Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

03 Jul


Originally posted by Varorson

Out of curiosity, how much harder is it to alter JUST the PC's voiced lines? Since you need different voice actors anyways, it would seem like such is easier than for altering NPCs to reflect the PC (and their choices), but how much more/less difficult would you say it is?

Very. Not necessarily hard, but expensive, both in terms of writer time and in terms of VO.

Right now we have to have each PC line recorded 10 times, but it's 10 different actors, so it's 1 variant per actor.

But just taking humans as an example, you have 3 background choices, 3 "regrets" choices, and 6 gods you can worship. That's 54 variants. (I don't remember how many variants there are for non-humans, but I'll assume for the moment that human is average.)

So now instead just 10 racial/gender variants of a line, you have 540 variants. And that's not trying to take character class/profession into account.

And yes, I know that not every line would require different variants for a female street rat with a lost sister who worships Lyssa versus a male noble with unknown parents who worships Dwayna, but we don't have time to sort through that complexity when we're writing. Even determining when to do it versus when not to is a complex...

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Originally posted by -Wonder-Bread-

It really was excellent and Nolan North's voice acting truly sold it. He has been by far my favorite voice actor ever since his work in Spec Ops: The Line. The man has incredible range.

Side question to you: How does one get hired on as a game writer? It is something I have always wanted to do and it doesn't seem like just being a writer is enough.

We usually hire people with film/tv screenwriting experience, but given that the job's different at every company, the requirements tend to be, too. I know that's not a terribly helpful answer, but the best advice I can give you is get experience in other mediums.


Originally posted by TehOwn

Is Crystal Reid still around? I loved her enthusiasm in earlier videos.

Edit: Also, I think people worry that "one team" means fewer people.

Crystal is a design manager now, so she doesn't do much implementation any more. However, she is one of the folks that sign off on design pitches and content gates, along with Z and myself. She's still involved, just not as directly :)


Originally posted by Rainpumpkin7266

Sry, forgot to add the ""

What I meant was that it was highly criticized because it didn't show many new content, which then led to people suggestions of how a good trailer could be (I tried to find the reddit threads about this, but didn't have sucess), which then led to a very high praised episode 2 trailer with the only thing being criticized being the fact it didn't say the name of the map)

Ah, got it. We've definitely been reading and listening to the player comments regarding what they'd like to see in a LW trailer and I'm glad it shows. As /u/anethogm is fond of saying, "Keep the feedback coming!"


Originally posted by Kaneyren

Raids and Fractals are the same team working on two different products.

This seems pretty bad for two of the most important things keeping people playing in between Living World releases.

I disagree! I'm also way past AMA time, but I wanted to answer this.

The teams merged well over a year ago, and in that time it has allowed us to create more cohesive designs as there are more designers to bounce ideas off of. Siloing is essentially gone. We also have some pretty neat design processes that each of the raids and fractals, and their respective events, go through to facilitate rapid iteration.

To clarify further, while the teams may have merged, the designers are still dedicated to their respective products. For example, Eli is still the primary fractal designer, while Anthony and myself are dedicated to raid encounters. Ben is unique in that he floats between the two teams because of his unique skillset, but his heart is with fractals. He benefits everyone by creating new tech and quickly putting together complicated skill/scripts, but most of his time is spent creating the next cool fractal with Eli.


Originally posted by -Wonder-Bread-

Fair enough. I hope you are settling into your new position well. Joko's writing in particular was some of the best ever in the entire game. So major props to whoever wrote that.

Pretty much the entire narrative team. We handled it like a sitcom writers' room, and pretty much every line was the result of multiple people's riffing. :-)


Originally posted by greiton

have you ever seen another dev make something and just go how did they do that?

Pretty much a daily occurrence for me.

02 Jul


Originally posted by Rainpumpkin7266

ah ok. Got to say, after the trailer "disaster" of Episode 1, trailers have been way better, with episode 3 trailer being an improvement to episode 2

The Ep. 1 trailer was a disaster?


Originally posted by JessicaLPrice777

Guys, you're reading WAY too much into "I can't talk about what we're doing next." There's no secret code underlying these answers, just, literally, I can't talk about what we're doing next.


Originally posted by DeimosXid

Are any of these future unknown features still in the works, or has development on guild-related content completely stopped?

Wouldn't that make them future known features? ;)


Originally posted by Korruna

The Roller Beettle mount is awesome! I had a question though... I'm not sure if it's latency or not, but the penalty for the Big Air tricks seems to hit me even when I'm not hitting the button, or when I'm just trying to do a normal jump. Are there any plans to look at how this penalty works? It feels like it's too sensitive right now. I say this since the Roller Beetle already has many other penalties and the Big Air one currently makes the mount a lot less fun for me with how it currently works.

I personally haven't seen the trick functionality misfire, but I'll keep an eye out for any anomalies. Tricks have a minimum duration of 800 ms even if you let off of spacebar, so it's possible that you're overestimating how much air time you're getting, though this sounds like something different. It could also be that you're trying to jump when your beetle is already in the air but you think it's on the ground, which as an example can happen if you're trying to maximize air time by jumping off the top of a ramp but mistime it.


Originally posted by skarpak

do you tho?



Originally posted by Thop207375

I doubt you can probably answer this but is there still three teams associated with Living World?

There are multiple Living World teams that change personnel as needed to address our content plans.


Originally posted by void2258

It's unfortunate that the nature of the achievement system makes everything single run. We did Caladbolg once per account and can never do it again because the system can't handle per-character segmenting (repetition can only be account wide). It would be nice if there were a way to do these kinds of things multiple times (although of course that would need reward adjustments as well unless you want to give us a free ascended on every character).

You can actually do the Caladbolg sequence on each character and earn their own Caladbolg! The collection-based steps use crafting instead of the collection on subsequent playthroughs, so it won't be quite as generous as the first time.


Originally posted by JondorHoruku

What was your inspiration for the way roller beetles work, and were there any unforeseen difficulties in implementing the design (esp the ‘momentum’ aspects)?

The incredibly simplified and possibly fabricated history: The original design that was brainstormed before Path of Fire shipped was focused entirely around rolling down hills to gain speed, as inspired by the Guild Wars 1 beetle racing minigame (and other games, but we can pretend that it's all thanks to GW1). From there, we thought that launching off of ramps to gain sweet air like a motocross bike would be a lot of fun. Finally, someone put on some Eurobeat and then suddenly the next day the beetle could drift. Nobody is really sure how it happened.

Since you asked about difficulties, probably the two gnarliest bits were the terrain orientation of the collision body and the drift physics emulation. Regarding the latter, game physics is frequently lies built upon more lies, and the drift is certainly no exception. Getting the drift to feel more or less correct took a whole lot of fiddling with numbers and countless hours of drifting in circles and around various corn...

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Originally posted by Chiorydax

That makes me curious, by the way! Who did the motion capture for Joko? I remember people praising his/her flair even in the trailer for this update. Whoever it is, they're a ton of fun!

We had Richard Sloniker come in, but we've also used a few different people from within the studio (including Ben on the cinematics team).


Originally posted by questhere

There's a lot of speculation over if Joko is truly dead and whether we'll ever see him again. But it seems no one's asking the obvious questions.

Do dragons poop? and how regular are they?

depends on their fiber intake


Originally posted by Thop207375

You’ve done a fantastic job

Thanks! I'm fortunate to be part of a fantastically talented team. :-)


Originally posted by FirePosition

I have a lore question. Can Sylvari be Awakenend? They couldn't be Risen because it was technically conflicting corruptions (Risen vs Mordrem), but can they be risen from the dead and be controlled, either by Joko as Awakened or by another powerful Necromancer? Or, due to their plant-like substance, can they be "reanimated" by some sort of nature magic? Or a combination of both?

My take is that sylvari can be Awakened though obviously we didn't get to see that demonstrated. If you play a a sylvari main, you may notice that Joko threatens you with Awakening…


Originally posted by void2258

On that topic, why is the intelligence of both dragons and the minions so varied? Zhaitan was basically himself a dumb beast, but his minions were sometimes smart and had whole sub-stories (mazdack, the eyes and mouths). Morde was highly intelligent and conversational, while most of his minions were mooks. Kralk is a silent Kaiju, but Glint and Vlast were talkers, while Aurene hasn't spoken yet (though that could be an age thing). Jormag is somehow communicative enough to have willing followers doing his bidding, while we have seen no sign of any intelligence whatsoever from either Primordus or his mobs. And we have no data on Steve.

Just what is up with the dragons intelligence?

Aurene is SUPER-young, and speaking in words is basically a second language to dragons.

Their intelligence doesn't look like ours.