
Foxhole Dev Tracker

28 Sep


Originally posted by Dawnbreaker234

Yeah you made me realize that sooner or later they're gonna move to a different game. Whatever their next project are I hope they'll be successful.

Foxhole will be developed for a long time boys.

22 Sep

If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to leave us a review on Steam. Thanks.

ENTRENCHED Entrenched is Foxhole's most expansive update of the year and includes a massive world expansion, player uniforms, a building overhaul, a new tactical camera, and much more!

WORLD EXPANSION After yea... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Sep


Originally posted by poliuy

As I mentioned it doesn’t actually change it back. It just removes the zoom

The legacy camera option actually uses the old camera code, which is entirely different from the new tactical camera. It is not merely the tactical camera with the "zoom removed". We kept the old camera code path around so we could easily compare the old and new systems during testing. The legacy camera option just exposes that path to users.

There are two differences between the old pre-update 46 and legacy camera options in update 46:

  • The old behavior that allowed you to instantly "teleport" your camera to a new rotation is gone
  • You can no longer get unbounded viewing advantage from a narrower aspect ratios

The two restrictions were put in place to disallow players to gain an advantage by using the legacy camera. However, if you are running at 16:9 aspect ratio then the second difference doesn't even apply.

Oh if we're being exact there is one more tiny difference. When you are driving a vehicle the legacy camera might allow y...

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18 Sep

    Siege Camp on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
* The Test Release for Update 46 will be rolling out to LIVE-1 at Monday, Sep 20th at 1PM EDT in Resistance Phase
* Servers will be taken down at this time for a one our maintenance period
* If the current wars have not ended by this time on either shard, the side with the most recent higher number of victory towns will be declared the winner
* The first Entrenched war begins on Wednesday, Sep 22nd at 12PM EDT

12 Sep


Looks like a Warcraft/StarCraft map

11 Sep


Originally posted by I_Saw_A_Bear

1080p x2 version

It's not fan art but its the closest tag.

No worries Mon


Originally posted by Kysman95

We'll talk about that after todays dev vlog

Trains are not coming my friend.


Originally posted by lordbaysel

"Fan art"

I can't be a fan of my own game now???? HUH?!!


Originally posted by Chaotic_HarmonyMech

Devs already confirmed war 82 is update war. If we finish early, just super long resistance phase

This is not true. A new war will start if the current war ends early. This happened with a prior big update.

Its important to understand that there are hundreds of new players of new players joining the game every day. We completely understand if some players don't want to play in a war before a big update, but it's important that new players have an active game to play on their first day.

10 Sep


LOL. I feel ya.

There are a few small things we are doing to help with logi:

  1. Freighters are unlocked from the start
  2. There will be a few designated "port" towns that will be pre-stocked with hundreds of crates to help bootstrap logi in a war
  3. We're working on a small stretch goal to buff logi. To temper expectations it won't be a game changer but it might optimize logistics a bit over distances.

These will help by small amounts, but on their own won't be enough. A paradigm shift will be needed as well for players to haul crates to distribution towns between the logi towns and the front so we'll be looking for ways to help push into that direction.

A bigger logistics update is in the cards for the further future, but in the mean time we'll have to make due with smaller changes. For some background, we we're supposed to originally have logistics and building in one update but there was simply too much to be done at once so ...

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Originally posted by DPErny

Fantastic! There are quite a few women that play this game and they really appreciate being able to choose the female player model.

So do we.


Originally posted by I_Saw_A_Bear

With the new sandbag will we be able to build a t2 sandbag wall and place a t1 sandbag wall closer than the current sandbag-storage box meta?

Also you just ruined my good weekend in the best way.

Last I checked, the collisions didn't let you place them too close but I think we'd want to review this and see if it can be improved during dev branch.


Originally posted by Numbers078

You guys thinking of a sailor uniform? Maybe less Inventory in exchange for a much longer swim time?

Come back late next year and ask me that again.


Originally posted by RelentlessPolygons

Will this update address the SC spam meta and the "meta-bunker" concrete spam in any way?

No big changes, but SC ammo will be moving to a late position in the tech tree so it can't be used too early in a war.


Originally posted by ScarySpooker

Crate of uniform are faction locked ? For exemple what happen if warden have a crate of heavy topcoat uniform from colonials ?

You can't equip uniforms from the opposite faction.


Originally posted by Teaslurper


  1. Are uniforms also respawns (e.g do we need to spawn in a soldier uniform then change taking 2 shirts or can we spawn in directly as the uniform we want?
  2. Can pallets be repackaged while while half full of building materials or is it an all or nothing deal? Can materials be mixed (e.g so 50% sandbags/50% metal bars)
  3. Can foxholes be connected to trench systems or are they still completely stand alone.
  4. With foxholes now being a shovel item, are shovels included in the spawn kit?
  5. Are the new pill boxes built via hammer or by adding sandbags/metal like with tank traps/sandbag walls etc?
  6. What happens to crates of uniforms that get stolen by the enemy? Are they turned into the basic shirts? or just not submit able?
  1. No. You spawn and then pull the uniforms out like any other item.
  2. Yes Pallets can be repackaged at anytime. Materials right now can't be mixed unfortunately.
  3. Foxholes and Pillboxes are separate from Trenches
  4. No
  5. Pillboxes are built with the Hammer
  6. They can be submitted but not equpped