Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

31 Jul


Originally posted by Agsded

It just happened again on IP 34:234:14:30. Cannons broke the pillar the Claw is clinging to, and his health drops to 75% on the UI for the meta, but the Claw stays up there on the broken pillar invulnerable at 100% health attacking 'til the timer runs out and the map closes.

What you're talking about is a different bug than the one the OP mentioned but I thank you for bringing up that one too!


Hello, just a heads up this should be fixed on Live now! (:

30 Jul

29 Jul

28 Jul

27 Jul

24 Jul


Originally posted by Awilixy

Thank you for compiling these notes! The tank concept doodles are modern works of art!

Thank you <3


Originally posted by molokodude

Honestly Nick thank you, it's extremely refreshing to have a good reason to turn into guild chat, I've skipped basically all of the last few years. If we get you more regularly i'll constantly be tuning in. It felt very good and refreshing hearing a dev speak that didnt just feel hand wavey"I MADE THIS", but going into quality depth was such a breath of fresh air a large portion of streams lack.

Hey, thank you so much for the kind words!

While I appreciate them, I think that it's also important to note that there have actually been quite a few really amazing and in-depth guild chats within the past year (at least)! If you liked the dev talk aspects of this one, I recommend going back through a few of the previous ones on our YouTube channel and checking them out.

There's quite a few (including a couple of others I've been in) that give examples like the ones I did today. One in particular goes really in depth into how the Drakkar world boss was built and it's really amazing. I'll link it below just in case you're interested. (:

Drakkar Guild Chat: ...

Read more

This is amazing! Thank you so much for doing this. (:

22 Jul


Hello again for a final update. All the auctions are now over and we've raised over $1,300! I'm honestly blown away by how great the response has been to this! I'm going to be adding in a personal contribution so that the final donation can be an even $1,500. I have to wait for the funds to clear from eBay/PayPal, but I'll post something on Twitter once I make the donation.

THANK YOU AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO BID, RETWEETED, OR SAID SOMETHING NICE AND ENCOURAGIND. I hope I have an opportunity to do something like this again in the future.

21 Jul


Originally posted by mainly_maeve

Those last 10 minutes were cutthroat! 😂

My phone was exploding, haha! Very cool how much demand there was. I was afraid the whole thing would be a big dud, but it's outdone my expectations by a mile.