Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Originally posted by niacinee

W3 is still bugged. Not only Xera, KC is behaving weirdly (more than usual). Like, we reached 66% and instead of starting orb phase, it started jumping, creating the donut...

There were some (much needed) QoL changes and bug fixes queued up to go out for a standard patch in July that were accidentally merged into this last Episode release, all of which were untested and not yet ready for Live. As you can see, that's introduced some new issues while also resolving some others. It's a shame because I was super excited to finally address all of that player feedback.

Presently we have disabled the Xera encounter entirely since that encounter is completely unbeatable.

The plan now is to do ...

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Originally posted by Ganreon

Still no Kourna Portal Scroll fix :(

A fix is coming for this. We kept today's build as small as possible to prevent additional risk of potentially trying to fix a fix, and tried to focus on things that would have broad impact going into the weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience.

28 Jun


Originally posted by MovieTrailerReply

Unfortunately that is not what he is talking about. OP is likely referring to the Naturalist’s Crest part of The Gandaran Service Medal achievement. It requires for the Thorn Event to have failed before you can "Regrow" the Vine wall.

Ah ... okay. Thanks for the clarification :)


If you're talking about the "Thorny Predicament" Daily, fail-and-regrow is not a requirement. In order to increment this, you simply have to participate in the event.

27 Jun


The bewildering glory of content changes shipping early. We have a fix queued up. Same for the KC bugs regarding statue projections. Waiting game for hotfix. I'm not sure what else to say except sorry folks :(



Originally posted by thraage

It would be really nice if we could use mounts in w1-4 the same as w5, so we can move around faster outside combat. Also, it would be nice to have the functionality of the portable magnetite vendor extended to work as a portable gaeting vendor, or at least unlock that functionality with voice in the void achievements.

I'd like to enable mounts in the old wings, actually. The reason we haven't is because we don't have the map art resources to dedicate to making the appropriate changes to the map, followed by the QA time to test it. It's on the "when we have resources" list.

26 Jun



Originally posted by Sejsel

Not only are the statues at KC sometimes appearing too soon and can merge during this time, they also continue spawning after KC is killed. Fun.

This issue has been resolved internally, but will not be able to be hotfixed until later.


Originally posted by Alexander-Youngblood


I appreciate this thread's Vervearach.



Originally posted by iupboken

You might have also broken xera compleately, the bubble doesnt work

That should be fixed in the next hotfix later today. Build is spinning now.



Originally posted by trisscar1212

Gonna ring in and say thanks for this. I know it shipped early and you probably wanted to refine things, and I assume refinements will happen, but this is a great quality of life feature especially for newer people to raids. Yes, for people who have done these fights often or can pick these mechanics up quickly, it probably isn't a big deal, but for someone who often leads a teaching raid, the amount of times I have to point out to someone that they have a mechanic because I am used to looking for it and they aren't yet happens often.

But for those people that just want a cleaner look, a toggle seems like it would be the best solution. And then, as a raid leader, I can tell the people learning to make sure it is toggled on!

Thanks for the feedback! I will see if we can get a feature like that implemented.



Originally posted by Pacman110

Alright. Thanks for the clarification! Also one statue spawned after we killed KC. Which was a bit strange :)

That is strange indeed. I'll look into that as well.


Originally posted by sovest555

And deep down, we appreciate the effort, Rubi.

Hopefully that fix does not take too long though. Many of us want to do some Roller Beetle Racing after all. :)

I want MY rollerbeetle too!


Originally posted by sovest555

At least ANet is trying to quell our mob mentality.

We've been insanely excited for you to get your hands on this update and we're all really anxious for you to play. There's not much I can do personally besides let you know that we're still working on it, but I may as well offer up something interesting while I'm at it.


This is so beautiful!


Originally posted by McToasty24

So are Sunken Chests still broken? :( *EDIT They are fixed per Mike Zadorojny below :D.

This should be fixed with the build. The release note missed the appropriate window and will be in the late note sections. Sorry for the confusion!


Do I have your permission to make this my desktop background?


Can confirm that there will be a post coming soon. We need to get it finalized and localized and postedized... Its full of a bunch of stuff I've previously talked about in various places but this will get all the info into one location for easy discussion. Not sure on the exact date of the post but it will be soon.

25 Jun


Originally posted by riddlemore

Why then and not tomorrow?

This was a recent fix, so it wasn't ready in time for the June 26th release.


We have a fix going out with our July 10th release that will correct the issue impacting map loading screens.

Originally posted by der_RAV3N

Level Up Cheats should be able to opened instantly when they don't have a choice in them.

Hah, yeah, this is one of the contentious ones. The level up chests (even the ones that don't have a choice) are also chock full of useful tutorial information. Information that any player on a second run-through will already know, but could be crucial for a new player. Unfortunately, it would take a bit more in-depth approach to address this correctly, so it won't be on the short list of "just white-list it". Sorry! Maybe one day...