Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

23 Jun


Originally posted by StepW

As far as I understand you were a big part of getting the original Bash the Dragon recording and arrangement done... So right back at you!

Thanks a million for dropping by!!

Yes indeed! Former game designer Matthew Moore wrote the original music and lyrics, and then I played mandolin, guitar, tambourine, and sang on it with the help of a bunch of folks around the studio. I love that it still has a life of its own all these years later, so thank you for putting this together!

11 Jun


It was a pleasure. Thanks for the sendoff. And to answer someone's question below. Yes, I'll still be in the game, yes I can keep playing. But I was happy to get a raid in while I still had my tag.

07 Jun


Originally posted by dank_galv

Who’s your favorite?

I'm neutral on who wins. I just want good matches!


Can't wait to see the finals!

05 Jun


Originally posted by xanterra

Thanks to /u/maclaine for following through on getting the team to manually enable the download feature on every file after people commented on it

You're very welcome!

03 Jun

01 Jun

31 May


Originally posted by Namondwe

Fun fact this is what it sounds like in development too. They revealed in S4 they have a TTS bot (maybe even the same one) to read it out so they can time out when voicelines have to trigger.

Can confirm, the robovoice you hear in this clip sounds exactly like the one we hear during development. :-P

30 May

Originally posted by zerofake

Which is pretty useful but uh, they should probably make it clear what option takes you where

28 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes it is, sorry! Added a warning. :)


This is the work of one of our sound designers, Chris! You may know him from such classics as "Joko's Scarab Wall" and "Lead Vocals on 'Fer Naw This Evenin.'" He actually made a behind the scenes video for a few people in the studio and it's on Vimeo!

As Sedric pointed out... don't be fooled by the quiet assets near the beginning. It loud.

27 May

Whoops! Good catch. I missed a thing. Fix coming soon (TM).

P.S. I've got a fever. And the only cure. Is more replay turnabout for achievements.


Originally posted by Matthic

I was already a bit scared that this was due to my graphics card and/or fan. I am, so far, not experiencing any problems in other applications. I will clean the fans, maybe buy a cooler too. Would you recommend anything else?

Not that I can think of. But you can also open an in-game support ticket and our CS folks may have some additional recommendations. -K