Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

28 Jan

27 Jan


Thanks for the heads up! We'll make sure this issue is fixed for v12.0

26 Jan

25 Jan

24 Jan


Originally posted by BlameTheAliens--

Honest question . What is your first weapon you have max perked before ?

Bald Eagle with Headshot Explosion was the first weapon I ever maxed. It was awesome in it's time.


Originally posted by This2x4Skeleton

Magyst: dusts off hands Well, my work is done for the day.



Originally posted by mortal58

Still completely ignoted the trap meta changes

There are some further adjustments coming in 12. The Design Chat from December mentioned that we were taking another look at under performing weapons and traps.

"Aside from the scaling adjustments; we’re going to be taking a look at some underperforming weapons and traps to see where we can make adjustments. "


Originally posted by battlebeez

Don't thank him for that, he never addressed the Meta change or Patch Notes!

Unfortunately I can't hit on every topic or concern that is brought up by everyone on here Reddit and I apologize.

There will be some additional meta changes in 12. We'll make sure they are highlighted in the Homebase Status report.

"Aside from the scaling adjustments; we’re going to be taking a look at some underperforming weapons and traps to see where we can make adjustments." This was mentioned back in the Design Chat from December.


Thank you for the well written post, u/Virtual_Swayy and I appreciate the time put into this. I would like to address some of the things you've mentioned above.

Don't waste a single second of time "fixing"(nerfing) things players actually like, such as Frost Ice Queen's ability or blizzard blitzen's 6th perk, until this game is free of bugs that HARM PLAYERS. Literally zero players would rank these inconsequential nerfs as more important than server stability, inventory wipes, etc...

Adjusting a perk value (Design Team) vs server stability / wipes (engineers) are two completely different issues that are way out of scope from each other. A fix to a perk, depending on...

Read more

We've posted an update on Chapter 2 - Season 1 end date and when to expect the next season.

Read the announcement here.

External link →

Thanks for letting us know. I'll shoot this information (along with the other reports) and have the team further dig in to this. This isn't the first time we've seen issues with the healing perks so we'll see if any bugs have regressed.
