Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

21 Nov


Originally posted by that_red_panda

Who was behind the Playing Chicken achievement, I loved the little Zelda reference. Also, I love the character development Braham is getting right now. Really nice to get a pay off on the tension we saw forming in HoT.

Ya. Chickens rock.


Originally posted by etiolatezed

Hi. I'm not a lore person normally, but were the Svanir always supposed to be extremely dumb? The "Svanir are dumber than Grawl" dialogue bugged into unending loop on my play-thru and I realized that I never thought of the Svanir as dumb, but as sort of brooding, angry and cultish.

Is this the impact of the other dragon's having influence?

Svanir start out as normal norn but the more corrupted they become the simpler they become. Those destined to become dragon Lieutenants retain more of their intelligence.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Click on the gate while holding the torch.


Originally posted by [deleted]


One of my computers is significantly less capable than the one you describe and runs GW2 more smoothly than you describe. I would suggest sending your build to customer support.


Originally posted by [deleted]


You don't need the mastery. You can pick up the torch as soon as you're on the right story step.


Originally posted by LevEriDek

With the setup of the different working groups such as living world, fractals, raids, xpac, and etc. How has this Implementation worked out for the company? Has it created more stability towards your goals or have you had to tweak it over the months.

I think it would be impossible to work with a team this large without subdivisions. AreaNet isn't static. Our current system is working well but I'm sure that we'll come up with something more efficient in the future. We reorganize ourselves regularly.


Originally posted by BobHogan

I was pleasantly surprised to see thermal tubes make a comback in the new map. Does this mean that we can expect thermal tubes and even the new mastery (kodan's flames?) to be on each new map that is released with LWS3? If so it really makes the masteries much more meaningful as they aren't one off things that we use once and never again (cough exalted mastery line cough)

When we design a map we tend to have a meeting where we discuss which masteries fit on the map. The answer varies based on theme, opportunity, and art.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Are we going to see Kasmeer at some point? Also i really hope we will get more snow forest maps in the future

In the immortal words of River Song, "Spoilers...".


Originally posted by aotdsyndrome

What is your current position on the Revenant, and what aspects are you looking at in particular?

Slightly behind and to the left.


Originally posted by Caius_GW

What challenges are there to having skills split between the three game modes (PvE, WvW, sPvP) and maintained/balanced by the teams that handle them rather than a single skills balance team?

This is the sort of thing that's designers love talking about but it's probably not something we can cover in an ama. Catch one of us at a con, buy drinks, and prepare to have your ear talked off :)


Originally posted by Moxxie_Kaboom

Is there any chance of dyeable hair accessories by user from their unlocked dye pool? So many hairstyles unused because of limited dyes for that specific use (at least by me with my need for matchy matchy colors)

I'm loving how you guys have handled Aurene from a story and gameplay perspective. Seeing her given more character life by being a baby we comfort and teach is WONDERFUL. So much better than the cliche 'guard this trophy baby until it's useful at adulthood' or the even worse cliche of them simply going unused until adulthood. Thank you so much for giving us a part in her growing up.

Also THE BIG TREES MAKE ME SO HAPPY! OMG. I can't even express how much I love the giant evergreens in this map.

My other requests for 'want this' is storage of the different map currencies we've been introduced to there something in the works for this or will they stay in our bags?

Thanks for the suggestion on having more hair accessory dye colors available, we'll have some internal conversations on this.


Originally posted by CeciQuaggan

will we get the giant quaggan plushie decoration this wintersdayyyyy :3?

Are you the type of kid who shakes his wintersday presents to figure out what's inside?


Originally posted by Kesura

How long have the maps for the Living World season 3 been in development for? So far I've enjoyed all of them immensely due to their rich detail, and overall cool aesthetics. Were they more recent creations, something the team has kept to the side for the right moment, or a combination of both?

I'll tell Aaron (our map artist) that you like his map, thanks. It generally takes us about 6 months to make an episode. The map artist is on our team and works on the same schedule.


Originally posted by MuppetHunter01

The idea for the dragon training instance was a joint one (as most of our ideas are) but Keaven is largely responsible for the design decision that made it lovable and not irritating.

lovable and not irritating

I think I've found my new signature... Keaven - Lovable and Not Irritating.


Originally posted by BobHogan

I was pleasantly surprised to see thermal tubes make a comback in the new map. Does this mean that we can expect thermal tubes and even the new mastery (kodan's flames?) to be on each new map that is released with LWS3? If so it really makes the masteries much more meaningful as they aren't one off things that we use once and never again (cough exalted mastery line cough)

One of the design goals for a new mastery is to create it in such a way that it can be reasonably utilized in other future content drops, particularly within the same system. What you're seeing with the thermal tubes is an active effort to reward you guys for playing earlier episodes.

That said, as a designer I know how easy it is for them to get passed up especially as we continue to add more and more abilities. I can easily imagine spending a lot of time working in the older masteries. So it's a balancing act, really, between make sure we touch on the old ones while creating new masteries for you to unlock (and make them interesting). I think Koda's Flame is generalized enough to be used in the future, but it's hard to know exactly how well it will work with new designs.


Originally posted by Klikzorz1

How high is the tallest tree on new map?

Bigger than a bread box? It's hard to say but they are very large.


Originally posted by GlossGhost

I want to ask the Living World team - how fun was it to code the Aurene interactions? They are incredibly adorable and the catch game, as simple as it looks is so sweet of you to implement. I also want to ask the engine team how in the world do they manage to make such great scenery nowadays, you have become way better at this, haven't you, someone has had a lot of fun there too. Great job, the map is absolutely fantastic. Keep bringing us great content.

I'm glad to hear you liked playing catch with Aurene :D


Originally posted by Alreid

Are you even considering to release at any given time QoL features like : Build Templates .. destroy all sigils/runes .. better management of runes/sigils in gear(I mean, being able to switch them without destroying them and losing tons of gold) ?

Also just wanted to say, who had the idea of us training a dragon ? Eheheh

One More thing .. I'm loving the pace of the content right now .. I play MMOS for a while, never I remember seeing one which releases content (and good one) at a speed like this. Is it having negative effects on the devs team? Too much pressure ? Are they getting burnt out ? Or are they just warming up for the xpac xD ?

I haven´t had time to explore the new map, looks fun as heck, so excuse me I have something to do :D

The idea for the dragon training instance was a joint one (as most of our ideas are) but Keaven is largely responsible for the design decision that made it lovable and not irritating.


Originally posted by ByEthanFox

Hey there, with all the positive comments I hate posting about a bug, but we had a problem earlier.

The two of us were playing the "precocious Aurene" mission. On the segment where we had to guide Vigil soldiers to the other side of the room, when we got to the final soldier, Aurene had "tagged" them (i.e. interacting said "Aurene is helping this soldier") but Aurene was stood, motionless. She wasn't dead or anything, she just wasn't moving and as the soldier was following her, we had to quit the instance and come back in.

Not a BIG deal but I thought I'd mention it.

I will take a look at that this afternoon. Thanks for bringing it up.


Originally posted by windwarrior

To the raid team, bosses are obviously tuned up and down during development.

Did any of you ever came up with such an rage-inducing mechanic that you had to stop it from shipping?I might like hard bosses

...and you have successfully guessed the definition of the title "Game Designer" :)