Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by Ixillius

1) The raptor mini collection was pretty cool which made me wonder if there is any chance of seeing the fire and ice skins as usable legendary mount skins?


3) Much like ember bay's skulls, Desolation's mouth of torment has strange faces crawling their way out of the centre. Image What drives the land to take these forms and will it ever be tied to the story in any meaningful way?

4) Since PoF is a bit more demanding, what would be the best option for people upgrading? Going the route of i7700k or the newer CPU's...

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Originally posted by indigo121

QA team: "If you do your job right, people wont realize you've done anything at all" Working in software development, I understand the complexity of your job, and the massive responsibility to not get it wrong. We all know that some bugs and issues made it into launch, but I still want you to know that I think you did your part to help deliver one of the smoothest MMO expac launches out there. What was the funniest bug you dealt with during testing, and what was the most infuriating bug you had to help squash?

I think one of the funniest I remember is when we were first testing the introduction of a mount hotkey, if you hit it quickly enough it would spawn a second mount and send it flying across the map. The bug included a gif of us rapid firing raptors across the desert. :)

For infuriating, I'd have to say anything with a low enough repro rate that we had to have 50 people on a map just to get steps to narrow it down. :P

Originally posted by UniqueError

That explains a lot. I really like all the mounts myself.

Thanks! I love them all too. The mounts team did a huge amount of iteration on controls to get each mount feeling just right. They're a team of perfectionists and it shows. :)



Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

Loved the expansion so far, the only downside I found was that I feel like I completed most of what was new quite quickly compared to HoT but since LW4 is coming quickly that doesn't feel like a real problem to me. In other words, amazing work guys !

Now onto the question.

What's the thing you had the most fun working on for this expansion ?

And what's the biggest technical challenge you faced that you can talk about ?

The most fun I had was Story spoiler

In terms of technical challenges, we all spent a fair amount of time getting the flowing color effects in the sky to be the way we wanted in the Domain of Vabbi and various story instances.


Originally posted by MylianMoonstar

When is Lyssa coming into play? She is such a hidden, powerful figure that surely she and the other Gods will have more in Season 4?

I can't comment on S4 but I can say that as far as we know, the gods are gone from Tyria for good. But I also share your fascination with Lyssa--she's contradiction in divine form.


Originally posted by Fritanga

Will there be a continuation of the Rift Stabilizer side story?

Will we see halloween come to Amnoon?

Can we find new and exciting ways to further praise Joko?

Since Joko has so much love, you could start your own religion around Joko, just like the Jedi religion. Might have some tax benefits too.


Originally posted by silvermember

Hello balance team.

Are there any near term changes for the weaver specialization, especially for the sword and barrier skills? To me, while the class feels nice, the weapon damage and barrier are too low for a squish spec.

The weaver is a nice spec.

There are a few changes being looked into for the Weaver, to improve some damage numbers with Sword. Barrier numbers overall have been balanced So that it’s a boost of survivability, but not the primary source of it. We’ve experienced periods of godlike weaver survivability (internally) due to barriers being too strong, so we’ll be careful with any increases. We’ll continue to monitor the numbers, analytics and feedback, but for right now we’re holding them where they are until the sword damage numbers shake out.


Originally posted by ian421

Can you talk about the programming side of things a bit?

  • What source control do you use? What is it like collaborating on a game?

  • What languages/frameworks are used? Why were they chosen?

  • What are some things that you didn't expect to be a really hard but ended up being really challenging to program?

Edit : Formatting

Glint was Kralkatorrik's champion, Vlast and Aurene were Glint's scions.

Vlast was always intended to be a tragic character, and that sense of missed opportunity (not getting to know him better) is part of the tragedy.

Originally posted by Doom_Box

The Guild Wars 1 servers have been extremely laggy lately, almost to the point where it’s unplayable.

The issue usually comes when you alt-tab out of the game while in an explorable area. When you tab back in your character and NPCs start rubber banding across the whole map and it doesn’t go away.

Other people I have been playing with have also reported the issue. It happens when leaving from both American and European districts.

Is there anything that can be done about this?

We're migrating to a new datacenter in Europe that should have better peering, thus more consistent connectivity. Stephen, our studio technical director, just spun up new servers there last night. So try today?


Originally posted by sa1330

@Trevor Bennett Any possebilities that bounties will come in ls4 maps or old core tyria maps? I enjoy the system a lot in my casual gw2 free time.

Sorry about asking on future releases.

That's going to be up to those content teams. I can say that my intention was for it to be easy to plug into future content, I'll have to leave you in suspense if things worked out as planned!


Originally posted by miniatureian

Mounts team -

Thanks for making the mounts drive like dump trucks, the entire feel is great, like we're actually mounted. How do you feel having mounts affects Central Tyria aka map completion?

The Zephyrite movement system is quite fun, seems like it took some effort to develop, but is limited to three places. I thought it was limited to these to minimize taking shortcuts in other maps, but mounts open up similar ways to travel. Did you play with using the Aspect movement system in more of the game (additional maps, as a Zepherite mount, or in the next xpac)?

Appreciate the kind words about mounted movement, we think so too! Making the mounts feel like real creatures was one of the pillars of our design.

We're actually excited about seeing players enjoy mounts in the rest of the open world. For those of us where map completion is a means to an end (I'm looking at you, legendary weapons...), mounts could be quite the boon :)

It wasn't long into development for mounts when we decided we'd have to include them in the open world, just like we ended up doing with gliding. We hope you all enjoy the freedom of mounting up most anywhere just as much as us.


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

Loved the expansion so far, the only downside I found was that I feel like I completed most of what was new quite quickly compared to HoT but since LW4 is coming quickly that doesn't feel like a real problem to me. In other words, amazing work guys !

Now onto the question.

What's the thing you had the most fun working on for this expansion ?

And what's the biggest technical challenge you faced that you can talk about ?

I personally really enjoyed trying to find ways to callback to GW1 and also to refer back to the events of Edge of Destiny, which happened offscreen, so to speak.

Getting everything right for the epic scene in the library was my personal challenge. It wasn't so much a technical challenge as much as it was a lot of coordinating with our awesome artists Tirzah Bauer and Phil Hunter to get everything right, and making sure that effect or this animation played exactly when it was supposed to and seamlessly transitioned to the next.


Originally posted by Chiorydax

Got a few here...

  • The PoF promotional artwork for Balthazar really reminds me of the Transfomers G1 Movie designs for Unicron and Wreck-Gar. Is there any chance someone pulled inspiration from those?

  • When Spoilers. Is that simply a design choice or should we be reading into that?

  • You guys did a great job making the maps fun and nostalgic, but is there any area you would have liked to develop even deeper if it had been possible?

  • I remember seeing the interview where you guys mentioned having a grand plan for GW2 in terms of the huge story steps. So I'm curious, how far back have you been specifically planning to make Balthazar the rogue god?


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I would have loved to dive deeper into the Hidden City of Ahdashim or just build more Djinn cities/temples. I never tire of building magical floating cities xD


Originally posted by MyPatronusIsABigCake

Loved the expansion so far, the only downside I found was that I feel like I completed most of what was new quite quickly compared to HoT but since LW4 is coming quickly that doesn't feel like a real problem to me. In other words, amazing work guys !

Now onto the question.

What's the thing you had the most fun working on for this expansion ?

And what's the biggest technical challenge you faced that you can talk about ?

One of the things I enjoyed working on was trying to create memorable characters in the open world. The kids at First Camp are part of a family that has had some loss, so has Jingo. Giving the Followers of Ascension a motive why they seeking it. And how the last survivings sunspears still try to fight the good fight. Refering back to the GW1 characters in some way in the Desolaiton, that was really satisfying as well.

And finally as one who helped layout the worldmap for Tyria and Elona, just matching up some of the locations, and trying to show what became of them 250 years later. Not too many times you get to revisit areas that you worked on a decade later.


Originally posted by LordDankus

Who is your favorite hero and why is it Palawa Joko?

Praise Joko


Originally posted by nickname6

Currently you can't use mounts while beeing transformed (Embiggening, Minature, Watchknight, Kodan). Is a change for this on the table or will this stay for sure?

This will likely stay. We currently don't really really have different classifications of transforms(they are used in all sorts of ways across the game) and a lot of them that would be cause issues or balance concerns if we let you mount and remove the transform.


Originally posted by [deleted]


One way story development changed from HoT to PoF was that in HoT, we started with a stable list of locations we wanted to visit, in the order we wanted to visit them. For PoF, we gave ourselves a lot more leeway to pick and choose the places we would go to support the story as it unfolded. And it's not like there was a shortage of awesome places to consider in the desert region...


Originally posted by [deleted]


Re: moments during story development when we had to rework stuff, we actually were re-working the story constantly to the point we were giving ourselves anxiety attacks. Spoiler So to answer your question more directly, the last six months were full of "aw crap, we need to redo/address/change this moment" XD


Originally posted by ImNotBeyonce

What was the weirdest bug that happened during development?

First off, there were many bugs that fit the bill of weird, and oftentimes funny (don't know if you had the chance to check out the mounts blooper reel from the Mounts Guild Chat).

One of my personal favorites was when I was playing Spellbreaker and I happened to mount up when the Bladestorm animation was still finishing. My character was permanently stuck in the sweeping animation he was making with the dagger, only without the dagger! This animation continued while mounted, and wouldn't go away even when I used a dev kill command on myself (in which case, I was a dead body, still animating the sweeping dagger attack from the waist up). Pretty funny stuff :)

Originally posted by UniqueError

What made you decide to somewhat "sneak in" the gryphon mount into the expansion instead of straight up announcing it? Is it the potential flak from the playerbase that made you do it like this?

"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well."

We announced a lot in advance, but we held back some things to preserve that sense of discovery on release day.
