Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

19 Nov


Originally posted by markitaly

If you have had difficulty learning the game mechanics, thank you for not being Italian.

Initially I did not understand why many things did not make sense to me, then by playing in English I understood, our translation is full of inaccuracies and errors, which does not help

This is the second of a series of post to the italian translation i'm writing

Previous Post (already patched):

here is a list of the first things that came to my mind now:

Crit damange /is translated as/ Critical probability (that is the name of the opposite perk) [Danni Critici]

Crtical Rating /is trans...

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Hey there!

First off, I just wanted to thank you for letting us know about this. Secondly, we will be looking into this report and will correct any inaccuracies that we find in a future update.

18 Nov

17 Nov


Hi Everyone,


We are aware of the concerns regarding missing backpack spaces when 6.30 launched. After a thorough investigation with the QA and Engineering Team, we did not find any issues when transitioning from pre-6.30 to post-6.30.


Here are some numbers we can provide you as a reference:


  • 50 backpack spaces when you start the game.
  • 20 backpack spaces for each level in the Backpack Size Upgrade. (This is a total of 160 backpack spaces at max level. This is more than what you would get from the old skill tree previously, which was 130.)
  • 10 backpack spaces for purchasing the Limited Edition
  • 10 for purchasing the Ultimate Edition,
  • 10 if you have participated in Fortnite’s Pre-Launch
  • 10 if you have activated 2-factor authentication.
  • ...
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Take two!

We've released a small client update for PC players to resolve the FPS issues caused by Elemental enemies on Save the World.

Jump in now!


We take the reporting and actioning of accounts very seriously. We treat every report the same and follow the same process to determine what action is necessary.

There are two accounts involved in this: Account A which was the account originally reported by Ninja and Account B which is tied to a YouTube video we discovered

On Oct 2nd, Account B was disabled for reasons unrelated to player reporting.

On Oct 3rd, Account A was reported by Ninja. It was investigated and not actioned due to lack of evidence.

On Oct 4th, Account A changed their display name away from the name reported on October 3.

On Nov 13th, Account B was re-enabled based on a review of the underlying system.

On Nov 17th, account B changed their display name to match the display name of account A at the time of Ninja's report.

We became aware of a YouTube video claiming that we banned (and then unbanned) account B based on Ninja's report, which is false. ...

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Originally posted by slaucsap

Might be dumb, but what about having a rotation of set locations for the mascots? Like you, the devs, manually put them in the map in like 10 possible ways and we get a random one of those when we play the LTM?

We’ve talked about it, but instead we’re going to make a system that rejects spawn areas if the relative height differential is too great.


Originally posted by FrigginBananapants

Thank you for the non-snarky response. Much appreciated. If you hadn't already put in so much work on something that sounds like it would be more fun to play, I probably wouldn't have asked. No harm except my karma, lol. I wish I could play at your offices. I'm guessing you guys have a closed system to play around in.

But of course, we are already playing season 7 ;)


We've reduced the availability of the Mounted Turret in all default modes (Solo, Duos, Squads). 

Drop in now and continue sending us your feedback.

External link →

16 Nov


Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

We've released a fix for the issue preventing Save the World players from being granted the mission after completing Canny Valley Defense 2.

Wanted to drop by and let you know that at this time our plan is to release a PC only client update early tomorrow morning to resolve the FPS drops from Elemental enemies on PC.

We'll provide more updates on social channels once this update has been released. Thanks!


Originally posted by oxygencube

Have you guys thought about putting a 'no build' volume inside the structure with the mascot? I think it's way to claustrophobic when it's full of walls and turrets. Preventing building in there will open it up and allow for better gunplay. Like there was in 'disco'. This would also allow for a more varied meta other then 'build turrets in the enemy structure right next to the mascot and block yourself in'. Cheers. /u/MrPopoTFS /u/EpicDustyDevo

Actually there is a volume in there, but it shipped bugged. Should be fixed in next week's build. The volume is just where the mascot is, so you can still build inside of some of the base, just not in the center. We will see how that plays and then go from there.


Hey all,


We wanted to come back around and give a final update for players that might have been affected by the PS4 Double Purchase issue that occurred around Season 6 Launch.


For a timeline on the issue you can head over to our last update, as well as the initial Reddit post that brought the larger issue to our attention with the in-line Epic responses.

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Originally posted by TB516_

I know bug fixing is hard but do you guys think it will be fixed today or will it be in a couple of days?

At this time I don't have any additional info on that. We're going to fix it as soon as we're able to and are actively working towards a solution.


Originally posted by TurekBoY

Fix this shit 20fps lol

Hey there, we posted information about that a bit earlier. Link


We've released a fix for the issue preventing Save the World players from being granted the mission after completing Canny Valley Defense 2.


Originally posted by NexusPatriot

Holy crap you responded to a post that went COMPLETELY under the radar!

If I could give you digital cookies at least for paying attention, I would. So thank you.

But to business: I wish could provide evidence to support the claims made here, but the Switch doesn’t support recording through its native hardware for Fortnite. This makes sense, as this does help boost performance a bit. I could try and run around to capture some stills, but standard pictures doesn’t really encapsulate the problem.

The biggest issue is just basic performance. The game doesn’t run at 30fps. It’s gotten to the point where even in handheld mode, the poor fan is whining as hard as it can, and it can’t even stay at 30fps in 1v1 fights. I don’t ever see larger based game modes like Disco and Food fight to ever be stable on Switch, as it just doesn’t seem possible. However, every other base mode should fare well.

If you are able to answer, have you guys ever considered just put...

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You can thank Huntcaller for the tag, those do help get visibility on post that I may not see. You can even show a cell phone recording held from hand while you are playing, any and all videos and screenshots help. But ill take this feedback and it will be relayed.


Originally posted by NexusPatriot

For the past few weeks, I have been adamantly vocalizing how performance of BR has been absolutely abysmal on the Nintendo Switch.

All of my posts have mostly gone unnoticed. I’m sure many more of them will continue to be buried under the memes, great plays, and other amazing ideas that manifest on this sub, and that’s okay.

In building awareness and getting Epic to remedy the situation, I will continue to post every week on Friday, about the cataclysmic state the Switch version of the game is in.

It is borderline unplayable. Textures aren’t loading in, players are invisible, frames drop down below 10 even in 1v1s, and excessive server side lag.

There is no reason that the mobile version of the game on iOS and Android are more stable than a dedicated gaming console.

Hardware limitations in mind, you committed to bringing this game to the Switch. So commit, Epic.

Hey Nexus,

First sorry I missed this post, it can be difficult to find a switch or even mobile specific post in this sub due to its size. While I try to do my best they can still slip past me. The best way to give the team visibility on a post is to post in the sister channel to this This is the mobile subreddit where the switch post should go since the switch platform falls under my section as mobile community coordinator.

Now I think a great way to start is getting some of these major issues listed on our trello board. I will discuss with th...

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Originally posted by CleverD3vil

Hey /u/EpicDustyDevo can you guys make Both Mascots spawn at the same level ? because i have been in many games where one mascot is far higher which gives them the high ground and puts us in a disadvantage.

We don't have that tech right now, but it's on the list to improve that situation.


Originally posted by FrigginBananapants

Hello there. I had a very weird request. Is it at all possible for you to release an LTM that catered to people who actually shelled out a bunch of money on kick ass computers that would like to play these modes that would perform well on our hardware? ? ? I ask because I am concerned that we are missing out on those shelved items because of the need to cater to all platforms, etc. Thanks for your time.

I feel your pain, but we don't run platform-specific modes.


Originally posted by jamesalphonse

how is 24v24 too hard to handle...? You have a 50v50 game game mode, and a 36v36 disco game mode with respawn. What kind of logic is this?

What matters in terms of performance is how many players are in the same area fighting, not how many are in the entire map.