific time but we're hopeful it will be before it gets later in the day. Sorry about the delay, but thank you for your patience.


Originally posted by felikstayson

People got off work earlier to play today. You guys could have at least said sooner that there will be trouble :/

Truly, I am sorry you missed out on an opportunity here. Though please know, I sent that message regarding Game Pass within about 2 minutes of finding out about it.


Originally posted by bored-man

Any particular reason you guys removing comments? I think its fair statement to say im disappointed about Game Pass situation?

Goodness gravy, not fixed...trying to figure out what's going on here. I don't see any deleted messages. Was it in another post?


Originally posted by Giraffasaur_

Hey there, Game Pass will be updated soon as well with a slightly older build (it's less than 1% away from the full release) so we could navigate around Microsoft certification and to get our players playing immediately. The true full release will be after this verification process, probably a week or so.

And don't worry; anything you do in this build will absolutely carry over to the full Game Pass build without missing anything. The adjustments are bugs, tweaks, and the like. All the content is present!

UPDATE for Game Pass: It looks like we have to wait a day for some kind of re-certification as this is their process and it cannot be circumvented(!!!).

Ugh. I'm sorry guys. If there's anything else we can do to push this out the door, we will.


Originally posted by snOwfinity

What about achievements? Can we already get them in this „almost full“ release?



Originally posted by 8_BIT_FOND

Hey u/Giraffasaur_ , I guess you decided not to do a release day livestream then?

We are! In about 30ish minutes.


Originally posted by Gnarwo

soon = today?

We're getting some information as I'm composing this message. Frustratingly, it's looking like because we have two MS certificates close together it might have caused an unexpected delay. Thank you for your patience as I gather more info; I'll follow-up.


Originally posted by SunnyWynter

Any news about the Game Pass release?

Hey there, Game Pass will be updated soon as well with a slightly older build (it's less than 1% away from the full release) so we could navigate around Microsoft certification and to get our players playing immediately. The true full release will be after this verification process, probably a week or so.

And don't worry; anything you do in this build will absolutely carry over to the full Game Pass build without missing anything. The adjustments are bugs, tweaks, and the like. All the content is present!

14 Feb

31 Jan


Originally posted by Arti0n

Will there be a progression wipe when the game releases?

Yes; so much of the game has changed over the course of early access, carried over saves could create more problems than the time saved playing. As such, we are wiping the game so all players start from a clean slate.

Beyond the gameplay-related side of things, there are a lot of adjustments, fixes, and additions to the story as well, so the wipe ensures none of the key moments and events are missed.

30 Jan

21 Sep


Originally posted by Pappy13

If I’m not mistaken all of the wanted ships were named after kickstarter backers of the game.

Yes, this is correct.
We did filter them too. But, you know. User-generated content can be like this sometimes.

08 May


Hey there, pilots! The April recap of our gamedev & community live streams is here, covering Secondary Weapon Mods, Hotswapping Plating, New Weapon SFX, Perk Adjustments, and High Risk Area Mutators, all in under 5! 🚀 /Michael


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