Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

What's everyone's favorite new feature?

Anything and everything Mursaat related.


Originally posted by domesticon

Josh keeps himself immortal by feeding off the tears of players, hopefully this one will keep him going a bit longer!

I don't think I can say anything better than what /u/domesticon has already said. I love the new episode as well!


Originally posted by Aerveor

If you Enable Camera Teleportation, when you spin you camera around with your mouse it used to be a fluid motion but now it's like a slideshow in 3 frames per second.

Edit: This is now a known issue and is currently being worked on

This is fixed in the upcoming hotfix.


Originally posted by RisingDusk

I appreciate this opinion a lot and want to thank you for sharing, but think that this approach missed the mark by quite a bit. As it stands, if you have sufficient gold to spend on ascended gear, there is never a point where acquiring the gear by Fractals is a better decision than simply crafting it. You've introduced a relic / matrix sink that will never be realistically used except by accident.

As odd as this may sound, that is actually intentional.

For the majority of players, we want players to obtain most of their ascended equipment from crafting. However, we have some players who strongly dislike crafting, but still want to play higher level Fractals. This new option is our solution to that - by paying an increased cost for their ascended equipment, these players have a guaranteed method to obtain the items they need to play high-level Fractals without ever needing to craft anything.

For players who do enjoy crafting, or at the very least don't mind doing it, crafting will remain the most efficient way to guarantee acquisition of your ascended armor.


Originally posted by Warbanana

How were the gold amounts decided? The amounts seem way a bit disproportionate to crafting or just praising the RNG god for a box.

We took the current crafting cost, increased it slightly, then split that cost between matricies and raw gold.

This was based on the pre-patch pricing for matricies though, which spiked when the patch hit. Matricies should come back down over the next couple of weeks, which will help equalize the pricing.

If the price of matricies does not stabilize the way we expect it to, we can look into adjusting the vendor's prices.


Originally posted by Kanajashi

Why was this vendor not treated more like the raid vendor? Instead of the main components being liquid gold and gold costing materials, have it more focused time-gated, account bound tokens. I would much rather invest time doing the related content than grinding up the gold to buy matrices.

We did look at the raid vendor, but ultimately decided to go with the current setup for several reasons explained here:


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hey u/Anet_Sean, care to comment on this cost vs time breakdown?

We considered a pricing model more akin to the raid vendor, but a couple things led us away from that structure and to the current one.

First off, we wanted to ensure that crafting remained the primary way for most players to get their Ascended equipment. Due to their nature, Raids will never become the primary way for players to obtain Ascended, but that was a very real risk with Fractals as they are far more accessible and easy to farm.

Secondly, if the primary cost was a token instead of gold, we wouldn't be able to use either Pristines or Research Pages as players have had to long time to stockpile those already. Since we didn't want to add yet another token to Fractals, it made sense to make gold the primary cost and have the tokens be secondary.

Ultimately, after much internal debate, we decided the gold-based structure would be the best for the long-term health of the game.


Originally posted by Lindelle

This was as soon as we entered the final room in the aetherblade fractal. I don't recall seeing any AoEs or anyone getting hurt, but its entirely possible we missed it if the damage isn't too severe.

Frizz's room? I'll look into that and see if I can figure out what happened.


Originally posted by Lindelle

we just did this one and that scared the crap out of us! Did it really do nothing and just make us freak out for impending death, or did we somehow miss it?

Horrik should have fired some cannon shots at you when that happened. Maybe it bugged out or something? Where were you when it happened?


Originally posted by Lumipanda

You can... but will you?!

whistles and walks away


Horrik! Unleash the cannons!


Originally posted by Monkeibusiness

PSA: You can actually sell infinite fractal pots for 1c. Be careful.

Oof, yeah that would be bad. I can disable vendoring on those for our next patch.


Originally posted by korrin-

Only one went to my guild decorations tab.

But I didn't realize the other 9 went into my inventory. :x Didn't see them at first, but double clicking them put them in the guild decorations.

Sorry for the mix up!

Yeah, this is a bug we didn't catch until too late in the process to fix properly, but as it still is technically functional we decided to ship with the bug instead of pulling the entire feature.


Originally posted by RomoSSJ5

At close to double the price per armor piece I'm not surprised.

A large portion of the cost comes from the fact that Stabilizing Matricies nearly doubled in price when the patch hit. Over time they should return to their normal price range, which will significantly reduce the discrepancy.

If for some reason the values do not normalize as we expect them to, we can certainly look into adjusting the vendor's pricing in a future patch.


Ascended weapons and armor were added to BLING because there are some players who do not want to do any crafting, but do want to play Fractals. BLING gives these players access to Ascended weapons and armor without forcing them to level up their crafting skills.

For players who are interested in crafting, crafting remains the most efficient way to obtain Ascended weapons and armor on-demand, which is intentional, as Ascended crafting is the big payoff for leveling your crafting skills.

16 Sep


Originally posted by AnetChrisB

There is a problem, possibly related to the new changes involved with scoring the match's end by Victory Points instead of War Score.


More updates will be posted here:

The root cause of the bug is still being investigated. Until this can be fixed, scoring the end of the week’s round has been changed back to using accumulated War Score, instead of the new Victory Points.

We’ll have a fix for this as soon as possible, and will look into what will be done with affected Glicko ratings and EU’s current matchups. Until then, one thing that’s known is that not ranking the end of a round by Victory Points prevents this bugged behavior where a round ends, then ends again 5 minutes later.


There is a problem, possibly related to the new changes involved with scoring the match's end by Victory Points instead of War Score.


15 Sep


And the winner is our newest Audio Programmer, go AudioTeam!!

13 Sep


Originally posted by DragonSquid

Thanks, I was able to get a refund thru CS on it, I have sent you a PM with the ticket number

Ok cool, glad you got it sorted. I followed up on this and it turns out it was by design, so we removed it from the tracker because it's not actually a bug.