Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by ijohno

Um, my only question is... how do did you guys lose a city? :(

ecto gambling...


Originally posted by wheadna

One of the things I loved most about the original game was the details of the dynamic events - how almost every NPC persisted in between events and how the state of the map changed around them as they succeeded or failed.

With Path of Fire it seems that there are very few long chain events, the state of the world is often identical whether they succeed or fail, and rather than move and reset organically, NPCs tend to run a short distance and despawn when events finish.

What were the reasons for moving away from the deeper style of event? It makes me so sad to see that one of the things I've always loved most about this game seems to not be as much of a part of it any more.

There are still NPCs who persist between event and follow a chain of events. The chain to open augury rock, another to the Deadhouse both affect player access to those locations. Those involve NPCs that tie the events together. But it's true that those are on a smaller scale than HoT event chains.

One thing to keep mindful of in trying to make a world filled with active events, is that having too many chained events means only some of those events can be active at a time. So it's a balance.

Originally posted by void2258

  • Will we ever see new guild missions and content outside of guild halls? Even if it's just "run X bounties in the desert"?
  • Will we see fixes to the randomization of guild missions so we don't get the same missions, bounties, etc. on subsequent weeks?
  • Will we see new guild rewards?
  • Will we see new guild world events (ala the ability to trigger teq or triple trouble on demand)? Guild only world events?
  • Will guild rewards ever be adjusted to remove the dependence on individual players running Dragon Stand repeatedly (the Crystalline ore costs)? These never really made sense since running DS as a guild is almost impossible due to how the reset works and also running DS as much as is needed for the current reward set is pretty ludicrous.

We don't have a guild content team, so as to the "will we ever..." questions, we have no official plans there.

You may recall that one of my goals as GD was to have fewer dev teams, with more staffing for each team, so that we could be more consistent in the things deliver. My thought is: is you play because you enjoy what we've been shipping, then you should enjoy what we're going to be shipping next. We laid down a clear path in Season Three and that's the path we're continuing to follow.

We do have passionate devs who sometimes work in their spare time. But again, nothing currently in development.



Originally posted by eloniansandeel

Hi there, Arenanet Devs! I made an account just to ask this little lore question, seeing as it has caused over five pages of debate on the GW2RP forums. I don't really expect an answer, and honestly someone might have beaten me to this, but I figured what the hell.

How common would the usage of these griffons as a mount be to the average Elonian lower/middle class citizen? Nobles? Outlanders? If the Elonian griffons are uniquely rare, is it possible that large specimens of other griffon species could be used as a mount (in theory) more commonly?

Mountable griffons are universally rare, so the average Elonian simply doesn't have access. We made them difficult to obtain and put a big block of lore behind the acquisition of them to convey just how unusual they are for anyone who isn't at the player's level of skill and commitment. Even the richest Elonian noble would find that cold cash is not enough.

Lore-wise, it's definitely possible that there are more-accessible griffons out there that could become mounts, if trained properly, etc., but the ones we know about now are very rare and very hard to obtain.


Originally posted by tevoro

Can you confirm the presence of a statue of Joko in Anet HQ?

I didn't know how much I needed this until right now.


Originally posted by indigo121

QA team: "If you do your job right, people wont realize you've done anything at all" Working in software development, I understand the complexity of your job, and the massive responsibility to not get it wrong. We all know that some bugs and issues made it into launch, but I still want you to know that I think you did your part to help deliver one of the smoothest MMO expac launches out there. What was the funniest bug you dealt with during testing, and what was the most infuriating bug you had to help squash?

Funniest: Early on in the Domain of Vabbi map, there were issues with an event-specific Awakened NPC team that would make any NPCs on that team hostile to the Vabbian Noble team, which they were supposed to be friendly towards. But the nobles' team was not hostile in return. So you'd arrive at an outpost after this event, and see an Awakened Canid viciously beating the hell out of all these dainty nobles, who could do nothing but run around helplessly and die.

Infuriating: Chapter 2 (Blazing a Trail) has a mixture of open world and instanced story progression. Each of those can be tricky to test in multiplayer alone, but this was a single story step with both, including multiple instances that could be entered in whatever order the player preferred, one of which sets a special permanent progression on the character record (Spoiler). Tracking down a...

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Originally posted by Roogath

Hey guys! First of all, literally loving PoF so far, it feels like a love letter to GW2 and even GW1 veterans <3 Thank you guys so much!

For I suppose anyone really on the Story Team; I'm a prospective writer, looking to break into the world of writing as part of a team for group projects including video games, tabletop books (D&D / Warhammer etc). My question is, what do such teams look for when seeking to hire, and what aspects of my personal work / portfolio should be worked on in order to impress such teams? Its my dream job, but I've found information regarding this career path to be shockingly sparce; so I thought, why not ask the writers of one of my favorite ever-evolving stories? :)

Also, Praise Joko brothers and sisters! /salute

As someone who broke into the industry accidentally as a game writer, I'd say just follow your passion, keep writing, and find ways to get involved! I've run into a number of people who've asked me this same question over the years, and honestly there's a certain amount of luck involved. I personally got started while sitting in on creative development meetings as a producer. I realized I didn't just want to run meetings for story development, I wanted to DO story development, so I started taking writing classes at my local CC, signed up for online screenwriting courses, and asked if I could sit in on creative story meetings at work. I was already in the industry, so that made things easier, but I ended up having to make the difficult choice to leave my job as a producer at a big AAA company to pursue a writing role at a much smaller company, but it was the best decision I ever made!


Originally posted by Supersting

But it's coming in LS4, yeah?

Choya vs. Joko


Originally posted by Revgos

As a player from Turkey , seeing Turkic names and seeing this response made me happy !

You live in a GORGEOUS area. :D Would love to visit someday!


Originally posted by ResistanceFox

Hoping there's an animator in there somewhere, or someone close to it. :) First of all, as someone learning 3D animation, i have to say i'm in love with the mount animations, they are so interesting to look at and have so much weight and life to them! It's a real inspiration.

Now for a few questions:

-What's your favourite animation from GW2? (Mine still the rolling Asura laugh)

-In terms of animation, what's the biggest chunk of work in GW2 when it comes to making a new expansion? What was the biggest challenge. (for example, mounts, creatures, new elite spec skill animations?)

-What areas do you wish you could improve in terms of animations, but simply don't have the time to?

-Any handy tips and tricks for a starting animator trying to get into the game industry?

  • Favorite animation has to be the raptor set. Everything about the raptor I love! Also, I'm glad you like the Asura laugh. I animated that long, long ago when I used to be an animator (now I'm on the cinematics team).

  • While I was not on the animation team for the expansion (so don't quote me on this one) I would say it was probably the mount work that was the biggest chunk. Anything that will involve needing to create animation sets for every race and every gender will create a chain of work that can get massive in a hurry.

  • I can only answer this in regards to Cinematics. Right now I would like to push for more custom animation, more emotional acting both in the face and body. This becomes a time issue, but it is something I'm very passionate about and will always strive for! Time given. ;)

  • Feedback early and often! If you are working on an animation piece, always get feedback early in your process from someone who tru...

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Originally posted by ijohno

Question is for Devon - Do you guys have any plans on further developments of the Guild Hall? If so, what are some types of changes you're looking to add into the game?

Continued Guild Hall development will likely remain focused around decorations.


Originally posted by windwarrior

As a fellow programmer, what is the strangest/funniest/weirdest bug you have ever created?

My favorite thing was we kept having issues with Awakened army sizes. Sometimes the mummies would be the size of minis and another day the Junundu general mummy lady was 20 feet tall!


Originally posted by THC4k

Hey, great work on the expansion. The level of quality is just amazing. I loved the story and mounts feel great, can't wait to get my griffon.

My favorite part about those huge maps is how many little treasure caves and other secrets are hidden on the maps. I've played a lot and completed the first map 3 times already and today I still found a new place, the spider cave under the griffon rooster.

You guys really delivered a lot of fun and interesting content and I appreciate that very much. Thank you all :D

Really glad that you are enjoying it. We appreciate you all playing! Thank you! :)


Originally posted by -GrayMan-

What is one thing you guys wanted to add with Path of Fire but couldn't find the place or room to?

A Choya themed map with a Choya city and a Choya Emperor with a Choya army and...


Originally posted by Stormdancer

It's interesting that none of the human NPCs seem to react at all to Charr, Sylvari and Asura suddenly showing up in their midst. Are there plans to add more racial-awareness to the NPCs? It seems odd that they don't seem to care about this hulking beast-creature stomping up and talking with them, especially given that they were so isolated from all the events of the north.

I know this is about PoF, but an expansion like this, where you build so many new parts of the engine, and made sweeping changes to other ones, shows that it is possible, and to great effect.

So... can we please get the town clothes returned to the same basic functionality as armor? Mix-and-match. Heck, just let us use clothing pieces as skins on armor. Anything that lets us mix and match, rather than using the one-size-fits-all approach of tonics and outfits.

Also... any chance you're exploring backporting the (awesome) new movement system for the rest of the g...

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There is the loquacious little boy at the oasis camp who can't stop asking the Asura questions.


Originally posted by Anet_ConnorF

I'll jump in for 2 about Balth, and point out that he entered the canon he was carrying his father's severed head. Humans viewed him as the god of honor, and in some ways his refusal to back away from confronting the dragons IS honorable... but he was always ruthless.

Likewise, Balth the god of war had been more or less idle since the Exodus, with very little in the way of human contact or terrestrial combat. He's a fiery god of action and he was champing at the bit for the chance to do what he was born to do (as he sees it).


Originally posted by Anet_Tirzah

For our environments we took a lot of inspiration from real life! From Turkey, Egypt, Africa to even closer locations like Bryce Canyon and high desert type landscapes. Before we started building our environments I built a collage of a bunch of images to get a "look and feel" for the location:

And we can't forget our amazing concept artists who supplied us with great fantastical ideas and color palettes too. :)


Originally posted by SpoonsAreEvil

Are there any plans to introduce barrier to core classes?

We’re excited about the new barrier mechanic, but are still wary of its placement. Yes, we have some places we want to inject barrier in core specs. An example here would be the ele’s Conjure Earth Shield, whose rework was delayed until barrier was released in POF.

Overall, we’re still in conversation as to where it should go and which professions would get it, in what capacity. As an example: Guardian is controversial in this regard because it’s got a lot of support through hard mitigation and damage reduction, and adding yet another defensive mechanism may muddy its theme.


Originally posted by deathbotly

  1. The new maps look great, and I love them all dearly (I can't wait to try and 100% all of them once I get the jackal! ... I'm slow). Were there any especially important artistic inspirations that led to the designs we see?
  2. I've always been curious. I've never actually been in an MMO where you can just bump into them in-game, on reddit, etc. but I've frequently seen them in this game -- and well, obviously, here. Do you have any big limits on what you're allowed to do or say to the players?

For our environments we took a lot of inspiration from real life! From Turkey, Egypt, Africa to even closer locations like Bryce Canyon and high desert type landscapes. Before we started building our environments I built a collage of a bunch of images to get a "look and feel" for the location:


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

I tend to build huge spoiler in minecraft whenever I go back onto this game I do believe this will make for a great inspiration.

Final instance spoiler below Is this what you mean by flowing color ? The sky was glorious in this instance.

Spoiler image

Yes, all the swirling effects in that scene in particular and to a lesser extent what is visible when you are running around in the non-instanced version of that area. Also, the sky in story spoiler