Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

07 Feb


Originally posted by Darkranger18

Knox will just have to use all that Rubber Ducky tape in my inventory to hold him together untill you get him patched up.

Spoken like a true Constructor!


This is some of the fall out of the new physics system. Decoy still works.. it's just feeling a little down. We'll work on this one. (Addressed that in this post as well)


This is definitely a fall out of the new physics system. The DECOY still works... despite it playing dead.

We'll have him rebuilt in no time.


Thanks for the heads up. This does appear to be happening across all of Fortnite. The teams are taking a look into this.

06 Feb


Originally posted by Kangarou

When you say "critical bugs" regarding the skin system, is the problem just visual, like:

  • Unintended clipping
  • color shifts
  • sticky animations
  • stiff physics

because I guarantee that those problems are easily overlookable (and at worst would provide the subreddit with hilarity at the the horrors that occur from fringe cases)

What you listed there wouldn't be considered a critical bugs. Something like crashing when a certain combination is equipped, not loading in with the selected skin, abilities locked when using a skin, etc are all things that would be deemed as critical.


Thanks for the tag! We're looking at this now. If this is still impacting you.. Do you mind DM'ing me your account name so that we can dig further into this?

u/sixa-uchiha u/damtastic u/Evilkiey91 ...

Read more

05 Feb


Originally posted by eighties_forever

People are not frustrated by "delays".

People are frustrated by stream of lies that you have been continuously feeding us for past 2 years.

The issue is that we communicated about things up front. There's always a risk when you tell players what's coming up front because there is ALWAYS the chance that it gets pushed back for various reasons.. bugs, critical blockers like crashes, further enhancements to features, etc.

Yes, at the time of our initial cosmetic update the locker was planned to be release at the end of 11. However, as we made progress to the system... bugs started to appear that we need to fix before it ships which is why it's been delayed.


Originally posted by theMTNdewd

Please don't forget about what you guys said about making tar pits and sound walls researchable.

We aren't! They can be found in llamas are will be made researchable in 12. I'll also add this up top :)


Originally posted by nervous_toast

Reducing propane damage to structures doesn’t fix anything unless they’re doing next to no damage, but then what’s the point of them? I don’t see why you guys are so set on this idea of propane detonating at 33% health from trap damage. Smashers are not mentioned at all which are also a major community concern.

Weapon buffs are good. Please look into the founders weapons, they are extremely awful for how much money they cost. Trap buffs are also good to hear about. Nature traps having the option to roll energy isn’t exactly necessary, but cool nonetheless.

We're actually reducing the range at which Smashers will begin charging as well. I'll add that up top.


Originally posted by Kleptoz23

They probably want to mass redeem for llamas.

Mass redemption in this case still would have granted Winter Llamas. So hoarding thousands for Lunar Llamas wouldn't have worked if players were banking on the conversion.

However, since all tickets were already converted.. the remaining will now go towards Lunar Llamas.


Originally posted by CanadienSaintNk

...but you're not gathering feedback, you're gathering bullet points on feedback. Which is why general feedback has been deteriorating over the past 2 1/2 years of closed beta and why the game is in a state that doesn't promote in-depth review so you get shackled with the 'revert'ers.

I guess step 1 would be reading those long posts that are skipped over-most of them are probably poorly explained mind you but at some point you'll have to bite the bullet. Even most of the "well-known" community advocates don't have a shred of idea on proper feedback and long-term effects of their feedback after all.

We gather feedback from both bullet lists AND long written post. Just because it's a blog post of feedback doesn't mean that it's skipped over.


Originally posted by WaldenMC

Additionally, we’re going to be granting 2 Lunar Llamas to everyone impacted by this early conversion.


We've always granted the main Llama of the season as ticket conversions when the season ends. In this case, it happened earlier than intended. Had it landed at the end of the Season.. Winter Llamas still would have been granted.

The grant of 2 Lunars are just in addition on top of what you'll get at the end of the season when your remaining tickets are converted into Lunar Llamas.