Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

16 Nov


Originally posted by dancewithawitch

Awesome, thanks for listening to us! Would making the bases farther apart help with performance, since the whole lobby wouldn't be in one small area>

Only if we put them multiple grid squares apart, which we may try at some point, but wasn't what we were going for with this first release.

15 Nov


Originally posted by futurerobotblox

I don't think these changes were necessary, honestly. I haven't had a slow game yet.

The length of the match should be about the same actually, we lowered the health mostly to make it feel like you were making more progress when attacking the mascots. It's also nice that the % number lines up with the health # (minus a few zeroes).


Originally posted by Mr_502

Can the team sizes be increased? It’s pretty unfair when you have to play a 9v12 because all your teammates left

We initially had two versions of the mode, 12s and 24s. 12s played as the more tactical version of the mode, 24s the more chaotic and crazy. Unfortunately, the 24v24 version we had to leave on the shelf as it didn't perform well on a variety of hardware. It's likely we will try to find a middle ground next time we bring the mode back around.


We have received reports of Save the World players being unable to complete the 'Clear!' Medbot mission in Plankerton. We are currently working on a hotfix that will resolve this issue.


We're releasing a hotfix that has adjustments to the Mounted Turret in Battle Royale.

Turret Floor health has been reduced from 5000 to 1000.

Turret health has been reduced from 800 to 400.

External link →

14 Nov


I've sent this to our QA to find a repro. Can someone post a clip of it happening?


Thanks, we'll fix it.

13 Nov


Heya folks,

Starting with the update, you’ll start to notice “Pop-Up Cups” within the events tab as apart of our online tournaments system.

What’s a ‘Pop-Up Cup’?

It’s a way for us to try out different settings in a more competitive environment. Make sure you stay updated on the rules for each Pop-Up via the in-game events tab!

Think of these ‘Pop-Ups’ as the equivalent of Competitive LTMs where we can try out large adjustments in a more competitive environment. Let us know what you think each time we run a new Pop-Up Cup.

You can hop onto social or right here on Reddit; let us know your thoughts!

External link →

06 Nov


Originally posted by runescape1337

Hah, good catch. Too much Python lately.

import stability


Originally posted by thewoof2

Any explanation on what this means for blitz: "Profile Stats count in this mode, so fight hard for the Victory Royale!"?

It just means if you get a win, it counts as a win in your career profile tab.


Originally posted by Plopawert

It could potentially not even show up until after it has been completed as to not ruin the surprise for those who don’t want it ruined.

EDIT: As others have pointed out, it doesn’t necessarily make sense on this specific screen due to the fact that the loading screens unlock in order, regardless of which week is completed. I suppose it could be incorporated as a small Battle Star / Banner icon on the related numbered load screens in the locker to the same effect.

No promises as to when this might make it into a build, but it is definitely on our list. It wouldn't be on the weekly challenges since the order doesn't necessarily match, but we would like to indicate that you've completed hidden quests somewhere in the client (e.g., on the individual quest rows inside the Hunting Party bundle or on the loading screen rewards).

Cheers, Michael Noland

03 Nov


Thanks for the report, we'll get this fixed up in a future build.

Cheers, Michael Noland


To clarify, one of our Player Support Team members misspoke in this case. The 'Playground LTM' will not be a playlist where you could experience this in-game event. We've taken steps to make sure that this is clear in the lobby.

See you Sunday!

01 Nov


Hey everyone, this is definitely not intended and we're looking into it. For anybody who has experienced this any information would be super helpful.

25 Oct


Originally posted by rustedironchef

While we’re on it, Epic, would you please turn down the dragon glider just a tad please.

We did already! It's in the 6.20 patch notes. :)


Originally posted by b00msauce77

This is that post. Road to 1,000,000 ^

We've got volume reductions en route for the next patch. Thanks for the feedback!