Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by constant_gw2

After reading all these questions, i got really excited and rushed to login to ask a question, then realised i don't have one, even after a think. So im going to just say thank you guys, played since release and these living story episodes have come so far, i think you've hit the nail on the head with your current iterations. so yeah Thaanks everyone working at ANET!! :D (Angel if your lurking anywhere your still my favourite)

Thank you for playing and for sticking with us!


Originally posted by CrAzZyKiLLa

Loving the new Mursaat Outfit and Backpeice, Can we please get an toy to let us float around now to finish it off would be amazing, Thanks! otherwise great work on EP 2, this is shaping up to be an amazing season that is so far more interesting than HoT was and the story writing and voice acting has been superb well done all at arenanet!

Well the Electromagnetic Ascender does that. Shout out to our wiki editors for having this link available for me.


Originally posted by alpacalypsical

Oh my God i'm still hyped about the story I just experienced. Aurene was ADORABLE I wish we got to pet her... o-or something. I mean I know it's an all-powerful being that's regarded as a New God but. I mean. so cute.

I didn't experience by far all there is to see on the map (I didn't even see the jumping puzzle! Maybe... I should be... glad...), but what I did see made me so happy. Saving skritt! The enormous robot! The leyline rollercoaster was so much fun! The story having some really unexpected twists and what an epic and intriguing ending!

Who designed the mastery point in the lava lake though... what sadist is responsible for this?

I am happy you found Aurene adorable. She was fun to make sounds for. I tried to make her cute with attitude.


Originally posted by CrAzZyKiLLa

Loving the new Mursaat Outfit and Backpeice, Can we please get an toy to let us float around now to finish it off would be amazing, Thanks! otherwise great work on EP 2, this is shaping up to be an amazing season that is so far more interesting than HoT was and the story writing and voice acting has been superb well done all at arenanet!

I want this also! I'd name him "My little Laz"


Originally posted by mobott

What are the eleven wonders of Tyria? The poster on Twitter claims the giant sloth to be the 12th.

Good question!

Tarir should clearly be one. And Rata Sum....

What do you all think?


Originally posted by NBSII

I have a question about the Mastery Points.

Are we getting a new Type of them in the Future of Living Story or with the next addon?

Even on the Fire Island chain they are Still Maguuma Masteries.

This is something we're talking about internally, so while I can't give you a concrete yes or no - it's on our radar for sure.


Originally posted by Icdan

Awesome update guys, again. Keep up the good stuff please <3

Thank you /u/Icdan!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hello how is life my friends

Good, it's really sunny here today in Seattle and the release isn't on fire so it's a good day!


Originally posted by Phoenix_Feather12

You added default builds to PvP. Might this be any indication you are working on build templates for PvE and WvW as well? Perhaps this is a test in that direction?

PvP Default Builds and Build Templates are different systems. The update to default builds simply added accessibility to an already existing system.


Originally posted by Dream3ater

Aspiring game dev/programmer here:

Just curious, what sort of languages/tools does ArenaNet use for GW2? I am learning OpenGL and Maya now and wanted to use this as a chance to get an inside scoop on things I should look into to land a job in game dev.

And great job with the patch everyone! I hope to one day work on a game as great as this one.

Most of the game is written in C++. We use C# for most of our tools, and then there's quite a bit of Javascript and python scattered through the game. C++ is really solid to learn though. Make sure you understand concepts like caching and big O notation. Ugh, I could write on this for pages. There are also some great subreddits about game programming. On a more general perspective, it's always useful to see what other people are excited about/learning.


Originally posted by InspiringCalmness

Did one of you finish the new JP without any help?

I've beat the Halloween jumping puzzle countless times, but I can't even make it through the first part of this one. Must practice more...


Originally posted by Ben-Z-S

Who was responsible for getting Moto back into this story <3



Originally posted by repocin

I must say that I really enjoyed this episode, I really quite like the more "open" (i.e. less instanced content) style this one had, it felt really great to play through, to be honest.
Really looking forward to the next episode!

Also, a random question; minor story spoiler inside™

I have an affinity for talking heads:)


Originally posted by Rengaru

Diving gobbles... like this?


Not fixing it!


Originally posted by Ben-Z-S

Who was responsible for getting Moto back into this story <3

Josh Foreman pushed for that one, and he was sooooo right in doing so.


Originally posted by PhoenixOfTheFire

Are there going to be normal destroyers in addition to the Death and Plantouched ones? I adore the new destroyers, but I'd like to see some older (orange) destroyers in future maps too again.

On another note, I love the voice acting! Especially Taimi's 'Spencer' line, it had me cracking up. ;)

I was joking this morning that we should add classic destroyers into the spawn mix in Ember Bay only during Wintersday. ;)

Really, though, we'll see what makes sense for maps as dictated by the needs of the continuing story.


Originally posted by alpacalypsical

Oh my God i'm still hyped about the story I just experienced. Aurene was ADORABLE I wish we got to pet her... o-or something. I mean I know it's an all-powerful being that's regarded as a New God but. I mean. so cute.

I didn't experience by far all there is to see on the map (I didn't even see the jumping puzzle! Maybe... I should be... glad...), but what I did see made me so happy. Saving skritt! The enormous robot! The leyline rollercoaster was so much fun! The story having some really unexpected twists and what an epic and intriguing ending!

Who designed the mastery point in the lava lake though... what sadist is responsible for this?

Everyone needs a good lava bath now and then. ;)


Originally posted by Yukzie

There is no section in the LFG for the new map. Is this overlooked? Or is it cause it will just be too much clutter after some more new maps?

This is totally a bug, and should be fixed in an upcoming hotfix down the road. My bad!


Originally posted by ANetCameron

I absolutely love Thermal Propulsion. The sound team really nailed the FX for it!

This is also my favorite :)


Originally posted by DrPeckers

About new repeatable hearts: will the core tyria maps get repeatable hearts at some point?

While nothing is ever completely off the table, there isn't a current plan to retrofit older hearts.
Of course there's a much better chance of them showing up in future maps, depending on how they fit into the release at large.