Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

20 Jul

Glad you are enjoying yourself, looking forward to seeing you in game!

19 Jul


Originally posted by xenstroke

Welp, it looks like I'm not getting up for a while. Hope your Jennahtorial staff don't mind.

No need to Jennahuflect. You're no slouch yourself!


Originally posted by xenstroke

This floored me

So you're saying that you're amenJennahble to these kinds of phrases?

17 Jul


Originally posted by Varorson

But weren't those the "Mk II" Watchknights, which are what these FotFW Watchknights are being called too?

So if the Lake Doric ones led to these guys, shouldn't that make these Mk III Watchknights?

You could think of the Lake Doric version as a 1.2, or more likely 1.5 iteration - they use the same external chassis as the original Watchknights, but incorporated a number of internal changes for 'reliability and safety'.

Part of the Mk II rollout is also undoubtedly a deliberate rebrand on the part of Kryta's royal engineers to try to put any dark memories of the original series of watchknights in the past...


Originally posted by Lishtenbird

I must be rejoiced, but honestly, I'm terrified of fighting Suriel after all these years of her 24/7 running across LA.

Now that you mention it, has anyone seen Suriel in Lion's Arch this week...?


Originally posted by Varorson

I... was not expecting them to have altered that model! Since we saw Watchknights in Head of the Snake during Season 3, I figured it would just be those Watchknights in lore.

Makes me wonder if they'll update those S3 models at all... probably not though it would make sense as they would be "Mk II" Watchknights by all rights in lore.

The Season 3 watchknights won't change - their successful deployment in the Lake Doric campaign, however, may have been what prompted a renewed interest (and trust) in the technology.

Originally posted by wowlame

this cured my depression thank you guild wars 2

You're welcome, wowlame. Hope to see you in game!

13 Jul


Originally posted by beornraukar

Crystal Reid led the team that created the game mode I play the most in GW2. The hours that I ended up spending grinding my gears in rage towards a raid boss, and the elation I got when I defeated each and every one of them. While I understand that everything in game developer is a group effort. The scope and reach of raids started because of her, and I will be forever thankful.

Muh feels rn! I'm so happy to hear you're getting the same amount of enjoyment out of a game mode that got me hooked on MMO's over a decade ago! Feels great to know and hear about the positive impact you've left in someone's gaming life. Thanks for sharing. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


Can't agree enough with

Oh, and to all the artist out there: never stop doing amazing artwork! It inspires people in more ways that you can ever imagine!

All the wonderful art up on the walls in the office, and all the creative stuff community members make (art, music, videos, props, etc.), is a big part of why I like working here. Even though I'm over on the server/platform team, not directly working with any of that sort of thing. :)


Originally posted by Dylloop95

What is the bit about no sdcc pass required in the schedule if I dont have to buy tickets I'm down to come!

Because we aren't within the convention hall itself, but at Petco Park, this is open to anyone in the area.


Originally posted by man_0fbass

/u/GalieGray Not sure if you have the answer to this, but what kind of food is being served? Recipes from video games always fascinate me :)

I'm not Gaile, but - the food is more themed than a direct recipe of in-game chef recipes.

12 Jul


Originally posted by RhenCarbine

Kinda confused about this. Why do the piranha disappear when the pirates are killed?

There is a conversation in the Corsair flotilla where they mention throwing chum overboard to attract them, and deter boarding. They weren’t counting on dive bombing griffons. Once the piranha eat the hands that were feeding them they move on.


Into piranha infested water. Was that overkill? Nah it feels too right to be wrong.


I’m glad you’re enjoying your visit to Istan. It was truly a labor of love for all of us involved. Our map artist, Aaron P, really outdid himself with the Astralarium. I’m blown away every time I go there.

10 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


No fancy group names. We mostly chase each other around with prop swords chanting, "There can only by one!"


Originally posted by Darknicrofia

In High School I knew 6 different Katelyn/Catlin/Katelins etc with different spellings

This is a real issue @.@


Originally posted by lusk11b

Same here! Every other game I've ever played, I've muted the music and turned the sound down to 10% or so and just jammed out to my own music. When playing GW2, I get fully immersed. It truly is amazing.

Passing along these compliments to the rest of the audio team- thanks y'all! <3


We also have six people named Jason. My lunch orders are never safe.


Originally posted by Adriaen6

u/anet_jason Any news about Xera fix?

Her fix was in today's patch, and the kill switch was removed. Xera release note will be in the late notes.


Originally posted by THADDEUSJARVIS

I have to say, I'm very intrigued by the "weird sax noises" note.

We have fun on the audio team ;D