Originally posted by iopish
it is a level of difficulty that we haven't prepared many of our players to tackle.
I sincerely hope you're still checking replies. This here is a fundamental issue that needs addressing imo. The game doesn't do ANYTHING to prepare people for harder content. It doesn't even teach how to CC, or what your average dps is like compared to others. Difficulty spike upon entering instanced group content, or, heck, even expansion maps, is so huge that it segments people into roughly two categories: one will ragequit, avoid harder content forever and optionally take it to the forums, the other one will actually look to self-improve. I've got a feeling that the game cultivates and encourages the first type of player constantly. We need to change that. Growing and learning should be introduced as another, naturally fun thing to do. You want a unified playerbase anyway. Currently the two player categories are literally hostile towards each other.
I'm always watching ;)
I hear your frustrations, but let's try to stay away from hyperbole. The game definitely can improve in how it educates players in regards to it's various systems, I think that everyone can agree on.
How we improve that educative process is where the challenge lies, and it's something I know many designers think about regularly. There are lots of ideas on how to do so, and we try to figure out where in our content we can do things that ask players to engage with systems they may not be familiar with.
Since we're talking about Drakkar and world bosses here, if you look at Drakkar's overall encounter it focused on three encounter principles: General Organization, CC (Break Bars), and Optimal DPS. And, since you pointed out break bars as a pain point, let's talk about those.
The break bar requirements are easy to see: Drakkar needs to be broken to progress the fight past the shield phase, and the champs can be broken to turn off s...
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