Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by SelfieOfDorianGray

I didn't say that the Commander's response was joking; I said that Braham's "Ka-Braham" (and, I would add, the immediate inclusion of jokes and comments of disgust from Taimi/Rox/etc.) were joking, and felt like a disservice to the moment. Further, I don't know if I necessarily agree that it feels 'authentically Braham', given that Braham has spent several episodes prior with a much more serious tone and seemed to be developing in that direction, but I'm sure everyone reads their interactions in a different way.

He responds to being uncomfortable with attempts at humor, just like a lot of real people.


Originally posted by -Wonder-Bread-

This. Right here. Is an incredible f**king answer, holy hell. More of this, please! I love it!

That probably doesn't answer your actual question--the truth is I don't know why the decision to bring him back got made. (That isn't, by the way, intended to imply that I think it was the wrong decision or anything--just that I wasn't around when it was made.)

This part I am confused about. Is there not a single person left from the old team that could tell you such a thing? Or did the old team leave in such a way that they were not able to share this information with you? It seems a bit important to know the whys as a storyteller, especially when you're picking up from someone else's work and need to keep it consistent.

Yes and no. Sometimes people leave, and sometimes decisions get made for other reasons than storytelling.


Originally posted by TheCavis

Did Taimi know we were immune beforehand? Because she went from "don't worry, it only infects humans" to "run over there and squish them" very quickly, even though it wasn't established human characters were immune at that point.

The immediate threat was the same for everyone--not that they'd necessarily infest you, but that they'd EAT you. So they had to be stopped.


Originally posted by Chiorydax

Hey guys! Great work on making Joko an awesome villain. I was kind of "meh" about him until this update. Major props to the writing and cinematic teams for bringing this together!

  • Are there any active plans to dive deeper into some of the standing mysteries from previous/existing conflicts? (I'm personally thinking of Joko's true origins or what happened to Menzies; those are both things I'd love to see that could have been revealed but haven't yet.) Of course, I know you guys love a few good mysteries, so I wouldn't be too disappointed if they were left to the imagination.

  • I really enjoyed the new fractal and all the mechanics involved! How do you guys decide what aspects of the world to tackle with fractals next? Is it kind of "oh, this is neat, let's do this next" or is there more strategy behind it?

  • On the subject of Joko being an awesome villain, what challenges do you guys feel were the toughest to overcome when creati...

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"Are there any active plans to dive deeper into some of the standing mysteries from previous/existing conflicts? (I'm personally thinking of Joko's true origins or what happened to Menzies; those are both things I'd love to see that could have been revealed but haven't yet.) Of course, I know you guys love a few good mysteries, so I wouldn't be too disappointed if they were left to the imagination."

In this season, there's a particular storyline we're focusing on, so additional mysteries generally get addressed in bookdefs, side events, and so on.

"On the subject of Joko being an awesome villain, what challenges do you guys feel were the toughest to overcome when creating a good villain over the years? You've improved a ton since launch. What challenges are you still working toward mastering?"

It's hard to say, since the people that created a lot of these characters originally aren't the people working on them now. The interactive nature of game storytellin...

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Originally posted by RUBIK1376

You said Ben is working on redesigns for a couple fractals and what I'm trying to say is that we just want him on new fractals not redesigns.

Ben is an agile guy, and fills his spare time well. There are design docs that are incomplete, but certainly in progress. New fractals are always top priority.


Originally posted by W4lhalla

So with both teams now merged, can you give us a rough cadence on to how many Raid releases we can realistically expect? Like on average one every 5 months, 6 months etc?

The teams have been merged for well over a year now. While they've merged, the products have dedicated designers so that one of each is always in development.

I wish I could give you numbers on cadence, but I will say that the third raid wing for this season is already in early production.


Originally posted by ddcarvalho

Specially Aurene.

That was literally what everyone I'm sitting with said out loud after I made that comment. :-)


Originally posted by SelfieOfDorianGray

we needed Aurene to do something on her own initiative that wasn't done the way the Commander [...] would likely want it to go.

I think this may be where some people take issue with the ending, then. Because given the responses from NPCs and the Commander immediately after Joko dies - the jokes, the levity - it feels like the Commander is perfectly okay with the way it happened. Even if the Commander makes an off-hand remark of, "Was Joko right?", following that with a joke and a campy catchphrase from Braham sort of undoes whatever feeling of consequence may have been intended in what had started as a very serious and reflective moment.

Just food for thought, I guess.

The Commander's responses aren't joking. We had Braham respond in a way we thought would be authentic to Braham, which doesn't have much to do with the way the Commander responds.


Originally posted by notameatheadmaybe

I might be wrong and I know you're not involved in VO work personally, but maybe you can shed some light on it, and if not, that's fine too. :)

I feel like all the VAs for the PC/Commander seem to have slightly differing take on most lines. Not every, but most. Is it because (possibly) due to what the particular voice artist's take on it, or is it something planned and baked into the scripts?

Edit: grammar.

Well, I do go to most of the recording sessions, so I can give you some insight.

It's both. We try to write slightly different variants of some lines to give them a flavor that's more in keeping with the PC's race--more technical vocab for asura, swearing by the gods for humans, etc.--and we also sometimes let the actor shape the take.


Originally posted by wheadna

Given that Petey is a product in some sense of the scarab plague, does this mean that all rollerbeetles in GW1 are actually descendents of scarabs that emerged from the first plague?

Gorrik engineered Petey from what he was able to find, and his interpretations of what a roller beetle should be. He used elements from the scarab plague. Similar to Jurassic Park and the scientists "filling in the gaps" with frog DNA. In the end we don't know any more or less about GW1 beetles than we did before.


Originally posted by Tomser555

Different person but thank you for this lengthy insight into the story, the meaning behind it and how it came to be. Its always really nice to read the thinking process behind the writing.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Rainpumpkin7266

Those shots were created only for the trailer.


Originally posted by Hrafhildr

So back to boring Kralkatorrik? :'(

Kralk is a difficult antagonist to write for, definitely.

A natural disaster isn't a terribly compelling villain, which is why disaster movies tend to focus on tension in the relationships between people trying to survive them.


Originally posted by RUBIK1376

Is it possible to give priority to new fractal development over fractal reworks? Reworks are nowhere near as exciting and can make existing fractals unenjoyable (molten boss haha)

New fractals are absolutely prioritized above reworks.


Originally posted by RUBIK1376

That said, raids haven't being delayed at all.

So the current pace of 2 bosses + events every 10 months is the new norm forever?

I'd like to see that cadence improved as well, and it is something we are actively being discussed internally. You're not the only one that wants to get new raid wings out the door more regularly ;)


Originally posted by InternetKillTV

Hey Cinematics Team!!

I've shouted a lot about the quality of the cinematics this patch, in particular that final one. I think they were truly exceptional. Often cinematics in the game now are pre-rendered and come in a lower resolution, like the one in the second instance. It's a shame considering the quality of the in-game assets are actually so high so seeing you guys execute a cinematic playing in engine with such excellent uses of camera, sound, framing, animation, and mo-cap was so exciting to me. It is by far my biggest standout of Guild Wars 2's storytelling up to now.

So my question to you - aside from raving about the sheer quality of that last cinematic - is whether this shift in technology and quality for the cinematics is something we can expect to see going. Now that you've cracked the in-engine camera systems and live rendering for cinematics are those low quality pre-rendered cutscenes a thing of the past?

Thanks for the love! In-engine cinematics pose unique challenges that can make them very time consuming. We’re always evaluating the best way to tell stories, and what the best use of our time is. There will most likely always be pre-rendered cinematics though.


Originally posted by MindSecurity

Mounts Team Matt Lambdin

Is it possible, and if so, can you guys please add the "checkpoint" mechanics into Guild Halls so we can make courses in there?

I'm not Matt, but the way the mount races work is complicated and frequently course-specific under the hood, so it's potentially not possible. That said, this is a really cool idea and I'll keep it in mind, maybe there's some clever workaround for it.


Originally posted by Atelia

I'm very curious about game development as a career- if you don't mind me asking, why did you decide to become game developers?

(I know this is an AMA about the latest episode and might not be the right place to ask this question- if there's a better place, or a place where some devs have talked about this, please let me know!)

I think there was an article in Nintendo Power a long time ago talking about game-dev education and careers - that was the moment I realized that making video games was an actual job you could have.


Originally posted by gahata

Could you package the LS soundtracks as albums with the last episode of the season, or release an "episode EP" with every episode? Honestly I listen a lot to both HoT and PoF soundtrack, but I never really touch any of the LS pieces (that I love), because it's insanely impractical for me to do so

I really appreciate hearing that feedback and it’s something we’ll explore.


Originally posted by Charrikayu

Could you explain why the wardrobe system works for backpacks, themselves an accessory, but not other types like amulets, earrings, and rings? Or is it merely a matter of volume and the wardrobe currently can't contain the number of available trinket skins?

The wardrobe doesn't actually track items, but rather the art that they reference. Backpacks are in the wardrobe, because they have a model, while other accessories don't. Aurora, along with the various jewels and infusions with visual effects are set up in a different way that doesn't interface with the wardrobe