I'm glad to see there's dev team visibility on this.
Personally, I think that pull times being as long as they are for most things is hurtful to the game just because it affects everyone. Every player has to contend with waiting at town halls to pull tank ammo, RPGs, tripod weapons, etc. and logi players have it even worse, spending lots of time waiting to pull crates from stockpiles, especially public stockpiles - which arguably should be the most used ones, in the name of team cooperation. The longer a player continues to play, the more of their time is spent sitting in inventory screens waiting on pull timers with an auto clicker, and that time adds up quickly. Accounting for how every player has to suffer through it, I would argue the cure is worse than the disease.
Foxhole has made some great strides in curbing griefing with the latest moderation changes, and I hope that someday pull timers can come down, because time spent pulling is, honestly, just wasted tim...