Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by alpacalypsical

Oh my God i'm still hyped about the story I just experienced. Aurene was ADORABLE I wish we got to pet her... o-or something. I mean I know it's an all-powerful being that's regarded as a New God but. I mean. so cute.

I didn't experience by far all there is to see on the map (I didn't even see the jumping puzzle! Maybe... I should be... glad...), but what I did see made me so happy. Saving skritt! The enormous robot! The leyline rollercoaster was so much fun! The story having some really unexpected twists and what an epic and intriguing ending!

Who designed the mastery point in the lava lake though... what sadist is responsible for this?


I hear that /u/anet_kirk is the designer for that mastery point.


Originally posted by Lunateric

1.- I noticed no class balance was done this time around, will class balance patches be limited strictly to being released after a PvP season ends?

2.- The new BLING fractal vendor is a great addition to fractals overall but it worries me that you added yet another matrix sink without adjusting drops accordingly meaning prices IN THEORY should raise for them (they spiked already but it may be a temporary spike). Did you take any price projections into consideration?

Thank you in advance for any responses, feels the game is going the right direction and that makes me really happy.

The desire, whenever possible, is to release major balance changes during a PvP off season.


Originally posted by repocin

I must say that I really enjoyed this episode, I really quite like the more "open" (i.e. less instanced content) style this one had, it felt really great to play through, to be honest.
Really looking forward to the next episode!

Also, a random question; minor story spoiler inside™

Thanks! We set out to do a lot more in the open world this time and, while it was a lot of work, I think it worked!

Minor story spoiler response


Originally posted by Thop207375

Great episode! What was your favorite part of the patch?

Sloth! Skritt pirates! The thing at the end!


Originally posted by Yukzie

There is no section in the LFG for the new map. Is this overlooked? Or is it cause it will just be too much clutter after some more new maps?

The LFG category will be coming in via hotfix.


Originally posted by Ragged_Scrybe

That's the cherry on top!

We actually joked about calling it "Cherry Elemental" XD


Originally posted by Anet_Ben

2- We did anticipate a demand spike, but we feel that this is actually a good thing. The more valuable matrices are, the more rewarding fractals become. When matrices were at 20s, it was not profitable to salvage rings. Now, salvaging ascended rings yields a good profit.

To add to this, it's expected that Matrix prices spike immediately after a patch... the question is, how much and for how long? This is much harder to predict, so we tend to play it safe and high-ball our numbers. Over time we expect the price to drop and stabilize at a much lower value, which is what we base the vendor pricing around.

As such, it's unlikely that we will be adding more Matrix drops, but if the price that Matrices stabilizes at is an amount that is significantly higher than we expected, we can look into adjusting vendor prices to compensate.


Originally posted by ccp_manifest

Just wanted to give a shoutout to Link Hughes. Congrats on the release today! Already map completed Ember Bay ;)

Hey, hey! Thanks, my friend! Wow! You've already completed the Chalice of Tears?! O_O


Originally posted by [deleted]

What's everyone's favorite new feature?

Lava/Fire! Skritt Pirates! and the spoiler ;)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Edited to remove spoiler. Thank you for pointing that out! =)


Originally posted by [deleted]

to the PvP team

Have you considered adding options other than 3 points and some secondary objectives? Something like capture the flag, the payload thing from Overwatch etc. I believe it will add more flavour to the game and this is always a good thing.

I absolutely love the new Capricorn, I hope you won't make it another reskinned copy of Foefire like you did with Spirit Watch and Skyhammer. Have you considered updating old maps like you did with Capricorn? I've done a decent amount of rated PvP this year and I can tell you that Legacy of the Foefire is a super newbie trap.

Nothing is ever off the table. Foe fire is one of our highest played maps but if the community wants and overhaul like capricorn then we can start thinking about it.


Originally posted by PM_ME_TOOTHLESS_PICS

cough cough seems like you're forgetting a certain dragon

haha! I love that you replied to this /u/PM_ME_TOOTHLESS_PICS


Originally posted by [deleted]

What's everyone's favorite new feature?

I love the writing. It's so charming and funny. And anything Skritt makes me giddy!


Originally posted by regendo

Just finished the final story instance: Damn, this is how I like my story instances! Not just the story which was amazing, the difficulty was great!

Oh, right, I need a question. Be honest. How many designers died of cuteness overload?

I was resuscitated, but it was a near thing. ;)


Originally posted by Novuake

Yo guys! Excellent release! Very happy with the PvE progress in game, not so much PvP but ill get to that shortly.

Q1: how much time is actually spent on a map like this?
Im quite curious because at first i thought it seemed a bit void of diversity and content but after some exploring i discovered a lot of attention to detail and nooks and crannies all over the place.
Does the tool you use allow you to create the area en masse with some filler or do you need to literally detail every inch?

Question 2 pvp :
I am still very unhappy with the atate of PVP mostly because duels last too long (or indefinitely in some cases) due to a large amount of sustain that every single class currently has, this is aggregated by maps that take longer to traverse or have even more LOSing options as the latest 2 new maps. This concerns me greatly as fights last way too long thanks to lmited effectiveness of rotation on these maps.
Are you looking to release the sa...

Read more

The PvP teams goal is to make PvP players happy by creating content and adjusting content. We have already started doing specific skill splits for skills that we feel are having negative effects on gameplay in PvP and release our new maps as betas so we can make adjustments based on feedback from the community.


Originally posted by [deleted]

What's everyone's favorite new feature?

Diving gobbles in the Fractal Hub.


Originally posted by Thop207375

Great episode! What was your favorite part of the patch?

The ley line roller coaster. I don't have ley line gliding on Live, but it was a ton of fun to fly around on our Dev branch.


Originally posted by regendo

Just finished the final story instance: Damn, this is how I like my story instances! Not just the story which was amazing, the difficulty was great!

Oh, right, I need a question. Be honest. How many designers died of cuteness overload?

No designers were harmed in the making of this episode - they were all revived successfully ;)


Originally posted by [deleted]

What's everyone's favorite new feature?

I'm a fan of Smooshatron.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I don't have a question, just a comment. MO, pat your team on the back. You guys have been nothing short of awesome. Been playing GW2 since release and it is the only MMO I've ever stayed with over 2 years.

Thank you /u/Maksyn2!