Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

10 Jul


Originally posted by RUBIK1376

how bout KC


08 Jul


Originally posted by Vernoud

I was actually very impressed and pleased with guild chat today, I love when you get to peer behind the inner workings of a game and see the thought process of devs. :)

This feedback makes me so happy. Something I have been trying to do with Guild Chat for a while now is increase the "look behind the curtain" aspect of the show.

My initial preparation email/questionnaire for dev guests includes a request for WIP images and video--everything from video clips of unfinished areas to snapshots of whiteboard notes from brainstorming meetings--in an effort to dig more into the development process. Ben's response to that request for this episode was so great.

06 Jul


Originally posted by cylonapplepie

There's your tutorial

It should improve your GW2 experience as game will run native on platform it was written on, but I wouldn't expect any serious improvements as game engine isn't handling places crowded by players very well in first place. You can tweak graphic settings, turn off player name plates (those can be bring up at any time by pressing modifying key on keyboard; not sure which one is on Apple keyboards as I haven't played GW2 on these machines in 4 years) to squeeze those frames but there won't be a performance miracle

OSX client is a Windows client + little piece of software called Cider that translates on-the-fly Windows code to be usable on Apple machines. Cider is the fork of Wine

OSX client is a Windows client + little piece of software called Cider that translates on-the-fly Windows code to be usable on Apple machines. Cider is the fork of [Wine](\_(software)

This is incorrect. The 64-bit client, which is the only client available, is fully native. The quoted information was only true of the 32-bit client.

04 Jul


Originally posted by Awthorn

Hi my beloved dev I don't know wich team im supposed to ask But are you planing an engine performance or something like that ?

Hi my beloved dev I don't know wich team im supposed to ask But are you planing an engine performance or something like that ?

I'm going to quote Johan here as it's still the case:

GW2 does a lot of processing, and much of it is done on the main thread. That is also where its bottleneck tends to be: The main thread. There are conscious efforts in moving things off the main thread and onto other threads (every now and then a patch goes out that does just this), but due to how multi-threading works it's a non-triv...

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03 Jul


Originally posted by Taiaho

Very interesting, so I was wrong!

Not necessarily—your take could also be true of some especially strong personalities.


Originally posted by Charrikayu

I understand where you're coming from, but thoroughly disagree with the premise. For me, worldbuilding is the essential foundation upon which you then build compelling stories and characters, and that if you lack a frame of reference in which to ground those characters it becomes harder to relate to their struggles.

Nightfall actually covered most of these themes perfectly. It deals with Elder Jonah and the failing will of Ronjok to support war in their struggling homeland--

"But I fear for our land. Things are getting...darker, and not just for Ronjok. More and more young men and women are getting conscripted. Other conscripts mysteriously disappear. Varesh's quotas have gone through the roof. We barely get enough water for the fields. I hope that you, my friend, will be the light that guides us through the impending darkness. Many wish you Sunspears had stayed in Istan, but many more who have no voice to speak believe you are our last hope. Pleas...

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I've spent almost thirteen years building the world of Tyria as an environment artist and as a writer, so I'm glad you've enjoyed that aspect of the franchise. I'm just disagreeing that it's the most important part of storytelling, or at least the part I want to focus on as a writer. That said, you invoked several times where story was revealed through character moments.


Originally posted by elijahofengland

Thanks for the reply! Super interesting. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you on guild chat soon, you said some really poignant things about character development particularly Taimi and the disease she has on the ep2 guild chat. Great stuff.

Thank you!


Originally posted by Cornflake_boy

Wow. I know I am not part of this business at all but should things like these be documented for exactly someone in your case (by that I mean someone who needs to catch up the thoughts behind the story to write it on) ?

I have to admit that I am a bit bitter to see how such an iconic character like Palawa Joko got handled. Nostalgia being a huge factor here for sure but he is one of the most memorable character of GW1 and before PoF we only had rumours about him. Then we met him in total 3 times before we killed him. For 10 years people were wondering who he was, how he got his power and more recently how he escaped the domain of the lost .... Maybe you have something on the shelves for us, but I feel it could have been presented to the players before (at least partly).

I like how he is ending though, for all the reasons you listed in your very insightful post. But even if you wanted to have him out now, I think giving us more lore before (through in game books, ...

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Robust documentation is the great white whale of game dev. We all always know how badly we need it, and no one ever has time to do it.


Originally posted by Varorson

Does this mean we can become a powerful game developer if I run you over? -reaches for car keys-

No you fool—though I encourage anyone reading this to feel free to run me over, you could not single out a less powerful game developer in the entire industry than yours truly


Originally posted by Skyy-High

Well. Shit. Honestly wasn't expecting anything close to an answer about this.

I'm sorry


Originally posted by -Wonder-Bread-

I greatly appreciate you replying. I'll admit, a large part of why I want this is in large part due to being in an RP guild and this sort of thing just makes RPing all the more exciting. I was so excited for Kourna as one of my characters is supposed to be from there.

There was always some amount of uncertainty playing a character from Kourna as there was little information given about the area in the 250 years after GW1. Regardless, I do not want to see ungrateful for what you have given us! There has been a lot learned and much that I can use to help make my character feel more real.

I look forward to the future and hope you can include more! Truthfully, your writing is just so wonderful, I just want more of it. :]

Hooray for your roleplaying guild! In my mind, the Domain of Kourna is somehow an even more desperate and awful place than Vabbi or Istan because King Joko has really had it in for the homeland of his (previous) greatest enemy. He diverted the lifeblood of their nation away to the riverlands and made even subsistence farming nearly impossible. At the point that we're invading the seat of his military might, he's brought groups of Awakened Inquest to Kourna in order to generate and test a series of extinction-level biological weapons on his own people. I tried to suggest the devastation he's inflicted on these people with place names, like Veldrunner Drifts and the Dejarin Ruins. Apizmic Grounds is the last holdout of the once-proud heket people, reduced to hunting sickly insects in a polluted backwater.


Originally posted by Majigor

Will we ever find out who E is?

Will marjory feature more in the story? What's the reason she's been so absent since HoT?

I get that you can't give away much about the story, but you've undoubtedly seen all the speculations this latest episode sprung. Are any of us on the right track? Will we ever see or know more about Joko?

The real E was the Experiences we had together all along.

We're focused on a different group of characters at the moment but hope to return to Jory at some point.

I'm not up on all the fan theories, but I'm confident in saying that every last one of you is one thousand percent correct in your speculation.


Originally posted by Martinoice

Do you have any plans to add a complete caladbolg weapon set? I love the idea so much. Its one of my absolute favourite "quests" in the game and it makes me feel close to the story and my character, but I don't use the weapons that are avaliable. If there could be a caladbolg axe I would be so happy.

Sorry to let you down, but it's not planned at this time. I'll remember that you want it though, in case the opportunity does present itself someday.


Originally posted by StrikerJaken

Just for fun. Make an old wise guys room like in final fantasy 7 where they tell you everything, fourth wall breaking

This would be a fun way to handle some of the more arcane mechanics, I love those out of place game-system schools in old RPGs.

(Cloud himself explaining some of the game mechanics for the FF7 tutorials is one of my favorite clever character moments. He's an ex-Soldier, of course he knows these things!)


Originally posted by Nebbii

You could add a decoration that detect player movement nearby and change from one color to another

This is more or less what I was thinking about after considering the options! It'll take some time and investigation either way though.


Originally posted by Valfaros

Just a small question why has the Kodan tonic no dodge animation. It's been a while but I happen to believe I saw Kodans dodge either in respective dungeon or somewhere else so why not add it.

Animations can be tricky - the player races support a vast number of animations, but many NPC races have a much more trimmed list to keep the artists' work load under control. It's possible that Kodans have a dodge-like animation but not a proper dodge set - if you watch your character, you actually have several possible animations depending on the dodge direction.

I thought Kodans basically had the Norn animation set though, so that's odd. I'll pass it on to the artists.


Originally posted by elijahofengland

Sorry for this not being directly related to this particular episode but since watching you on guild chat I think you’re great! But my question is, coming into a game with such an established and complicated lore and picking up so far into its development, how difficult is it to try and work all this into the story?

I’m assuming coming in at PoF release you had to familiarise yourself with guildwars in general. Is there an archive you access, or talk to devs and other writers, woodenpotatoes on youtube or have you played both games beforehand to do a bit of research?

It's a continuing process. But my ability to immerse myself quickly in an IP is part of a dev/story editor's suite of skills. We often do story bibles, and start working on that as soon as we come in (that's not one of the things I'm doing in this case, but it's a common job responsibility for editors).

When I came in, part of the goal was telling a more tonally consistent and focused story, rather than trying to go super-broad, which has allowed me to focus on relevant parts of the lore and do deep dives, although I also spend a lot of time working on broadening my lore base (I spend a lot of lunch periods just reading the wiki).

However, I mostly rely on my coworkers, especially Linsey Murdock, Peter Fries, and Andrew Gray, who are treasure troves of lore knowledge and generous about sharing it.

My first week, though, was basically spent entirely in a conference room with Mo and Z and Tom and Linsey and other stakeholders, rebreaking the story arc for S4...

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Originally posted by VaelVictus

Did I correctly detect a hint of Samurai Jack's "Aku" in Joko?

Maybe a little! Joko's lines were done by an entire writers' room, each member of which was drawing from many different influences. :-)


Originally posted by Exfrus

I don't think we've ever been in situation where we felt it would add anything to have a female norn say something differently from a male norn.

If you dig through the norn personal arcs I believe there are a few instances where female norn and male norn have different dialogue and some of those are voiced. It's pretty much exclusively restricted to interactions with the Sons of Svanir because they have VIEWS on women. Same story with female charr and interactions with the Flame Legion for the same reason.

That makes sense, but neither of those things are plot points in this season, so. :-)


Originally posted by talajian

Wait, so if I've been piecing together the delicate sketches of personality that you gave the Commander and have been enjoying that......does that mean I actually enjoy the Commander's character, what there is of it, or does that mean that your sleight of hand is working?

Both, probably.