Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite: Battle Royale Dev Tracker

15 Oct


Originally posted by LouisLittEsquire

My only concern is that the point system seems to just be a cumulative system. I hope this isn't just a game of who can play 24/7 and get the most points.

It's actually not possible. Events are limited to specific dates and time windows. You need to perform well in a tournament and you can schedule out which ones you want to participate in.

14 Oct


We've released a server update to address an issue causing the unintended destruction of non-player structures.

No download or downtime is required.

External link →

10 Oct


Take my upvote.

Cheers, Michael Noland

08 Oct


Originally posted by GameSpirit94

Thanks !

I believe we've fixed it in the 6.10 build, let me know if it's still a problem in that version.


Originally posted by GameSpirit94

Any news :( ?

Yes, I believe we found and fixed the cause. Going to try to get it into the next client patch.

05 Oct


Yeah sorry everyone! Was just a mess up with our in-game message system. Carts are still on.


Ah! Not disabled. There was just a bit of a mess up with our in-game messaging system. They are still active.

04 Oct


Originally posted by Rondeau04

The colorblind options are there. But they used to have the rarity right there when picking up the weapons. That helped very much on top of the settings

We removed the text when you're looking at it on the ground, but the items still have the stars at the bottom, 1 Star = Common (Gray) 5 Stars = Legendary (Orange)

03 Oct


Originally posted by Steamfist

Why not just add a pick up button with the same functionality as the e key on pc instead of using the touch the item to pick it up system? I already have 200 buttons on screen one more that makes the game 10x less frustrating wouldn't hurt

I'll pass this feedback along to the dev team!


Originally posted by XPL0S1V3

Will the interaction glitch ever be resolved? Or is it a feature to prevent people using external triggers?

We are working to resolve the interaction glitch for players. :)


Originally posted by nowthebannedman

Thank you. All I wanted was a response or statement from Epic addressing recent issues. I’m happy that you responded and I understand what the issue is now. Thank you again for finally reaching out.

Thank you for voicing your concerns and being so passionate about Fortnite!


Originally posted by NyLovesYou

Any clue on the interaction bug? The biggest connection I see as to how it’s caused is setting up your hud to play with 3 or more fingers

The connection between 3+ finger play style and the interaction bug is something we're focusing on right now. Hopefully we'll have some answers to it soon!

01 Oct

29 Sep


Originally posted by Nightsfear

I love this idea

Me too. :)

28 Sep


Hi all,

Due to an issue with Shadow Stones, we've temporarily disabled the item while we investigate.

External link →

Hey nowthebannedman,

I responded to another thread that expressed similar frustration, but I wanted to also reach out here. I am very sorry you feel you have been lied to and left unacknowledged.

As a community coordinator for Mobile, I have failed to be visible to you guys - instead of watching and reporting from the shadows, I should have been reaching out! But I am reading feedback, passing it along, and actively working to make you guys feel seen.

As for stats:

The end of summer deadline was optimistic at best, and it's lead to a lot of disappointment. The feature would require a lot of memory, impacting gameplay itself. We are aware that it's important to the community, but we'd hate for everything else to suffer as a result.


Hey guys,

My name is Suzee and I am a community coordinator for Fortnite on Mobile specifically. I understand that I have not done anywhere near enough to make you guys feel seen and heard as a community, but I have been reporting your comments and feedback since the beginning of iOS launch.

Moving forward, I will absolutely be more proactive in responding to your concerns. I am deeply sorry to see that your experience as a member of the Fortnite Mobile community has been so frustrating.

To offer a peek behind the curtain:

We are aware of the interaction bug and are actively working to address its multifaceted causes. It is our ...

Read more

Hi MunGB,

I'm sorry to see you're experiencing this frustrating bug. Rest assured, the team is working to resolve this issue as soon as possible! Keep an eye on our Trello for status updates. :)

27 Sep


Originally posted by Shelim

Can we please bind the 'confirm' button to whatever our desired button to edit is?

Many have asked about this. We'll take a look at this and figure out a solution.