Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by FirePosition

Alright, strap yourselves in cause this is a long one. I have some general questions regarding difficulty in the main story (and in some way open world). It’s a wall of text, sorry, been sitting on these questions for a while and am always asleep when the AMA is posted. Answer what you can, don’t answer what you can’t (or don’t want).

  1. Difficulty progression question: What’s your stance on difficulty progression in regards to expansions and living world? Is the idea that the game becomes harder in chronological order (PS, LWS1/2, HoT, etc.) or are you in favor of “resetting” the difficulty per expansion, as to make it more accessible to newer players (ie. so people who buy PoF instead of HoT wouldn’t instantly be overwhelmed). If the latter, does that mean the living word building up to the expansion is more difficult (because part of expansion) or easier (leading up to new expansion, depending on story).

  2. Death in personal in...

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1) Generally we try to make the golden path story approachable by majority of our player base. I think we generally try to approach content more like your latter suggestion, instead of the former. Ideally achievements could be used to add challenge to an encounter and not block players from experiencing the story.

2) This is tied to the previous answer. If we do scale an encounter towards the harder side, we know that death doesn't reset an encounter which can be extremely punishing. Again, we can always put in achievements for "don't dying" or "don't get hit by X" instead to give that challenge without blocking players from experiencing the content.

3) The skill variance in our players can be quite large. If you know your profession really well, and how it combos with others, you can output something like 5x the damage and sustainability that an average player could.

4) I'm a fan of challenge motes in story instances but it does at scope to a release. I wo...

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Originally posted by rilgebat

Given that GW2 is increasingly featuring content that is in essence a resurrection of conventional quests rather unwieldly packed into the achievement system; has there been any consideration towards reintroducing a dedicated quest system/log?

I feel that the positive reception the Caladbolg "Current Event" received is a good indication that this kind of content is still in demand, and still relevant. At least when done well that is, mundane fetch/kill quests are still quite rightly replaced wholesale by Dynamic Events. Well done quests would slot in perfectly in the current gaps between existing systems (i.e. DEvents, Hearts and Instances) in GW2.

I can't speak to adding new quest systems, but I'm glad you enjoyed Caladbolg! I'd like to make more sidequests like it, but keep in mind that they are a significant time investment to do well.


Originally posted by D_i_v_o_r_u_s

If Raid Releases are obviously getting delayed, can the community at least get Information about it? The worst thing for the Raid-comunity (especially at the moment) is that there isn't a single bit of information as to why this happens. Also, if you make a priomise and realise that you can't hold it, could you just admit it and not find some excuses?

Raids and Fractals are currently one team developing two different products. That said, raids haven't being delayed at all. In fact, the next raid is essentially done, we're only waiting on externally delivered assets, such as VO.

I mentioned R/F being one team because we are currently attached to Living World episodes, so development has been staggered to evenly disperse the content across Season 4 releases.


Originally posted by DemethValknut

Oh by the way, the trailer for ep3 was everything I was waiting for a lw trailer. You've got it !

I agree, /u/ANET_Byfield has been killing it!


Originally posted by Atelia

I'm very curious about game development as a career- if you don't mind me asking, why did you decide to become game developers?

(I know this is an AMA about the latest episode and might not be the right place to ask this question- if there's a better place, or a place where some devs have talked about this, please let me know!)

It’s mostly my mother’s fault to be honest. When I was young I told her I wanted to learn to program and she, thinking I would have more fun that way, got me a book on game development in Java. I’ve been making games ever since.


Originally posted by gahata

You didn't answer why, and Soundcould doesn't provide an option to either download commonly used file formats (these are very good quality downloads, but very impractical) and it doesn't fulfill the role of Spotify

I apologize for not being clearer: the why is because we use our aggregator service to distribute to Spotify, and we use that service specifically for songs that are packaged as albums, as with the HoT and PoF OSTs.


Originally posted by MechaSandstar

How can you build content around a mount you can't guarantee people will have?

By not making it a hard requirement. We wouldn't have central-line content depending on having a roller beetle, but there can be extra things you can do and find, or different ways to experience things.


Originally posted by wobbleone

beetle racing is amazing, any chance we could see racing system build up around them, be it festival or something similair to adventures but with multiple people?


Originally posted by korarex

Once, a person in gw2 map chat told he's game dev of ArenaNet and everyone asked a lot of questions.

I still have got just one question since I'm not even sure if it was really a dev, not a fake.

I'm not into reddit, communities or questions.

Right now, I've finally got a chance to know the truth. Please, feed me with long term promises at least.

So my only question is:

"Will I ever get a chance to play as a tengu?"

Because gw2 and wiki info are not enough at all.

I wish one day I will be finally able to play as a "bird-person" in my favourite game - in Guild Wars 2.

(Or at least in any other good game in this world?)

Thanks for the best game ever. Wish you all the best, dear ArenaNet <3

Adding new playable races is a huge task, and one I can in no way even begin to hint at. Within the domain of things I could add to my suggestion list (which is probably years-long already), would you settle for a Tengu combat tonic?


Originally posted by inkthedink

Do you guys / gals at Anet have a cadence of sorts like you do for fractals?

Raids and Fractals are the same team working on two different products. Our cadence is currently integrated with Living World episode releases. You'll see the next raid before the next fractal, as that is how we have staggered development.


Originally posted by LissGin

With the new mount having been released and new mount skins eventually being released for it my question is as follows: If a beetle skin comes for a preexisting bundle (wintersday or Halloween for example) will people that already own that bundle unlock it at release; or will they have to buy the bundle again or maybe even buy it as a standalone skin?

Since the launch of the roller beetle, we’ve seen some players asking whether we’ll update previously-released mount skin packs, such as the Branded Mounts Pack or the recently released Awakened Mounts Pack, to include roller beetle skins. We will not be retroactively adding the roller beetle to previously released mount packs, but we will provide options for roller beetle skins in the Gem Store and will provide details in the future.


Originally posted by iPenguin_

Are there any plans to address concerns with the new Beetle mount regarding how it's endurance bar starts empty instead of full unlike the other mounts? It's a bit of a pain to say, want to smash through a wall, mount up on your beetle, and then have to wait roughly 10 seconds for that bar to fill.

Regarding the wall smashing specifically, it is currently planned to add this behavior to the engage skill as well.


Originally posted by tryhardarchitect

Kudos to the success of the beetle mount, it truely feels awesome to use, and the collections felt very rewarding! My only question is, what was the intent of the charge time when you first mount the beetle? It feels a bit awkward to wait around for 15 seconds in order to zoom around.

One of the design requirements I was given for the beetle was that it not displace other mounts for everyday short distance travel needs. Short of cutting the top speed of the beetle, which I considered a non-viable solution, starting the mount in a state where it couldn't immediately boost was the best compromise. The zero to full charge time was tuned to be about right for the delay between successive boosts, and from internal testing with stakeholders it was decided that it was also the correct delay before boosting after mounting up. Now that the mount has been live for a bit and players have had time to use it extensively, I've been comparing player experiences with our own internal notes. While I can't promise anything, it's possible there are some ways to soften the pain points of using the beetle while still keeping the other mounts desirable.


Originally posted by holymonkseal

In this episode we had nice CC mechanic at the last boss. It seemed that you wanted to incentivise players to... learn about that if they hadn't already.

So my question is - have you guys thought about adding CC tutorials in lower level maps? Like clams from draconic mons heart, ie.

I answered a similar question at the link below, but the short version is yes, it's something that's on my mind but no solid work has happened yet.


Originally posted by BunnyisCthulhu

I'm just posting that the final cutscene for the episode was amazingly done, I really loved the animation in it. Great work, guys! :)

Thanks it means a lot to see the fans enjoying the cinematics so much! A lot of work was put into them!


Originally posted by TJPoobah

Specifically designed beetle racetrack with ramps for jumps and corners for drifting (along with the standard race event with checkpoints and such) when?

Not immediately, though this is something I want as much as you do. I want to make sure we do it right though - I love seeing all of the player-created race courses in the meantime!


Originally posted by CaesarBritannicus

What was the main technical change which delayed the episode? Was it relating to mounts, the cutscene, or something else entirely?

There wasn't one issue, it was many. We were still making balance changes to the mount, the cutscenes were still being polished, we had game breaking bugs in instances and in some of the events, and as a whole the team felt that the content wasn't good enough to ship.


Originally posted by manumotate

Hello Mike and Team,

  • You said in the forums that you guys had some opportunities to make some adjustments on how to approach developing each episode that will help hit your quality standards more consistently. Do you have any insight on what are those new adjustments?
  • Do you guys plan on making adjustments to the Gandarra Meta event? the biggest issue i have with this event is that we are unable to fully explore the city.
  • On the 1st episode of LS3, we got some information on how the team were structured for the next expansion, is it possible to give us similar information on how is ANet structured ?


1) A lot of what we were doing was to change how we were developing content and when we were syncing with the teams at large. The stories that we are telling are complicated enough that when you span across multiple teams that are all in flight at the same time in different parts of the production process, it meant that sometimes things were getting missed, or we had to course correct on things fairly late in development and it was painful for teams to adjust. This episode specifically lost time due to these types of corrections that forced us to look at the scope of the episode. When teams review their content with leads and directors has also changed to allow the team better visibility in to how their work is progressing and how their content lines up with the teams before and after them.

B) There are discussions happening about changes we can make, nothing that I can announce yet. Part of the reason why you can't explore the entire city was because of the time necessary ...

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Originally posted by Heartsure

Quite a few questions, will appreciate if any are answered:

  1. Any plans to do something about the LFG and Dailies sections bloating with each additional map? Maybe just how the achievement panel works in general and things getting really long (story journal section, etc. . . .)

  2. Will raids ever be a non-living world release? I'm not really asking about specific dates here, but moreso whether you're considering just releasing a raid when it's ready instead of holding for an episode release.

  3. Are fractal reworks still a thing? Any info on this would be much appreciated.

I can at least answer #3:

Fractal reworks are still a thing for us, absolutely. For minor tweaks, we do them as there is time, then find a suitable window to bundle them up for shipping. The larger reworks take more time and effort to design and then get through the approvals process. Ben is working on a redesign for a couple fractals that need to be brought up to current standards right now, actually.


Originally posted by [deleted]

As it stands, a lot of of the space in Lost Precipice is unused. The art assets are gorgeous, but they aren't ideal for decorating either. A lot are out of reach from waypoint, and there's just... nothing there.

Has there ever been consideration what to do with this empty space in guild halls?

Was Lost Precipice always a guild hall, or were the "unused" sections of it once intended for something else, like a normal map?

Lost Precipice was always a guild hall. I don’t know exactly which space you are referring too, however there is definitely way more space in the original two guild halls than was strictly necessary. Part of this space was to give us room for future unknown features. Part of it was for stretch goals that we ended up not having time for. And part of it, I’m sure, was just the map designer having fun.